Automotive > Alternative_Fuels_4
3462.pdf - Pages: 7 - Biomass Utilisation: A Perspective of Task X IEA Bioenergy Agreement 1992-1994
3463.pdf - Pages: 12 - Partial Acid Hydrolysis of Poplar Wood as a Pretreatment for Enzymatic Hydrolysis
3464.pdf - Pages: 13 - Characterization and Methane Fermentation of Soluble Products from Staged Autohydrolysis of Wood
3465.pdf - Pages: 13 - Methane Production and Effluent Quality from Fermentation of Beef Cattle Manure and Molasses
3466.pdf - Pages: 2 - Technology for Fuel Ethanol Production from Cellulosic Biomass
3467.pdf - Pages: 12 - Enhanced Alcohol Production through On-Line Extraction
3468.pdf - Pages: 14 - Butanol Toxicity in the Butylic Formation
3469.pdf - Pages: 10 - Hollow-Fiber Enzyme Reactors in Cellulose Hydrolysis
3470.pdf - Pages: 10 - Rapid Determination of Yeast Viability
3471.pdf - Pages: 46 - Municipal Solid Waste Evaluation: A Geographic Information System Ministudy
3472.pdf - Pages: 8 -
3473.pdf - Pages: 18 -
3474.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3475.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3476.pdf - Pages: 71 - Feasibility of a Novel Low-Energy Extraction Process for Separating Ethanol and Water Using Conjugating Solutions
3477.pdf - Pages: 47 - Full Fuel Cycle Analysis of Waste Biomass to Ethanol: Waste Collection, Preparation, and Transportation
3478.pdf - Pages: 28 -
3479.pdf - Pages: 19 - The DOE/NREL Ethanol from Biomass Program
3480.pdf - Pages: 6 - Variability in the Composition of Short Rotation Woody Feedstocks
3481.pdf - Pages: 7 - Compositional Variability in Herbaceous Energy Crops
3482.pdf - Pages: 5 - The Anaerobic Digestion Process
3483.pdf - Pages: 5 - Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste: Technical Developments
3484.pdf - Pages: 6 - Biomass-Derived Oxygenates for Transportation Fuels
3485.pdf - Pages: 7 - Plant Variability and Bio-Oil Properties
3486.pdf - Pages: 6 - Commercialization of Biomass Ethanol: Plant Siting Studies
3487.pdf - Pages: 6 - Starch Esters as Biodegradable Plastics: Effects of Ester Group Chain Length and Degree of Substitution on Anaerobic Degradation
3488.pdf - Pages: 7 - Low Molecular Weight Thermostable beta-D-Glucosideas from Acidothermus cellulolyticus
3489.pdf - Pages: 11 - Purification Process for Succinic Acid Produced by Fermentation
3490.pdf - Pages: 9 - Limiting Factors in the Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Process for Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass to Fuel Ethanol
3491.pdf - Pages: 12 - Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste
3492.pdf - Pages: 9 - Horsepower Requirements for High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion
3493.pdf - Pages: 14 - Quantitation of Acidothermus cellulolyticus E1 Endoglucanase and Thermomonospora fusca E3 Exoglucanase Using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
3494.pdf - Pages: 18 - Processing and Economic Impacts of Biomass Delignification for Ethanol Production
3495.pdf - Pages: 10 - Promising Ethanologens for Xylose Fermentation
3496.pdf - Pages: 10 - Vendor Test Studies Supporting the Design of a Biomass-to-Ethanol Pilot Plant
3463.pdf - Pages: 12 - Partial Acid Hydrolysis of Poplar Wood as a Pretreatment for Enzymatic Hydrolysis
3464.pdf - Pages: 13 - Characterization and Methane Fermentation of Soluble Products from Staged Autohydrolysis of Wood
3465.pdf - Pages: 13 - Methane Production and Effluent Quality from Fermentation of Beef Cattle Manure and Molasses
3466.pdf - Pages: 2 - Technology for Fuel Ethanol Production from Cellulosic Biomass
3467.pdf - Pages: 12 - Enhanced Alcohol Production through On-Line Extraction
3468.pdf - Pages: 14 - Butanol Toxicity in the Butylic Formation
3469.pdf - Pages: 10 - Hollow-Fiber Enzyme Reactors in Cellulose Hydrolysis
3470.pdf - Pages: 10 - Rapid Determination of Yeast Viability
3471.pdf - Pages: 46 - Municipal Solid Waste Evaluation: A Geographic Information System Ministudy
3472.pdf - Pages: 8 -
3473.pdf - Pages: 18 -
3474.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3475.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3476.pdf - Pages: 71 - Feasibility of a Novel Low-Energy Extraction Process for Separating Ethanol and Water Using Conjugating Solutions
3477.pdf - Pages: 47 - Full Fuel Cycle Analysis of Waste Biomass to Ethanol: Waste Collection, Preparation, and Transportation
3478.pdf - Pages: 28 -
3479.pdf - Pages: 19 - The DOE/NREL Ethanol from Biomass Program
3480.pdf - Pages: 6 - Variability in the Composition of Short Rotation Woody Feedstocks
3481.pdf - Pages: 7 - Compositional Variability in Herbaceous Energy Crops
3482.pdf - Pages: 5 - The Anaerobic Digestion Process
3483.pdf - Pages: 5 - Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste: Technical Developments
3484.pdf - Pages: 6 - Biomass-Derived Oxygenates for Transportation Fuels
3485.pdf - Pages: 7 - Plant Variability and Bio-Oil Properties
3486.pdf - Pages: 6 - Commercialization of Biomass Ethanol: Plant Siting Studies
3487.pdf - Pages: 6 - Starch Esters as Biodegradable Plastics: Effects of Ester Group Chain Length and Degree of Substitution on Anaerobic Degradation
3488.pdf - Pages: 7 - Low Molecular Weight Thermostable beta-D-Glucosideas from Acidothermus cellulolyticus
3489.pdf - Pages: 11 - Purification Process for Succinic Acid Produced by Fermentation
3490.pdf - Pages: 9 - Limiting Factors in the Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Process for Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass to Fuel Ethanol
3491.pdf - Pages: 12 - Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste
3492.pdf - Pages: 9 - Horsepower Requirements for High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion
3493.pdf - Pages: 14 - Quantitation of Acidothermus cellulolyticus E1 Endoglucanase and Thermomonospora fusca E3 Exoglucanase Using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
3494.pdf - Pages: 18 - Processing and Economic Impacts of Biomass Delignification for Ethanol Production
3495.pdf - Pages: 10 - Promising Ethanologens for Xylose Fermentation
3496.pdf - Pages: 10 - Vendor Test Studies Supporting the Design of a Biomass-to-Ethanol Pilot Plant
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