Administration > USCG-Command-Instructions
CI_1000_14B.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Preparation and Submission of Administrative Remarks (CG-3307)
CI_1000_1A.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Tattoo, Body Marking, Body Piercing, and Mutilation Policy
CI_1000_5F.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Administration of Coast Guard and Navy Officers Assigned to the Coast Guard/Navy Officer Exchange Programs
CI_1001_30E.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program
CI_1020_10.pdf - Pages: 13 - - Standards for Wearing of Camouflage Utility Uniforms (CUU) by Coast Guard Personnel
CI_10360_4A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Regulations Governing VOC Emissions and Solvent Content
CI_1040_4C.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Career Development Advisor Program (CDA)
CI_11010_1.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Shore Facilities Capital Asset Management Strategy
CI_11010_11B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Real Property Facility Use Codes
CI_11101_15.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Critical Housing Areas (CHA)
CI_11103_1B.pdf - Pages: 39 - - Maintaining and Supporting Representational Facilities
CI_11133_1A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Domestic Loran-C and Omega tower light outrage reporting procedure
CI_1120_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Active Duty Direct Petty Officer Program
CI_1131_20.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Academy Information Program
CI_1141_3B.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Recall of Enlisted Reservists to Extended Active Duty
CI_1221_1.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Competencies and Training for Yeomen Assigned to Coast Guard Legal Offices and Staffs
CI_12251_1.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Framework for the Establishment of Civilian Advisory Boards
CI_12300_6J.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Employment of retired Coast Guard Military Members and Military Retirees Who Have Worked for DOT
CI_12300_7A.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Detail of Appropriated Fund Civilian Employees
CI_12300_9.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Career Entry-Level Opportunity (CEO) Program
CI_12310_3A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Restrictions on Employment of Relatives
CI_12315_2.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Probationary Period for New Supervisors and Managers
CI_12335_4A.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Merit Promotion Program and National Merit Promotion Plan
CI_12351_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Assigning Performance Credit for Reduction-in-Force
CI_12351_2B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Competitive Areas of the United States Coast Guard
CI_12361_1.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Federal Career Intern Program
CI_12410_12.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Civilian Orientation Training
CI_12451_2A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Civilian Employee of the Year Award
CI_12451_3A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Non- Appropriated Fund Employee of the Year Award Program
CI_12500_2.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Civilian recruitment, relocation and Retention Incentives
CI_12550_21A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Coast Guard Death Gratuity Payment
CI_12550_3C.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Special Overtime Pay and Reimbursable Charges for Vessel Documentation Specialists
CI_12550_4I.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Management of Civilian Overtime
CI_12570_3D.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Invitational Travel
CI_12570_4.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Civilian Travel Management Program
CI_12570_5.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Permanent Change of Stations (PCS) Travel for Civilian Employees
CI_12630_1.pdf - Pages: 21 - - Coast Guard's telecommuting program
CI_12713_1.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants and Employees with Disabilities
CI_12713_13.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Civilian Affirmative Employment Program
CI_12713_20.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Affirmative Action in Employee Selection Decisions
CI_12720_4B.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program
CI_12720_9.pdf - Pages: 31 - - National Affirmative Employment Recruitment Strategy
CI_12792_3.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Health Care for Coast Guard Civilian Employees
CI_12800_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Coast Guard Professional Liability Insurance Reimbursement (PLIR) Policy
CI_12800_2.pdf - Pages: 4 - - US Coast Guard Non-Appropriated Fund Back-to-Work (BTW) Program
CI_12831_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Military Service Deposits for Retirement
CI_12910_1A.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Screening of Civilian Employees in the Reserve Components
CI_1300_7.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Temporary Active Duty (TEMAC) Assignment of Inactive Duty Public Health Service Reserve Officers
CI_13020_2A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Aviation Technical Training Advisory Committee
CI_1306_1A.pdf - Pages: 13 - - Command Master Chief Program
CI_1330_1C.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Temporary Active Duty (TEMAC)
CI_1401_5AB.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Schedule of Active Duty Promotion List (ADPL) and Inactive Duty Promotion List (IDPL) Officer
CI_1410_2.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Documents Viewed by Coast Guard Officer Promotion and Special Boards
CI_1430_1P.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP)
CI_1500_1.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Chief Warrant Officer Indoctrination Course
CI_1500_15F.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Chief Petty Officer Academy (CPOACAD)
CI_1500_23.pdf - Pages: 8 - - U.S. Coast Guard Philosophy in Training, Education, and Development
CI_1500_24.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Tuition Assistance (TA) Program
CI_1510_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP)
CI_1514_1.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Public Affairs Specialist "A" School Candidate Screening Process
CI_1520_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Information Resource Management (IRM) College Quota Management
CI_1520_2.pdf - Pages: 38 - - CH-1 to Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Quota Management, COMDTINST 1520.2
CI_1524_2A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Law Advanced Education Program for Juris Doctor and Master of Laws Degrees
CI_1531_2A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Academy Preparatory Program
CI_1541_1.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Team Coordinating Training
CI_1542_1.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Obligated Service Resulting from Aircraft Transition
CI_1543_1A.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Pipeline Training for Electronic Technicians (ET) Reporting to LORAN Stations
CI_1543_3.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) - AN/PVS 14 Monocular Night Vision Device (MNVD)
CI_1550_16.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Institute Training Videotape Library
CI_1550_18.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Coast Guard Training and Education Advisory Council (CGTAC)
CI_1550_23.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Training Evaluation Policy
CI_1550_9.pdf - Pages: 49 - - Management of the Coast Guard's Training System
CI_1554_1.pdf - Pages: 107 - - Development and Management of Interactive Courseware (ICW) for Coast Guard Training
CI_1554_2.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Unit Learning Centers
CI_16000_1.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Mandated Use of Recycled Copier Paper
CI_16000_27.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Alignment with the National Incident Management System and National Response Plan
CI_16004_2.pdf - Pages: 35 - - Coastal Zone Management, Federal Consistency Procedures
CI_16004_3A.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Coast Guard Participation in the Marine Sanctuary Program
CI_16010_12A.pdf - Pages: 19 - - The Commandant's Direction
CI_16010_13.pdf - Pages: 34 - - Commandant's Executive Business Plan
CI_16010_8.pdf - Pages: 147 - - Coast Guard Annual Performance Plan
CI_16010_9.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Guidance for Coast Guard Coordination of Marine Transportation Systems Improvement Efforts
CI_1610_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Hazing Awareness Training
CI_16114_19.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Use of personal watercraft (PWC) by Coast Guard personnel
CI_16114_20.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Response Boats 2010: The Shore-Based Response Boat Strategic Vision & Transition Plan
CI_16114_35.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Prospective Surf man Program
CI_16114_36.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Surfman Management Program
CI_16114_38.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Register of Surfman.
CI_16121_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Digital Selective Calling Operations Doctrine
CI_16122_2A.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Management of Operation of the Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
CI_16151_1C.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Domestic Icebreaking Policy and Reporting Requirements
CI_16155_2B.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Polar Icebreaker Cruise Reports
CI_16200_3A.pdf - Pages: 137 - - Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and Off-Installation Liason and Operations
CI_16200_6.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Civil Penalty Procedures and Administration
CI_1620_1D.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Law Enforcement Planning and Assessment System
CI_16214_3.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Northern Right Whale Mandatory Ship Reporting System
CI_16450_32A.pdf - Pages: 41 - - Guidelines for Implementation and Enforcement of Vessel Response Plans, Facility Response Plans
CI_16450_4.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Educational Efforts to Protect the Northern Right Whale
CI_16451_1.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Disaster Related Pollution Response Activities Under the Federal Response Plan (FRP)
CI_16451_6.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Standardization of Alterations to Marine Environmental Protection Equipment
CI_16451_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - CERCLA Non-Incident Funds
CI_16460_5.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Emergency Contracts for Responding to Discharge Which Pose Substantial Threat to Public Health
CI_16470_1.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Use of Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technology (SMART) Protocols
CI_16471_3.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Area Contingency Plan Organization, Content, Revision Cycle, and Distribution
CI_16475_2B.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Preservation of the Nation's Wetlands
CI_16475_3B.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Floodplain Management and Protection
CI_16475_5.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Environmental Initial Assessment Survey (IAS) Program
CI_16475_7.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Protected Living Marine Resources Program
CI_16477_5.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Coast Guard Qualified Recycling Program (QRP) Policy
CI_16478_10.pdf - Pages: 26 - - Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Battery Release Reporting Requirements
CI_16478_11.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Aids to Navigation Battery Tracking System
CI_16478_12.pdf - Pages: 301 - - National Plan for Aton Battery Recovery and Disposal
CI_16478_5.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Environmental Compliance Evaluation (ECE) Program
CI_16500_16A.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Sumner I. Kimball Readiness Award
CI_16500_20.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) Program
CI_16500_9.pdf - Pages: 18 - - RADM Charles P. Murphy Award Program
CI_16502_10.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Fireman First Class Paul Clark Boat Forces Engineering Award
CI_1650_2B.pdf - Pages: 7 - - CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain Trophy
CI_1650_36B.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Joshua James "Keeper" Award
CI_1650_4.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Captain Neils P. Thomsen Innovation Award
CI_1650_5A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Auxiliary Cutterman Insignia
CI_1650_6A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Auxiliary Aids to Navigation Program
CI_1650_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Aids to Navigation Positioning Datums
CI_1650_8.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Classical Lens Maintenance
CI_1650_9.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Development of New Nautical Charts and Publications
CI_16550_5.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Reporting Procedures for Loran-C and Omega Stations
CI_16575_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Processing Global Positioning System (GPS) Interference Test Requests
CI_16577_2.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) Navigation Service Concept of Operations
CI_16616_11B.pdf - Pages: 21 - - Guidance and Procedures for Conducting Containerized Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Inspections
CI_16618_8.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Implementation of America's Waterway Watch and Local Maritime Homeland Security Outreach
CI_16630_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Port Operations Information for Safety and Efficiency (POISE)
CI_16630_2.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Port Operations Information for Safety and Efficiency (Poise)
CI_16637_5.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coordination of Great Lakes Registered Pilotage Issues
CI_16672_3A.pdf - Pages: 2 - - International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS)
CI_16672_5A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Deck Watch Officer Examination Program
CI_16710_2A.pdf - Pages: 8 - - American Bureau of Shipping; Oversight of Plan Review and Inspection on Behalf of the Coast Guard
CI_16711_1.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Coast Guard Passenger Vessel Safety, Prevention and Mass Rescue Operations Program
CI_16711_12A.pdf - Pages: 18 - - The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO 147) and Port State Control (PSC)
CI_16711_13B.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Implementation of the Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Regulations
CI_16711_14.pdf - Pages: 71 - - Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Training and Qualification
CI_16713_3.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Application, Builder's Certification, Bill of Sale
CI_16713_4.pdf - Pages: 2 - - General Index or Abstract of Title
CI_16715_5.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Marine Safety Center Regulation Interpretation Responsibility
CI_16721_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Standards for Oversight of Licensing and Seaman's Certification Activities
CI_16722_4.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Enforcement of the Chemical testing Regulations
CI_16742_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Customer Service Standards for Issuance of Marines Credentials
CI_16750_8A.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Federal/State Relations - Recreational Boating Safety
CI_16751_3A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Regattas and Marine Parades
CI_16790_2B.pdf - Pages: 99 - - Auxiliary Forms and Instructions
CI_16794_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Auxiliary National "C" Schools Program
CI_16794_4.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Auxiliary Operational Excellence Program
CI_16794_43.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Guidance and Procedures for Auxiliary National Schools
CI_16796_7.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Vessel Safety Check Program
CI_16798_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Auxiliary Aviation Program
CI_16798_2.pdf - Pages: 24 - - Auxiliary Air Crew Qualification Program
CI_1734_1.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Suicide Prevention
CI_1740_2G.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Commercial Solicitation Controls at Coast Guard Units
CI_1740_3.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Use of Non-Governmental Educational Material and Presenters
CI_1740_7A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Employee Assistance Program
CI_1742_3K.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Voting Assistance Program
CI_1750_4D.pdf - Pages: 41 - - Ombudsman Program
CI_1750_6B.pdf - Pages: 4 - - The Role of Coast Guard Spouse's Clubs
CI_1750_7C.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Coast Guard Family Advocacy Program
CI_1754_10B.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Reporting and Responding to Rape and Sexual Assault Allegations
CI_1754_12.pdf - Pages: 47 - - Management of Family Advocacy and Special Cases
CI_1754_16.pdf - Pages: 8 - - U.S. Coast Guard Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents
CI_1754_3.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
CI_1754_7A.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Coast Guard Special Needs Program
CI_1754_9A.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses
CI_1755_1.pdf - Pages: 57 - - DoD/DoD Dependents Schools (DoDDS) Directives Pertaining To Minor Dependents' Schooling
CI_1760_10.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Active Duty College Fund Program
CI_1760_7B.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Continued Health Care Benefit Program
CI_1760_8.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Reemployment Rights of Coast Guard Personnel Separated From Active Duty
CI_1760_9A.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Montgomery G.I. Bill (MGIB) - Active Duty Education Assistance Program
CI_1780_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Coast Guard Exchange System (CGES) Scholarship Program
CI_1780_2A.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation (MWR) Internship Programs
CI_1800_5E.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Commandant of the Coast Guard National Retiree Council Program
CI_1800_6.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Presidential Recognition Upon Retirement from the Coast Guard
CI_1900_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Preseparation Counseling
CI_1900_2A.pdf - Pages: 38 - - Transition Assistance Program
CI_1900_8.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Conscientious Objectors and the Requirement to Bear Arms
CI_1910_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Eligibility of Regular and Reserve Enlisted Personnel for Separation Pay
CI_3010_22.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Contingency Preparedness System (CPS)
CI_3120_13.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Shipboard Helicopter Operations Facility Certification Program
CI_3120_14.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Incident Command System
CI_3120_3.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Guidance for the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)
CI_3140_2D.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Marine Weather Observation and Reporting
CI_3140_3D.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Coastal Weather Program
CI_3142_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Bathythermograph Program
CI_3161_2G.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Ocean Sounding Program
CI_3500_2.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Crew Endurance Management
CI_3500_3.pdf - Pages: 24 - - Operational Risk Management
CI_3574_5B.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Coast Guard Judgmental Use of Force Evaluation (CGJUFE)
CI_3700_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Flight Safty for Non-Aircrew Coast Guard Personnel
CI_3710_5A.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Aircraft Employment Standards for Days Deployed Aboard Ship (DDAS) and Days Away from Home Station
CI_3740_1B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Flight Status Designations for Aviation Billets
CI_3800_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence Request for Information (RFI) and Production Requirements (PR)
CI_4000_11.pdf - Pages: 61 - - Coast Guard Logistics Master Plan (LMP)
CI_4000_12.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Operational Logistics Support Plan (OLSP) for the Acquisition of Bar Code Equipment for the U.S. Coast Guard
CI_4000_13.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Headquarters Materiel Management Projects at the Engineering Logistics Center
CI_4000_4A.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Standardized Bar Coding Within the Coast Guard for Logistics Applications
CI_4000_5A.pdf - Pages: 26 - - Cost Guard Logistics Doctrine
CI_4000_6.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Engineering Logistics Steering Committee Charter
CI_4001_1A.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Gift Acceptance by Bands, Honor Guard and Drill Teams
CI_4080_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Logistics Support for Deployed Units
CI_4100_2D.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Energy Management
CI_4100_7.pdf - Pages: 28 - - CH-1 to the Coast Guard Engineering Logistics Concept of Operations (ECONOP), COMDTINST 4100.7
CI_4105_4.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Long Range Planning of Logistics Support for Operational U.S. Coast Guard Cutters
CI_4105_7.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Equipment/System Integrated Logistics Support Plan (EILSP) and Equipment Support Sheet (ESS) Development
CI_4130_6.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Coast Guard Configuration Management
CI_4200_14A.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Coast Guard Ombudsman Program for Agency Protests
CI_4200_30C.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Procurement Management Internal Control Programs
CI_4200_38B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Standardization Program
CI_4400_20.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Supply Advisory Council Charter
CI_4400_22A.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Federal Logistics Data (FED LOG) Program for the U.S. Coast Guard
CI_4408_7.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Reporting Suspected Overpriced Parts
CI_4454_1.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program
CI_4570_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Foreign Transfer of Excess Coast Guard Boats
CI_4571_1.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Decommissioning and Disposition Cutters and Boats
CI_4600_13.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Annual Reverification of Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)
CI_4600_14B.pdf - Pages: 44 - - Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Program
CI_4600_15.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Policies and Procedures Concerning Travel Orders to Class "A" Schools of Less Than 20 Weeks
CI_4610_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Use of Excess Declared Valuation (EDV) on Shipping Papers
CI_4610_6.pdf - Pages: 41 - - U.S. Coast Guard Freight Loss and Damage Claim System
CI_4630_1J.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Use of Coast Guard Aircraft for Command/Support Operations
CI_4760_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Activation/Deactivation Procedures For Coast Guard Controlled Runways
CI_4790_2B.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Coast Guard Miniature/Microminiature (2M)/Module Test and Repair (MTR) Program
CI_5000_5F.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Foreign Travel, Passports and Visas
CI_5000_6.pdf - Pages: 2 - - United Services Organization (USO)
CI_5090_5B.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Environmental Awards Program
CI_5100_28A.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Participation in a Military or Civil Aircraft Accident Safety Investigation
CI_5100_56.pdf - Pages: 11 - - District Safety and Environmental Health Program
CI_5110_9A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - GSA Express Delivery Contract
CI_5120_2J.pdf - Pages: 7 - - U.S. Savings Bond Program
CI_5200_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Information Management and Electronic Government (E-GOV)
CI_5200_16.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Standard Workstation III Configuration Management Policy
CI_5200_38.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management
CI_5200_40.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) Of Models and Simulations (M&S)
CI_5210_11.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Coast Guard Data Quality Management for Publicly Disseminated Information
CI_5216_18.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement
CI_5216_6.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Writing in Plain Language to Increase Effectiveness
CI_5221_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Aviation Workforce Restructuring
CI_5224_10.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Recognition Of Efforts In Total Quality Management
CI_5224_11B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Organizational Performance Consultants
CI_5224_3.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Performance of Commercial Activities
CI_5224_7.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Coast Guard Total Quality Management (TQM) Generic Organization
CI_5224_8.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Total Quality Management (TQM) Organizational Structure and Training Strategy
CI_5224_9A.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Coast Guard Measurement Strategy and Responsibilities
CI_5230_2.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Standard Workstation III Operating System Standards
CI_5230_42A.pdf - Pages: 40 - - Coast Guard Data Element Naming Standards
CI_5230_49.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Use of the USCG Operations System Center (OSC)
CI_5230_51.pdf - Pages: 33 - - Coast Guard Microcomputer Allowance Policy
CI_5230_53.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Implementation of the Legal Automated Workstation Database
CI_5230_55A.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Acquiring Microcomputer Resources
CI_5230_58.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Information Technology Management Strategy
CI_5230_59.pdf - Pages: 26 - - U.S. Coast Guard Common Operating Environment (USCG COE)
CI_5230_60A.pdf - Pages: 51 - - Coast Guard Implementation of the Rehabilitation Act, Section 508
CI_5230_62.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Use and Management of Coast Guard Internet and Intranet Web Sites, Content, and Access
CI_5230_66.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4&IT)
CI_5230_67.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4&IT) Information Assurance (IA) Policy
CI_5230_68.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Enterprise Architecture (EA) Policy
CI_5230_69.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computer & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Configuration Management (CM) Policy
CI_5230_70.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Infrastructure Management Policy
CI_5230_71.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Investment Management Policy
CI_5231_2.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Planning Approval For Automated Information Systems (AIS)
CI_5231_4.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Exchange of Information with Foreign Governments
CI_5234_5.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Desktop Productivity Software Standards
CI_5240_4.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Policy and Procedures for the Establishment, Management and Close-out of Work at the U.S. Coast Guard Yard
CI_5240_5.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Industrial Management Program
CI_5240_6.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Industrial Maintenance Innovation Award
CI_5260_4A.pdf - Pages: 35 - - Coast Guard Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
CI_5270_1D.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Management of Electronic Mail
CI_5270_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Mandatory Use of the Training Management Tool
CI_5280_1.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Mission Analysis Policy
CI_5297_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Productivity Improvement Fund
CI_5300_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint Investigations
CI_5300_9B.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Flag Quarters Managers
CI_5305_8.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Preparation Equals Performance (PEP) Award Program
CI_5310_2.pdf - Pages: 42 - - Policy for Plans to Integrate Reserve and Active Forces
CI_5310_3.pdf - Pages: 18 - - Measuring the Contribution of Reserve Duty
CI_5312_18.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Staffing Standard for the National Security Cutter (NSC)
CI_5350_20A.pdf - Pages: 47 - - Civil Rights Compliance in Coast Guard Programs of Federal Financial Assistance
CI_5350_21D.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Commandant's Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment Policy Statements
CI_5350_22B.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Coast Guard Partnership in Education
CI_5350_24C.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Mentoring Program
CI_5350_5.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Partnership with First Book
CI_5351_1.pdf - Pages: 34 - - Coast Guard Leadership Development Program
CI_5351_2.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Leadership Council's Sharp Coastie Award Program
CI_5354_6A.pdf - Pages: 24 - - Administering the Coast Guard Recruiting Initiative for the Twenty-First Century (CGRIT) to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
CI_5354_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Minority Serving Institutions
CI_5355_2.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Drug Dependency Rehabilitation Procedures
CI_5357_1A.pdf - Pages: 49 - - Coast Guard Individual Development Plan (IDP)
CI_5370_1A.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Workplace Violence and Threatening Behavior
CI_5370_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Standards Of Conduct; Lobbying Activities
CI_5370_9B.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Financial Disclosure Report
CI_5375_1B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Limited Personal Use of Government Office Equipment
CI_5381_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Policy On Coast Guard Support Of Credit Unions
CI_5400_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Obtaining Personnel Resources to Meet Surge Requirements
CI_5400_13B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - U.S. Coast Guard YARD Policy Statement
CI_5400_14.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Coast Guard Academy Mission and Policy Statement
CI_5400_20A.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Operating Procedures for Work-Life Staffs
CI_5401_4.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Definition of Coast Guard Planning Terms
CI_5401_5.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Establishment of the CG-6 Directorate and Associated Duties
CI_5402_1.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Delegation of Authority Under Abandoned Barge Act
CI_5420_23D.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Navy and Coast Guard (NAVGUARD) Board
CI_5420_27C.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Nonrate Advisory Committee (NAC)
CI_5420_32.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Standards Program for Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection Programs
CI_5420_37A.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Committee Management Policy and Procedures
CI_5420_40.pdf - Pages: 2 - - The Coast Guard Leadership Council
CI_5420_50.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Coast Guard Logistics Advisory Council
CI_5510_22.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Original Classification Authority
CI_5512_10.pdf - Pages: 20 - - DOD Guard and Reserve Family Member Identification Card and Selected Reserve DEERS Enrollment
CI_5512_2.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Coast Guard Credential and Badges
CI_5520_13.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Industrial Security Program.
CI_5520_5E.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Mandatory Reporting of Incidents to Coast Guard Investigative Service and Requesting Assistance
CI_5603_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Printed Matter for Official Ceremonies
CI_5700_1.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADAS)
CI_5700_10.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Internal Control Program
CI_5700_3.pdf - Pages: 1 - - Retired Flag Officer Biographical Material/Requirements
CI_5710_2A.pdf - Pages: 13 - - Toward 2020-US Coast Guard International Strategic Plan
CI_5710_3.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Procedures for Negotiating and Concluding International Agreements
CI_5711_2.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Transition to the Metric System
CI_5711_3.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Command Center Standardization Team
CI_5720_3.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Documenting the 2003 USCG Operation Enduring Freedom
CI_5721_1A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Release of Information on Nuclear Weapons and Capabilities of U.S. Forces
CI_5725_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Reserve Policy Bo
CI_1000_1A.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Tattoo, Body Marking, Body Piercing, and Mutilation Policy
CI_1000_5F.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Administration of Coast Guard and Navy Officers Assigned to the Coast Guard/Navy Officer Exchange Programs
CI_1001_30E.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve Educational Assistance Program
CI_1020_10.pdf - Pages: 13 - - Standards for Wearing of Camouflage Utility Uniforms (CUU) by Coast Guard Personnel
CI_10360_4A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Regulations Governing VOC Emissions and Solvent Content
CI_1040_4C.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Career Development Advisor Program (CDA)
CI_11010_1.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Shore Facilities Capital Asset Management Strategy
CI_11010_11B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Real Property Facility Use Codes
CI_11101_15.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Critical Housing Areas (CHA)
CI_11103_1B.pdf - Pages: 39 - - Maintaining and Supporting Representational Facilities
CI_11133_1A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Domestic Loran-C and Omega tower light outrage reporting procedure
CI_1120_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Active Duty Direct Petty Officer Program
CI_1131_20.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Academy Information Program
CI_1141_3B.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Recall of Enlisted Reservists to Extended Active Duty
CI_1221_1.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Competencies and Training for Yeomen Assigned to Coast Guard Legal Offices and Staffs
CI_12251_1.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Framework for the Establishment of Civilian Advisory Boards
CI_12300_6J.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Employment of retired Coast Guard Military Members and Military Retirees Who Have Worked for DOT
CI_12300_7A.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Detail of Appropriated Fund Civilian Employees
CI_12300_9.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Career Entry-Level Opportunity (CEO) Program
CI_12310_3A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Restrictions on Employment of Relatives
CI_12315_2.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Probationary Period for New Supervisors and Managers
CI_12335_4A.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Merit Promotion Program and National Merit Promotion Plan
CI_12351_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Assigning Performance Credit for Reduction-in-Force
CI_12351_2B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Competitive Areas of the United States Coast Guard
CI_12361_1.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Federal Career Intern Program
CI_12410_12.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Civilian Orientation Training
CI_12451_2A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Civilian Employee of the Year Award
CI_12451_3A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Non- Appropriated Fund Employee of the Year Award Program
CI_12500_2.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Civilian recruitment, relocation and Retention Incentives
CI_12550_21A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Coast Guard Death Gratuity Payment
CI_12550_3C.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Special Overtime Pay and Reimbursable Charges for Vessel Documentation Specialists
CI_12550_4I.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Management of Civilian Overtime
CI_12570_3D.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Invitational Travel
CI_12570_4.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Civilian Travel Management Program
CI_12570_5.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Permanent Change of Stations (PCS) Travel for Civilian Employees
CI_12630_1.pdf - Pages: 21 - - Coast Guard's telecommuting program
CI_12713_1.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants and Employees with Disabilities
CI_12713_13.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Civilian Affirmative Employment Program
CI_12713_20.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Affirmative Action in Employee Selection Decisions
CI_12720_4B.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program
CI_12720_9.pdf - Pages: 31 - - National Affirmative Employment Recruitment Strategy
CI_12792_3.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Health Care for Coast Guard Civilian Employees
CI_12800_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Coast Guard Professional Liability Insurance Reimbursement (PLIR) Policy
CI_12800_2.pdf - Pages: 4 - - US Coast Guard Non-Appropriated Fund Back-to-Work (BTW) Program
CI_12831_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Military Service Deposits for Retirement
CI_12910_1A.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Screening of Civilian Employees in the Reserve Components
CI_1300_7.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Temporary Active Duty (TEMAC) Assignment of Inactive Duty Public Health Service Reserve Officers
CI_13020_2A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Aviation Technical Training Advisory Committee
CI_1306_1A.pdf - Pages: 13 - - Command Master Chief Program
CI_1330_1C.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Temporary Active Duty (TEMAC)
CI_1401_5AB.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Schedule of Active Duty Promotion List (ADPL) and Inactive Duty Promotion List (IDPL) Officer
CI_1410_2.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Documents Viewed by Coast Guard Officer Promotion and Special Boards
CI_1430_1P.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP)
CI_1500_1.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Chief Warrant Officer Indoctrination Course
CI_1500_15F.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Chief Petty Officer Academy (CPOACAD)
CI_1500_23.pdf - Pages: 8 - - U.S. Coast Guard Philosophy in Training, Education, and Development
CI_1500_24.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Tuition Assistance (TA) Program
CI_1510_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - United Services Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP)
CI_1514_1.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Public Affairs Specialist "A" School Candidate Screening Process
CI_1520_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Information Resource Management (IRM) College Quota Management
CI_1520_2.pdf - Pages: 38 - - CH-1 to Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Quota Management, COMDTINST 1520.2
CI_1524_2A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Law Advanced Education Program for Juris Doctor and Master of Laws Degrees
CI_1531_2A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Academy Preparatory Program
CI_1541_1.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Team Coordinating Training
CI_1542_1.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Obligated Service Resulting from Aircraft Transition
CI_1543_1A.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Pipeline Training for Electronic Technicians (ET) Reporting to LORAN Stations
CI_1543_3.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) - AN/PVS 14 Monocular Night Vision Device (MNVD)
CI_1550_16.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Institute Training Videotape Library
CI_1550_18.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Coast Guard Training and Education Advisory Council (CGTAC)
CI_1550_23.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Training Evaluation Policy
CI_1550_9.pdf - Pages: 49 - - Management of the Coast Guard's Training System
CI_1554_1.pdf - Pages: 107 - - Development and Management of Interactive Courseware (ICW) for Coast Guard Training
CI_1554_2.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Unit Learning Centers
CI_16000_1.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Mandated Use of Recycled Copier Paper
CI_16000_27.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Alignment with the National Incident Management System and National Response Plan
CI_16004_2.pdf - Pages: 35 - - Coastal Zone Management, Federal Consistency Procedures
CI_16004_3A.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Coast Guard Participation in the Marine Sanctuary Program
CI_16010_12A.pdf - Pages: 19 - - The Commandant's Direction
CI_16010_13.pdf - Pages: 34 - - Commandant's Executive Business Plan
CI_16010_8.pdf - Pages: 147 - - Coast Guard Annual Performance Plan
CI_16010_9.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Guidance for Coast Guard Coordination of Marine Transportation Systems Improvement Efforts
CI_1610_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Hazing Awareness Training
CI_16114_19.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Use of personal watercraft (PWC) by Coast Guard personnel
CI_16114_20.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Response Boats 2010: The Shore-Based Response Boat Strategic Vision & Transition Plan
CI_16114_35.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Prospective Surf man Program
CI_16114_36.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Surfman Management Program
CI_16114_38.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Register of Surfman.
CI_16121_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Digital Selective Calling Operations Doctrine
CI_16122_2A.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Management of Operation of the Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System
CI_16151_1C.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Domestic Icebreaking Policy and Reporting Requirements
CI_16155_2B.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Polar Icebreaker Cruise Reports
CI_16200_3A.pdf - Pages: 137 - - Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and Off-Installation Liason and Operations
CI_16200_6.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Civil Penalty Procedures and Administration
CI_1620_1D.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Law Enforcement Planning and Assessment System
CI_16214_3.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Northern Right Whale Mandatory Ship Reporting System
CI_16450_32A.pdf - Pages: 41 - - Guidelines for Implementation and Enforcement of Vessel Response Plans, Facility Response Plans
CI_16450_4.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Educational Efforts to Protect the Northern Right Whale
CI_16451_1.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Disaster Related Pollution Response Activities Under the Federal Response Plan (FRP)
CI_16451_6.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Standardization of Alterations to Marine Environmental Protection Equipment
CI_16451_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - CERCLA Non-Incident Funds
CI_16460_5.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Emergency Contracts for Responding to Discharge Which Pose Substantial Threat to Public Health
CI_16470_1.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Use of Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technology (SMART) Protocols
CI_16471_3.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Area Contingency Plan Organization, Content, Revision Cycle, and Distribution
CI_16475_2B.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Preservation of the Nation's Wetlands
CI_16475_3B.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Floodplain Management and Protection
CI_16475_5.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Environmental Initial Assessment Survey (IAS) Program
CI_16475_7.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Protected Living Marine Resources Program
CI_16477_5.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Coast Guard Qualified Recycling Program (QRP) Policy
CI_16478_10.pdf - Pages: 26 - - Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Battery Release Reporting Requirements
CI_16478_11.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Aids to Navigation Battery Tracking System
CI_16478_12.pdf - Pages: 301 - - National Plan for Aton Battery Recovery and Disposal
CI_16478_5.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Environmental Compliance Evaluation (ECE) Program
CI_16500_16A.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Sumner I. Kimball Readiness Award
CI_16500_20.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Enlisted Person of the Year (EPOY) Program
CI_16500_9.pdf - Pages: 18 - - RADM Charles P. Murphy Award Program
CI_16502_10.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Fireman First Class Paul Clark Boat Forces Engineering Award
CI_1650_2B.pdf - Pages: 7 - - CDR Ray Evans Outstanding Coxswain Trophy
CI_1650_36B.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Joshua James "Keeper" Award
CI_1650_4.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Captain Neils P. Thomsen Innovation Award
CI_1650_5A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Auxiliary Cutterman Insignia
CI_1650_6A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Auxiliary Aids to Navigation Program
CI_1650_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Aids to Navigation Positioning Datums
CI_1650_8.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Classical Lens Maintenance
CI_1650_9.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Development of New Nautical Charts and Publications
CI_16550_5.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Reporting Procedures for Loran-C and Omega Stations
CI_16575_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Processing Global Positioning System (GPS) Interference Test Requests
CI_16577_2.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) Navigation Service Concept of Operations
CI_16616_11B.pdf - Pages: 21 - - Guidance and Procedures for Conducting Containerized Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Inspections
CI_16618_8.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Implementation of America's Waterway Watch and Local Maritime Homeland Security Outreach
CI_16630_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Port Operations Information for Safety and Efficiency (POISE)
CI_16630_2.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Port Operations Information for Safety and Efficiency (Poise)
CI_16637_5.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coordination of Great Lakes Registered Pilotage Issues
CI_16672_3A.pdf - Pages: 2 - - International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS)
CI_16672_5A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Deck Watch Officer Examination Program
CI_16710_2A.pdf - Pages: 8 - - American Bureau of Shipping; Oversight of Plan Review and Inspection on Behalf of the Coast Guard
CI_16711_1.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Coast Guard Passenger Vessel Safety, Prevention and Mass Rescue Operations Program
CI_16711_12A.pdf - Pages: 18 - - The Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO 147) and Port State Control (PSC)
CI_16711_13B.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Implementation of the Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Regulations
CI_16711_14.pdf - Pages: 71 - - Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Training and Qualification
CI_16713_3.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Application, Builder's Certification, Bill of Sale
CI_16713_4.pdf - Pages: 2 - - General Index or Abstract of Title
CI_16715_5.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Marine Safety Center Regulation Interpretation Responsibility
CI_16721_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Standards for Oversight of Licensing and Seaman's Certification Activities
CI_16722_4.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Enforcement of the Chemical testing Regulations
CI_16742_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Customer Service Standards for Issuance of Marines Credentials
CI_16750_8A.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Federal/State Relations - Recreational Boating Safety
CI_16751_3A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Regattas and Marine Parades
CI_16790_2B.pdf - Pages: 99 - - Auxiliary Forms and Instructions
CI_16794_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Auxiliary National "C" Schools Program
CI_16794_4.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Auxiliary Operational Excellence Program
CI_16794_43.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Guidance and Procedures for Auxiliary National Schools
CI_16796_7.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Vessel Safety Check Program
CI_16798_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Auxiliary Aviation Program
CI_16798_2.pdf - Pages: 24 - - Auxiliary Air Crew Qualification Program
CI_1734_1.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Suicide Prevention
CI_1740_2G.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Commercial Solicitation Controls at Coast Guard Units
CI_1740_3.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Use of Non-Governmental Educational Material and Presenters
CI_1740_7A.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Employee Assistance Program
CI_1742_3K.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Voting Assistance Program
CI_1750_4D.pdf - Pages: 41 - - Ombudsman Program
CI_1750_6B.pdf - Pages: 4 - - The Role of Coast Guard Spouse's Clubs
CI_1750_7C.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Coast Guard Family Advocacy Program
CI_1754_10B.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Reporting and Responding to Rape and Sexual Assault Allegations
CI_1754_12.pdf - Pages: 47 - - Management of Family Advocacy and Special Cases
CI_1754_16.pdf - Pages: 8 - - U.S. Coast Guard Transitional Compensation for Abused Dependents
CI_1754_3.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
CI_1754_7A.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Coast Guard Special Needs Program
CI_1754_9A.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Reimbursement of Adoption Expenses
CI_1755_1.pdf - Pages: 57 - - DoD/DoD Dependents Schools (DoDDS) Directives Pertaining To Minor Dependents' Schooling
CI_1760_10.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Active Duty College Fund Program
CI_1760_7B.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Continued Health Care Benefit Program
CI_1760_8.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Reemployment Rights of Coast Guard Personnel Separated From Active Duty
CI_1760_9A.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Montgomery G.I. Bill (MGIB) - Active Duty Education Assistance Program
CI_1780_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Coast Guard Exchange System (CGES) Scholarship Program
CI_1780_2A.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Coast Guard Morale, Well-Being, and Recreation (MWR) Internship Programs
CI_1800_5E.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Commandant of the Coast Guard National Retiree Council Program
CI_1800_6.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Presidential Recognition Upon Retirement from the Coast Guard
CI_1900_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Preseparation Counseling
CI_1900_2A.pdf - Pages: 38 - - Transition Assistance Program
CI_1900_8.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Conscientious Objectors and the Requirement to Bear Arms
CI_1910_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Eligibility of Regular and Reserve Enlisted Personnel for Separation Pay
CI_3010_22.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Contingency Preparedness System (CPS)
CI_3120_13.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Shipboard Helicopter Operations Facility Certification Program
CI_3120_14.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Incident Command System
CI_3120_3.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Guidance for the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS)
CI_3140_2D.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Marine Weather Observation and Reporting
CI_3140_3D.pdf - Pages: 19 - - Coastal Weather Program
CI_3142_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Bathythermograph Program
CI_3161_2G.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Ocean Sounding Program
CI_3500_2.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Crew Endurance Management
CI_3500_3.pdf - Pages: 24 - - Operational Risk Management
CI_3574_5B.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Coast Guard Judgmental Use of Force Evaluation (CGJUFE)
CI_3700_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Flight Safty for Non-Aircrew Coast Guard Personnel
CI_3710_5A.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Aircraft Employment Standards for Days Deployed Aboard Ship (DDAS) and Days Away from Home Station
CI_3740_1B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Flight Status Designations for Aviation Billets
CI_3800_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence Request for Information (RFI) and Production Requirements (PR)
CI_4000_11.pdf - Pages: 61 - - Coast Guard Logistics Master Plan (LMP)
CI_4000_12.pdf - Pages: 28 - - Operational Logistics Support Plan (OLSP) for the Acquisition of Bar Code Equipment for the U.S. Coast Guard
CI_4000_13.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Headquarters Materiel Management Projects at the Engineering Logistics Center
CI_4000_4A.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Standardized Bar Coding Within the Coast Guard for Logistics Applications
CI_4000_5A.pdf - Pages: 26 - - Cost Guard Logistics Doctrine
CI_4000_6.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Engineering Logistics Steering Committee Charter
CI_4001_1A.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Gift Acceptance by Bands, Honor Guard and Drill Teams
CI_4080_1.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Logistics Support for Deployed Units
CI_4100_2D.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Energy Management
CI_4100_7.pdf - Pages: 28 - - CH-1 to the Coast Guard Engineering Logistics Concept of Operations (ECONOP), COMDTINST 4100.7
CI_4105_4.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Long Range Planning of Logistics Support for Operational U.S. Coast Guard Cutters
CI_4105_7.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Equipment/System Integrated Logistics Support Plan (EILSP) and Equipment Support Sheet (ESS) Development
CI_4130_6.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Coast Guard Configuration Management
CI_4200_14A.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Coast Guard Ombudsman Program for Agency Protests
CI_4200_30C.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Procurement Management Internal Control Programs
CI_4200_38B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Standardization Program
CI_4400_20.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Supply Advisory Council Charter
CI_4400_22A.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Federal Logistics Data (FED LOG) Program for the U.S. Coast Guard
CI_4408_7.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Reporting Suspected Overpriced Parts
CI_4454_1.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program
CI_4570_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Foreign Transfer of Excess Coast Guard Boats
CI_4571_1.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Decommissioning and Disposition Cutters and Boats
CI_4600_13.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Annual Reverification of Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)
CI_4600_14B.pdf - Pages: 44 - - Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Program
CI_4600_15.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Policies and Procedures Concerning Travel Orders to Class "A" Schools of Less Than 20 Weeks
CI_4610_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Use of Excess Declared Valuation (EDV) on Shipping Papers
CI_4610_6.pdf - Pages: 41 - - U.S. Coast Guard Freight Loss and Damage Claim System
CI_4630_1J.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Use of Coast Guard Aircraft for Command/Support Operations
CI_4760_1.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Activation/Deactivation Procedures For Coast Guard Controlled Runways
CI_4790_2B.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Coast Guard Miniature/Microminiature (2M)/Module Test and Repair (MTR) Program
CI_5000_5F.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Foreign Travel, Passports and Visas
CI_5000_6.pdf - Pages: 2 - - United Services Organization (USO)
CI_5090_5B.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Environmental Awards Program
CI_5100_28A.pdf - Pages: 25 - - Participation in a Military or Civil Aircraft Accident Safety Investigation
CI_5100_56.pdf - Pages: 11 - - District Safety and Environmental Health Program
CI_5110_9A.pdf - Pages: 4 - - GSA Express Delivery Contract
CI_5120_2J.pdf - Pages: 7 - - U.S. Savings Bond Program
CI_5200_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Information Management and Electronic Government (E-GOV)
CI_5200_16.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Standard Workstation III Configuration Management Policy
CI_5200_38.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management
CI_5200_40.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) Of Models and Simulations (M&S)
CI_5210_11.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Coast Guard Data Quality Management for Publicly Disseminated Information
CI_5216_18.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement
CI_5216_6.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Writing in Plain Language to Increase Effectiveness
CI_5221_1.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Aviation Workforce Restructuring
CI_5224_10.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Recognition Of Efforts In Total Quality Management
CI_5224_11B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Organizational Performance Consultants
CI_5224_3.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Performance of Commercial Activities
CI_5224_7.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Coast Guard Total Quality Management (TQM) Generic Organization
CI_5224_8.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Total Quality Management (TQM) Organizational Structure and Training Strategy
CI_5224_9A.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Coast Guard Measurement Strategy and Responsibilities
CI_5230_2.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Standard Workstation III Operating System Standards
CI_5230_42A.pdf - Pages: 40 - - Coast Guard Data Element Naming Standards
CI_5230_49.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Use of the USCG Operations System Center (OSC)
CI_5230_51.pdf - Pages: 33 - - Coast Guard Microcomputer Allowance Policy
CI_5230_53.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Implementation of the Legal Automated Workstation Database
CI_5230_55A.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Acquiring Microcomputer Resources
CI_5230_58.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Information Technology Management Strategy
CI_5230_59.pdf - Pages: 26 - - U.S. Coast Guard Common Operating Environment (USCG COE)
CI_5230_60A.pdf - Pages: 51 - - Coast Guard Implementation of the Rehabilitation Act, Section 508
CI_5230_62.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Use and Management of Coast Guard Internet and Intranet Web Sites, Content, and Access
CI_5230_66.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4&IT)
CI_5230_67.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology (C4&IT) Information Assurance (IA) Policy
CI_5230_68.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Enterprise Architecture (EA) Policy
CI_5230_69.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computer & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Configuration Management (CM) Policy
CI_5230_70.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Infrastructure Management Policy
CI_5230_71.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Command, Control, Communications, Computers & Info. Tech. (C4&IT) Investment Management Policy
CI_5231_2.pdf - Pages: 7 - - Planning Approval For Automated Information Systems (AIS)
CI_5231_4.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Exchange of Information with Foreign Governments
CI_5234_5.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Desktop Productivity Software Standards
CI_5240_4.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Policy and Procedures for the Establishment, Management and Close-out of Work at the U.S. Coast Guard Yard
CI_5240_5.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Coast Guard Industrial Management Program
CI_5240_6.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Industrial Maintenance Innovation Award
CI_5260_4A.pdf - Pages: 35 - - Coast Guard Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
CI_5270_1D.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Management of Electronic Mail
CI_5270_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Mandatory Use of the Training Management Tool
CI_5280_1.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Mission Analysis Policy
CI_5297_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Productivity Improvement Fund
CI_5300_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Coast Guard Americans with Disabilities Act Complaint Investigations
CI_5300_9B.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Flag Quarters Managers
CI_5305_8.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Preparation Equals Performance (PEP) Award Program
CI_5310_2.pdf - Pages: 42 - - Policy for Plans to Integrate Reserve and Active Forces
CI_5310_3.pdf - Pages: 18 - - Measuring the Contribution of Reserve Duty
CI_5312_18.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Staffing Standard for the National Security Cutter (NSC)
CI_5350_20A.pdf - Pages: 47 - - Civil Rights Compliance in Coast Guard Programs of Federal Financial Assistance
CI_5350_21D.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Commandant's Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment Policy Statements
CI_5350_22B.pdf - Pages: 12 - - Coast Guard Partnership in Education
CI_5350_24C.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Mentoring Program
CI_5350_5.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Partnership with First Book
CI_5351_1.pdf - Pages: 34 - - Coast Guard Leadership Development Program
CI_5351_2.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Leadership Council's Sharp Coastie Award Program
CI_5354_6A.pdf - Pages: 24 - - Administering the Coast Guard Recruiting Initiative for the Twenty-First Century (CGRIT) to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy
CI_5354_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Minority Serving Institutions
CI_5355_2.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Drug Dependency Rehabilitation Procedures
CI_5357_1A.pdf - Pages: 49 - - Coast Guard Individual Development Plan (IDP)
CI_5370_1A.pdf - Pages: 20 - - Workplace Violence and Threatening Behavior
CI_5370_7.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Standards Of Conduct; Lobbying Activities
CI_5370_9B.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Financial Disclosure Report
CI_5375_1B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Limited Personal Use of Government Office Equipment
CI_5381_2.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Policy On Coast Guard Support Of Credit Unions
CI_5400_1.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Obtaining Personnel Resources to Meet Surge Requirements
CI_5400_13B.pdf - Pages: 5 - - U.S. Coast Guard YARD Policy Statement
CI_5400_14.pdf - Pages: 10 - - Coast Guard Academy Mission and Policy Statement
CI_5400_20A.pdf - Pages: 16 - - Operating Procedures for Work-Life Staffs
CI_5401_4.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Definition of Coast Guard Planning Terms
CI_5401_5.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Establishment of the CG-6 Directorate and Associated Duties
CI_5402_1.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Delegation of Authority Under Abandoned Barge Act
CI_5420_23D.pdf - Pages: 6 - - Navy and Coast Guard (NAVGUARD) Board
CI_5420_27C.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Nonrate Advisory Committee (NAC)
CI_5420_32.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Standards Program for Marine Safety, Security and Environmental Protection Programs
CI_5420_37A.pdf - Pages: 23 - - Committee Management Policy and Procedures
CI_5420_40.pdf - Pages: 2 - - The Coast Guard Leadership Council
CI_5420_50.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Coast Guard Logistics Advisory Council
CI_5510_22.pdf - Pages: 11 - - Original Classification Authority
CI_5512_10.pdf - Pages: 20 - - DOD Guard and Reserve Family Member Identification Card and Selected Reserve DEERS Enrollment
CI_5512_2.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Coast Guard Credential and Badges
CI_5520_13.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Industrial Security Program.
CI_5520_5E.pdf - Pages: 14 - - Mandatory Reporting of Incidents to Coast Guard Investigative Service and Requesting Assistance
CI_5603_1.pdf - Pages: 9 - - Printed Matter for Official Ceremonies
CI_5700_1.pdf - Pages: 8 - - Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADAS)
CI_5700_10.pdf - Pages: 17 - - Coast Guard Internal Control Program
CI_5700_3.pdf - Pages: 1 - - Retired Flag Officer Biographical Material/Requirements
CI_5710_2A.pdf - Pages: 13 - - Toward 2020-US Coast Guard International Strategic Plan
CI_5710_3.pdf - Pages: 15 - - Procedures for Negotiating and Concluding International Agreements
CI_5711_2.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Coast Guard Transition to the Metric System
CI_5711_3.pdf - Pages: 4 - - Command Center Standardization Team
CI_5720_3.pdf - Pages: 2 - - Documenting the 2003 USCG Operation Enduring Freedom
CI_5721_1A.pdf - Pages: 3 - - Release of Information on Nuclear Weapons and Capabilities of U.S. Forces
CI_5725_1.pdf - Pages: 5 - - Coast Guard Reserve Policy Bo
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