Automotive > Alternative_Fuels_7
4417.pdf - Pages: 15 - Ethanol Program External Review Panel Report","14"
4418.pdf - Pages: 10 - Terrestrial Biomass Feedstock Interface Program External Review Panel Report
4419.pdf - Pages: 43 - Evaluation of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes for Ethanol Production: The Xylan Delignification Process (XDP)
4453.pdf - Pages: 174 - Support Services to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
4474.pdf - Pages: 55 - Final Report for NREL Subcontract XAC-5-15162-01
4475.pdf - Pages: 37 - Catalyst Lifetime Testing for Methanol Syngas Conditioning
4493.pdf - Pages: 15 - Effects of the 1 psi RVP Waiver on the Refining Value of Ethanol as Gasoline Blendstock and Etherification Feedstock
4494.pdf - Pages: 16 - Effects of DIPE Production Economics on the Refining Value of Ethanol as GAsoline Blendstock and Etherification Feedstock
4495.pdf - Pages: 24 - The Refining Value of Ethanol in PADD 2 as Gasoline Blendstock and Etherification Feedstock
4496.pdf - Pages: 20 - The Value of Ethanol as Feedstock for ETBE Blended in California RFG
4500.pdf - Pages: 32 - Preparation of Four Biomass-Derived Transportation Fuels for Fuel Suitability Evaluation
4501.pdf - Pages: 49 - Development of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes
4503.pdf - Pages: 105 - Screening Study for Sawmill Waste Biomass-to-Ethanol Production Facility
4504.pdf - Pages: 19 - Life Cycle Assessment of Biodiesel
4533.pdf - Pages: 40 - Development of Optimal Process Conditions for Fungal Cellulase Production
4534.pdf - Pages: 23 - Feasibility of Reducing Costs of Liquid Fuels and Electricity from Dedicated Biomass Feedstocks and Waste-to-Resource Management in California.
4535.pdf - Pages: 8 - Economic Development Through Biomass Systems Integration in Central Florida
4536.pdf - Pages: 89 - Establish Medium Requirements for High Yield Ethanol Production from Xylose by Existing Xylose-Fermenting Microorganisms
4537.pdf - Pages: 13 - Effects of Ambient Environment on the Storage of Switchgrass for Biomass to Ethanol and Thermochemical Fuels
4539.pdf - Pages: 31 - Development of Aspen Plus Model of Biomass-to-Ethanol Process
4540.pdf - Pages: 71 - Assessment of Information Management Practices for the Biofuels Systems Division
4543.pdf - Pages: 4 - Sugar Platform (The Bioenergy Initiative Approach)
4557.pdf - Pages: 10 - U.S. Patent -- Expression of Enzymes Involved in Cellulose Modification
4561.pdf - Pages: 6 - Bioethanol Production using Enzymatic Processes: 20 Year Economic Outlook
4563.pdf - Pages: 6 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4567.pdf - Pages: 30 - Ethanol Tax Incentives and Issues
4575.pdf - Pages: 90 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4575a.pdf - Pages: 2 -
4575b.pdf - Pages: 2 -
4576.pdf - Pages: 42 - Process Design and Cost Estimation for Cellulase Production Equipment
4588.pdf - Pages: 8 - Frequently Asked Questions about the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Program
4597.pdf - Pages: 6 - Research Brief
4598.pdf - Pages: 20 - Volume 4:00 Potential Ground and Surface Water Impacts; Chapter 6:00 Environmental Transport and Fate of Fuel Hydrocarbon Alkylates
4643.pdf - Pages: 7 - Identification of Inhibitory Components in Dilute Acid Pretreated Lignocellulosic Materials
4644.pdf - Pages: 16 - Combustion Properties of Lignin Residue from Lignocellulose Fermentation
4645.pdf - Pages: 32 - Air Quality and GHG Emissions Associated with Using Ethanol in Gasoline Blends
4646.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels News Volume 3, Number 1 Spring/Summer 200
4647.pdf - Pages: 10 - Accumulation of a thermostable endo-1,4-B-D-glucanase in the apoplast of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves
4648.pdf - Pages: 42 - Softwood Extractives: Recovery and Characterization
4649.pdf - Pages: 196 - Alternative Feedstocks Program Technical and Economic Assessment: Thermal/Chemical and Bioprocessing Components
4684.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #1 -- Standard Method for Determination of Total Solids in Biomass
4685.pdf - Pages: 12 - LAP Procedures #2 -- Determination of Carbohydrates in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
4686.pdf - Pages: 14 - LAP Procedures #3 -- Determination of Acid-Insoluble Lignin in Biomass
4687.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #4 -- Determination of Acid-Soluble Lignin in Biomass
4688.pdf - Pages: 7 - LAP Procedures #5 -- Standard Method for Ash in Biomass
4689.pdf - Pages: 13 - LAP Procedures #6 -- Measurement of Cellulase Activities
4690.pdf - Pages: 17 - LAP Procedures #7 -- Preparation of Dilute-Acid Pretreated Biomass
4691.pdf - Pages: 22 - LAP Procedures #8 - SSF Experimental Protocols: Lignocellulosic Biomass Hydrolysis and Fermentation
4692.pdf - Pages: 9 - LAP Procedures #9 -- Enzymatic Saccharification of Lignocellulosic Biomass
4693.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #10 -- Standard Method for the Determination of Extractives in Biomass
4694.pdf - Pages: 11 - LAP Procedures #11 -- Determination of Ethanol Concentration in Biomass to Ethanol Fermentation Supernatants by Gas Chromatography
4695.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #12 -- Standard Test Method for Moisture, Total Solids, and Total Dissolved Solids in Biomass Slurry and Liquid Process Samples
4696.pdf - Pages: 9 - LAP Procedures #13 -- HPLC Analysis of Liquid Fractions of Process Samples for Monomeric Sugars and Cellobiose
4697.pdf - Pages: 11 - LAP Procedures #14 -- Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Procedure for Determination of Total Sugars in the Liquid Fraction of Procaess Samples
4698.pdf - Pages: 9 - LAP Procedures #15 -- HPLC Analysis of Liquid Fractions of Process Samples for Byproducts and Degradation Products
4699.pdf - Pages: 10 - LAP Procedures #16 -- Determination of Starch in Biomass Samples by Chemical Solubilization and Enzymatic Digestion
4700.pdf - Pages: 10 - LAP Procedures #17 -- Determination of O-Acyl Groups in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
4701.pdf - Pages: 10 - LAP Procedures #18 -- Determination of Insoluble Solids of Pretreated Biomass Material
4702.pdf - Pages: 21 - Rice Straw as a Lignocellulosic Resource: Collection, Processing, Transportation, and Environmental Aspects
4703.pdf - Pages: 7 - Wastewater Treatment for a Biomass-to-Ethanol Process: System Design and Cost Estimates
4704.pdf - Pages: 7 - Combustion Properties of Lignin Residue from Lignocellulose Fermentation
4715.pdf - Pages: 12 - Expression of Acidothermus cellulolyticus endoglucanase E1 in transgenic tobacco: biochemical characteristics and physiological effects
4717.pdf - Pages: 24 - Pentose Fermentation by Recombinant Zymomonas
4740.pdf - Pages: 10 - Oxidative Cracking of Precipitated Hardwood Lignin by Hydrogen Peroxide
4742.pdf - Pages: 17 - Comparative Energetics of Glucose and Xylose Metabolism in Recombinant Zymomonas mobilis
4745.pdf - Pages: 104 -
4747.pdf - Pages: 60 - Review of Market for Octane Enhancers -- Final Report
4750.pdf - Pages: 25 - Commercial Potential for Ethanol Production from Wood Residue in Montana and Idaho
4752.pdf - Pages: 22 -
4764.pdf - Pages: 91 - Corn Stover Harvest: Grower, Custom Operator, and Processor Issues and Answers
4770.pdf - Pages: 6 - Report on the Regional Biomass Energy Program's Performance Indicators
4772.pdf - Pages: 2 - Improve T.fusca Cellulases by Protein Engineering
4773.pdf - Pages: 5 - Two-stage dilute acid prehydrolysis of biomass
4774.pdf - Pages: 12 -
4775.pdf - Pages: 41 - Gene encoding acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase
4776.pdf - Pages: 22 - Recombinant Zymomonas for pentose fermentation
4777.pdf - Pages: 10 - Single Zymomonas mobilis strain for xylose and arabinose fermentation
4778.pdf - Pages: 11 - Recombinant Zymomonas for pentose fermentation
4779.pdf - Pages: 12 - Recombinant lactobacillus for fermentation of xylose to lactic acid and lactate
4780.pdf - Pages: 21 - Prehydrolysis of lignocellulose
4781.pdf - Pages: 13 -
4782.pdf - Pages: 5 - Pretreatment of high solid microbial sludges
4783.pdf - Pages: 10 - Hydrolysis and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
4784.pdf - Pages: 23 - Hydrolysis and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
4788.pdf - Pages: 263 - The Current Fuel Ethanol Industry - Transportation, Marketing, Distribution, and Technical Considerations
4789.pdf - Pages: 3 - 1999 Annual Technical Status Report
4809.pdf - Pages: 65 - BIOMASS COLLOQUIES 2000; Biomass commercialization Prospects the Next 2 to 5 years -- Biomass Colloquies 200
4811.pdf - Pages: 10 - Thermostable purified endoglucanase from thermophilic bacterium acidothermus cellulolyticus
4812.pdf - Pages: 10 -
4813.pdf - Pages: 15 -
4814.pdf - Pages: 8 - Sterilization of fermentation vessels by ethanol/water mixtures
4815.pdf - Pages: 7 - Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using cellobiose fermenting yeast Brettanomyces custersii
4816.pdf - Pages: 22 - Prehydrolysis of lignocellulose
4817.pdf - Pages: 4 - Pretreatment of microbial sludges
4818.pdf - Pages: 22 - Prehydrolysis of lignocellulose
4819.pdf - Pages: 4 - Combined enzyme mediated fermentation of cellulous and xylose to ethanol by Schizosaccharoyces pombe, cellulase, .beta.-glucosidase, and xylose isomerase
4820.pdf - Pages: 9 -
4821.pdf - Pages: 9 - Method for fabricating a substrate having spaced apart microcapillaries thereon
4822.pdf - Pages: 21 - Molecular Modeling of the Interaction of Cellulose with Cellulases and Catalysts
4823.pdf - Pages: 26 - Commercial Potential for Ethanol Production from Wood Residue in Montana and Idaho
4825.pdf - Pages: 3 - Procurement and Installation of Pilot Plant Equipment for the Gridley Project
4836.pdf - Pages: 4 - Bioethanol--Moving into the Marketplace
4847.pdf - Pages: 91 - Environmental Analysis of Biomass-to-Ethanol Facilities
4872.pdf - Pages: 5 - Executive Summary of NREL/Amoco CRADA Phase 3 Final Report
4879.pdf - Pages: 30 -
4882.pdf - Pages: 65 - Evaluation of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes--The Ammonia Fiber Explosion Process (AFEX)
4898.pdf - Pages: 43 - Determining the Cost of Producing Ethanol From Corn Starch and Lignocellulosic Feedstocks
4902.pdf - Pages: 5 - Building a Bridge for Bioethanol
4903.pdf - Pages: 9 - Ethanol from Corn Stover: A Life Cycle Assessment
4906.pdf - Pages: 43 - Biofuels Program Semiannual Report - First Half FY 200
4907.pdf - Pages: 72 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4907a.pdf - Pages: 30 -
4907b.pdf - Pages: 29 -
4907c.pdf - Pages: 2 -
4911.pdf - Pages: 13 - Design and Test Improved Assays for Endoglucanases and Exoglucanases
4912.pdf - Pages: 184 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4912a.pdf - Pages: 37 -
4912b.pdf - Pages: 146 -
4912c.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4919.pdf - Pages: 17 - Corn Stover Co-Products, A Course for Commercialization
4920.pdf - Pages: 21 - Corn Stover Co-Products, A Course for Commercialization
4922.pdf - Pages: 14 - Corn Stover Collection Methods - Present and Future
4923.pdf - Pages: 11 - Ethanol Production Synergy - Starch and Biomass?
4924.pdf - Pages: 18 - The Challenge of Expanding the Ethanol Distribution System
4937.pdf - Pages: 17 -
4942.pdf - Pages: 20 - Bioenergy 2000 - The Bridge to Corn Ethanol
4947.pdf - Pages: 5 - The Corn Ethanol Industry Interest
4thqtr96.pdf - Pages: 78 -
5019.pdf - Pages: 215 - Economic Feasilibity Study of an Enzyme-Based Ethanol Plant
5021.pdf - Pages: 240 - Economic Feasibility Study of an Enzymatic Hydrolysis-Based Ethanol Plant with Prehydrolysis Pretreatment
5027.pdf - Pages: 11 - Executive Summary, New Energy Company of Indiana CRADA, Completed 1997, Public Release 1999
506rpt.pdf - Pages: 83 -
5097.pdf - Pages: 28 - Develop Efficient Gene Expression Systems in Lactobacilli
5136.pdf - Pages: 3 - Light Duty Vehicles Industry Contacts
5149.pdf - Pages: 11 - Corn Stover Collection Project
5152.pdf - Pages: 3 - Design and Test Improved Assays for Endoglucanases and Exoglucanases Subcontract No. XDH-0-30009-03 under Prime Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337
5153.pdf - Pages: 3 - Design and Test Improved Assays for Endoglucanases and Exoglucanases Subcontract No. XDH-0-30009-03 under Prime Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337
5162.pdf - Pages: 110 -
5163.pdf - Pages: 138 -
5177.pdf - Pages: 10 - Thermostable Purified Endoglucanas from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus ATCC 43068
5178.pdf - Pages: 15 - Thermostable Purified Endoglucanas II from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus ATCC 43068
5179.pdf - Pages: 9 - Low Molecular Weight Thermostable B-D-Blucosidase from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus
5180.pdf - Pages: 12 - Cloning of Cellulase Genes from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus
5181.pdf - Pages: 21 - Gene Coding for the E1 Endoglucanase
5182.pdf - Pages: 19 - Method for Increasing Thermostability in Cellulase Enzymes
5183.pdf - Pages: 11 - High Solids Fermentation Reactor
5189.pdf - Pages: 36 - Acid Hydrolysis Reactors Batch System
5190.pdf - Pages: 8 - Second-Stage Countercurrent Reactor
5192.pdf - Pages: 24 - Requirements for Process Design and Performance Guarantees in the Countercurrent Pretreatment Process
5193.pdf - Pages: 53 - Northeastern California Ethanol Manufacturing Feasibility Study
5199.pdf - Pages: 2 - Corn Stover for Bioethanol -- Your new cash crop
5200.pdf - Pages: 4 - The DOE Bioethanol Pilot Plant
5208.pdf - Pages: 6 - Corrosion Control Report
5243.pdf - Pages: 202 - Cogeneration of Electricity and Heat from Biogas
5244.pdf - Pages: 218 - FY 1987 Anaerobic Digestion -- Annual Report
5245.pdf - Pages: 25 - Integrated Alternative Energy Systems for Use in Small Communities
5246.pdf - Pages: 117 - Universe of U.S. Commercial-Scale Anaerobic Digesters: Results of SERI/ARD Data Collection
5267.pdf - Pages: 35 - The Bioethanol Data Reference System Development and Initial Implementation
5275.pdf - Pages: 140 - Liquid Fuels From Biomass: North America Impact of Non-Technical Barriers on Implementation
5289.pdf - Pages: 326 - Thermodynamic Data for Biomass Conversion and Waste Incineration
5362.pdf - Pages: 98 - Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass - Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, Volume II Appendix A
4418.pdf - Pages: 10 - Terrestrial Biomass Feedstock Interface Program External Review Panel Report
4419.pdf - Pages: 43 - Evaluation of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes for Ethanol Production: The Xylan Delignification Process (XDP)
4453.pdf - Pages: 174 - Support Services to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
4474.pdf - Pages: 55 - Final Report for NREL Subcontract XAC-5-15162-01
4475.pdf - Pages: 37 - Catalyst Lifetime Testing for Methanol Syngas Conditioning
4493.pdf - Pages: 15 - Effects of the 1 psi RVP Waiver on the Refining Value of Ethanol as Gasoline Blendstock and Etherification Feedstock
4494.pdf - Pages: 16 - Effects of DIPE Production Economics on the Refining Value of Ethanol as GAsoline Blendstock and Etherification Feedstock
4495.pdf - Pages: 24 - The Refining Value of Ethanol in PADD 2 as Gasoline Blendstock and Etherification Feedstock
4496.pdf - Pages: 20 - The Value of Ethanol as Feedstock for ETBE Blended in California RFG
4500.pdf - Pages: 32 - Preparation of Four Biomass-Derived Transportation Fuels for Fuel Suitability Evaluation
4501.pdf - Pages: 49 - Development of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes
4503.pdf - Pages: 105 - Screening Study for Sawmill Waste Biomass-to-Ethanol Production Facility
4504.pdf - Pages: 19 - Life Cycle Assessment of Biodiesel
4533.pdf - Pages: 40 - Development of Optimal Process Conditions for Fungal Cellulase Production
4534.pdf - Pages: 23 - Feasibility of Reducing Costs of Liquid Fuels and Electricity from Dedicated Biomass Feedstocks and Waste-to-Resource Management in California.
4535.pdf - Pages: 8 - Economic Development Through Biomass Systems Integration in Central Florida
4536.pdf - Pages: 89 - Establish Medium Requirements for High Yield Ethanol Production from Xylose by Existing Xylose-Fermenting Microorganisms
4537.pdf - Pages: 13 - Effects of Ambient Environment on the Storage of Switchgrass for Biomass to Ethanol and Thermochemical Fuels
4539.pdf - Pages: 31 - Development of Aspen Plus Model of Biomass-to-Ethanol Process
4540.pdf - Pages: 71 - Assessment of Information Management Practices for the Biofuels Systems Division
4543.pdf - Pages: 4 - Sugar Platform (The Bioenergy Initiative Approach)
4557.pdf - Pages: 10 - U.S. Patent -- Expression of Enzymes Involved in Cellulose Modification
4561.pdf - Pages: 6 - Bioethanol Production using Enzymatic Processes: 20 Year Economic Outlook
4563.pdf - Pages: 6 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4567.pdf - Pages: 30 - Ethanol Tax Incentives and Issues
4575.pdf - Pages: 90 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4575a.pdf - Pages: 2 -
4575b.pdf - Pages: 2 -
4576.pdf - Pages: 42 - Process Design and Cost Estimation for Cellulase Production Equipment
4588.pdf - Pages: 8 - Frequently Asked Questions about the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Program
4597.pdf - Pages: 6 - Research Brief
4598.pdf - Pages: 20 - Volume 4:00 Potential Ground and Surface Water Impacts; Chapter 6:00 Environmental Transport and Fate of Fuel Hydrocarbon Alkylates
4643.pdf - Pages: 7 - Identification of Inhibitory Components in Dilute Acid Pretreated Lignocellulosic Materials
4644.pdf - Pages: 16 - Combustion Properties of Lignin Residue from Lignocellulose Fermentation
4645.pdf - Pages: 32 - Air Quality and GHG Emissions Associated with Using Ethanol in Gasoline Blends
4646.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels News Volume 3, Number 1 Spring/Summer 200
4647.pdf - Pages: 10 - Accumulation of a thermostable endo-1,4-B-D-glucanase in the apoplast of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves
4648.pdf - Pages: 42 - Softwood Extractives: Recovery and Characterization
4649.pdf - Pages: 196 - Alternative Feedstocks Program Technical and Economic Assessment: Thermal/Chemical and Bioprocessing Components
4684.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #1 -- Standard Method for Determination of Total Solids in Biomass
4685.pdf - Pages: 12 - LAP Procedures #2 -- Determination of Carbohydrates in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
4686.pdf - Pages: 14 - LAP Procedures #3 -- Determination of Acid-Insoluble Lignin in Biomass
4687.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #4 -- Determination of Acid-Soluble Lignin in Biomass
4688.pdf - Pages: 7 - LAP Procedures #5 -- Standard Method for Ash in Biomass
4689.pdf - Pages: 13 - LAP Procedures #6 -- Measurement of Cellulase Activities
4690.pdf - Pages: 17 - LAP Procedures #7 -- Preparation of Dilute-Acid Pretreated Biomass
4691.pdf - Pages: 22 - LAP Procedures #8 - SSF Experimental Protocols: Lignocellulosic Biomass Hydrolysis and Fermentation
4692.pdf - Pages: 9 - LAP Procedures #9 -- Enzymatic Saccharification of Lignocellulosic Biomass
4693.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #10 -- Standard Method for the Determination of Extractives in Biomass
4694.pdf - Pages: 11 - LAP Procedures #11 -- Determination of Ethanol Concentration in Biomass to Ethanol Fermentation Supernatants by Gas Chromatography
4695.pdf - Pages: 8 - LAP Procedures #12 -- Standard Test Method for Moisture, Total Solids, and Total Dissolved Solids in Biomass Slurry and Liquid Process Samples
4696.pdf - Pages: 9 - LAP Procedures #13 -- HPLC Analysis of Liquid Fractions of Process Samples for Monomeric Sugars and Cellobiose
4697.pdf - Pages: 11 - LAP Procedures #14 -- Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Procedure for Determination of Total Sugars in the Liquid Fraction of Procaess Samples
4698.pdf - Pages: 9 - LAP Procedures #15 -- HPLC Analysis of Liquid Fractions of Process Samples for Byproducts and Degradation Products
4699.pdf - Pages: 10 - LAP Procedures #16 -- Determination of Starch in Biomass Samples by Chemical Solubilization and Enzymatic Digestion
4700.pdf - Pages: 10 - LAP Procedures #17 -- Determination of O-Acyl Groups in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
4701.pdf - Pages: 10 - LAP Procedures #18 -- Determination of Insoluble Solids of Pretreated Biomass Material
4702.pdf - Pages: 21 - Rice Straw as a Lignocellulosic Resource: Collection, Processing, Transportation, and Environmental Aspects
4703.pdf - Pages: 7 - Wastewater Treatment for a Biomass-to-Ethanol Process: System Design and Cost Estimates
4704.pdf - Pages: 7 - Combustion Properties of Lignin Residue from Lignocellulose Fermentation
4715.pdf - Pages: 12 - Expression of Acidothermus cellulolyticus endoglucanase E1 in transgenic tobacco: biochemical characteristics and physiological effects
4717.pdf - Pages: 24 - Pentose Fermentation by Recombinant Zymomonas
4740.pdf - Pages: 10 - Oxidative Cracking of Precipitated Hardwood Lignin by Hydrogen Peroxide
4742.pdf - Pages: 17 - Comparative Energetics of Glucose and Xylose Metabolism in Recombinant Zymomonas mobilis
4745.pdf - Pages: 104 -
4747.pdf - Pages: 60 - Review of Market for Octane Enhancers -- Final Report
4750.pdf - Pages: 25 - Commercial Potential for Ethanol Production from Wood Residue in Montana and Idaho
4752.pdf - Pages: 22 -
4764.pdf - Pages: 91 - Corn Stover Harvest: Grower, Custom Operator, and Processor Issues and Answers
4770.pdf - Pages: 6 - Report on the Regional Biomass Energy Program's Performance Indicators
4772.pdf - Pages: 2 - Improve T.fusca Cellulases by Protein Engineering
4773.pdf - Pages: 5 - Two-stage dilute acid prehydrolysis of biomass
4774.pdf - Pages: 12 -
4775.pdf - Pages: 41 - Gene encoding acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase
4776.pdf - Pages: 22 - Recombinant Zymomonas for pentose fermentation
4777.pdf - Pages: 10 - Single Zymomonas mobilis strain for xylose and arabinose fermentation
4778.pdf - Pages: 11 - Recombinant Zymomonas for pentose fermentation
4779.pdf - Pages: 12 - Recombinant lactobacillus for fermentation of xylose to lactic acid and lactate
4780.pdf - Pages: 21 - Prehydrolysis of lignocellulose
4781.pdf - Pages: 13 -
4782.pdf - Pages: 5 - Pretreatment of high solid microbial sludges
4783.pdf - Pages: 10 - Hydrolysis and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
4784.pdf - Pages: 23 - Hydrolysis and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass
4788.pdf - Pages: 263 - The Current Fuel Ethanol Industry - Transportation, Marketing, Distribution, and Technical Considerations
4789.pdf - Pages: 3 - 1999 Annual Technical Status Report
4809.pdf - Pages: 65 - BIOMASS COLLOQUIES 2000; Biomass commercialization Prospects the Next 2 to 5 years -- Biomass Colloquies 200
4811.pdf - Pages: 10 - Thermostable purified endoglucanase from thermophilic bacterium acidothermus cellulolyticus
4812.pdf - Pages: 10 -
4813.pdf - Pages: 15 -
4814.pdf - Pages: 8 - Sterilization of fermentation vessels by ethanol/water mixtures
4815.pdf - Pages: 7 - Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) using cellobiose fermenting yeast Brettanomyces custersii
4816.pdf - Pages: 22 - Prehydrolysis of lignocellulose
4817.pdf - Pages: 4 - Pretreatment of microbial sludges
4818.pdf - Pages: 22 - Prehydrolysis of lignocellulose
4819.pdf - Pages: 4 - Combined enzyme mediated fermentation of cellulous and xylose to ethanol by Schizosaccharoyces pombe, cellulase, .beta.-glucosidase, and xylose isomerase
4820.pdf - Pages: 9 -
4821.pdf - Pages: 9 - Method for fabricating a substrate having spaced apart microcapillaries thereon
4822.pdf - Pages: 21 - Molecular Modeling of the Interaction of Cellulose with Cellulases and Catalysts
4823.pdf - Pages: 26 - Commercial Potential for Ethanol Production from Wood Residue in Montana and Idaho
4825.pdf - Pages: 3 - Procurement and Installation of Pilot Plant Equipment for the Gridley Project
4836.pdf - Pages: 4 - Bioethanol--Moving into the Marketplace
4847.pdf - Pages: 91 - Environmental Analysis of Biomass-to-Ethanol Facilities
4872.pdf - Pages: 5 - Executive Summary of NREL/Amoco CRADA Phase 3 Final Report
4879.pdf - Pages: 30 -
4882.pdf - Pages: 65 - Evaluation of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes--The Ammonia Fiber Explosion Process (AFEX)
4898.pdf - Pages: 43 - Determining the Cost of Producing Ethanol From Corn Starch and Lignocellulosic Feedstocks
4902.pdf - Pages: 5 - Building a Bridge for Bioethanol
4903.pdf - Pages: 9 - Ethanol from Corn Stover: A Life Cycle Assessment
4906.pdf - Pages: 43 - Biofuels Program Semiannual Report - First Half FY 200
4907.pdf - Pages: 72 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4907a.pdf - Pages: 30 -
4907b.pdf - Pages: 29 -
4907c.pdf - Pages: 2 -
4911.pdf - Pages: 13 - Design and Test Improved Assays for Endoglucanases and Exoglucanases
4912.pdf - Pages: 184 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4912a.pdf - Pages: 37 -
4912b.pdf - Pages: 146 -
4912c.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4919.pdf - Pages: 17 - Corn Stover Co-Products, A Course for Commercialization
4920.pdf - Pages: 21 - Corn Stover Co-Products, A Course for Commercialization
4922.pdf - Pages: 14 - Corn Stover Collection Methods - Present and Future
4923.pdf - Pages: 11 - Ethanol Production Synergy - Starch and Biomass?
4924.pdf - Pages: 18 - The Challenge of Expanding the Ethanol Distribution System
4937.pdf - Pages: 17 -
4942.pdf - Pages: 20 - Bioenergy 2000 - The Bridge to Corn Ethanol
4947.pdf - Pages: 5 - The Corn Ethanol Industry Interest
4thqtr96.pdf - Pages: 78 -
5019.pdf - Pages: 215 - Economic Feasilibity Study of an Enzyme-Based Ethanol Plant
5021.pdf - Pages: 240 - Economic Feasibility Study of an Enzymatic Hydrolysis-Based Ethanol Plant with Prehydrolysis Pretreatment
5027.pdf - Pages: 11 - Executive Summary, New Energy Company of Indiana CRADA, Completed 1997, Public Release 1999
506rpt.pdf - Pages: 83 -
5097.pdf - Pages: 28 - Develop Efficient Gene Expression Systems in Lactobacilli
5136.pdf - Pages: 3 - Light Duty Vehicles Industry Contacts
5149.pdf - Pages: 11 - Corn Stover Collection Project
5152.pdf - Pages: 3 - Design and Test Improved Assays for Endoglucanases and Exoglucanases Subcontract No. XDH-0-30009-03 under Prime Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337
5153.pdf - Pages: 3 - Design and Test Improved Assays for Endoglucanases and Exoglucanases Subcontract No. XDH-0-30009-03 under Prime Contract No. DE-AC36-99GO10337
5162.pdf - Pages: 110 -
5163.pdf - Pages: 138 -
5177.pdf - Pages: 10 - Thermostable Purified Endoglucanas from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus ATCC 43068
5178.pdf - Pages: 15 - Thermostable Purified Endoglucanas II from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus ATCC 43068
5179.pdf - Pages: 9 - Low Molecular Weight Thermostable B-D-Blucosidase from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus
5180.pdf - Pages: 12 - Cloning of Cellulase Genes from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus
5181.pdf - Pages: 21 - Gene Coding for the E1 Endoglucanase
5182.pdf - Pages: 19 - Method for Increasing Thermostability in Cellulase Enzymes
5183.pdf - Pages: 11 - High Solids Fermentation Reactor
5189.pdf - Pages: 36 - Acid Hydrolysis Reactors Batch System
5190.pdf - Pages: 8 - Second-Stage Countercurrent Reactor
5192.pdf - Pages: 24 - Requirements for Process Design and Performance Guarantees in the Countercurrent Pretreatment Process
5193.pdf - Pages: 53 - Northeastern California Ethanol Manufacturing Feasibility Study
5199.pdf - Pages: 2 - Corn Stover for Bioethanol -- Your new cash crop
5200.pdf - Pages: 4 - The DOE Bioethanol Pilot Plant
5208.pdf - Pages: 6 - Corrosion Control Report
5243.pdf - Pages: 202 - Cogeneration of Electricity and Heat from Biogas
5244.pdf - Pages: 218 - FY 1987 Anaerobic Digestion -- Annual Report
5245.pdf - Pages: 25 - Integrated Alternative Energy Systems for Use in Small Communities
5246.pdf - Pages: 117 - Universe of U.S. Commercial-Scale Anaerobic Digesters: Results of SERI/ARD Data Collection
5267.pdf - Pages: 35 - The Bioethanol Data Reference System Development and Initial Implementation
5275.pdf - Pages: 140 - Liquid Fuels From Biomass: North America Impact of Non-Technical Barriers on Implementation
5289.pdf - Pages: 326 - Thermodynamic Data for Biomass Conversion and Waste Incineration
5362.pdf - Pages: 98 - Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass - Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, Volume II Appendix A
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