Automotive > Alternative_Fuels_6
3890a.pdf - Pages: 6 -
3890b.pdf - Pages: 49 -
3890c.pdf - Pages: 81 -
3892.pdf - Pages: 151 - Technical and Economic Analysis of an Enzymatic Hydrolysis Based Ethanol Plant
3892a.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3892b.pdf - Pages: 89 -
3892c.pdf - Pages: 62 -
3894.pdf - Pages: 39 - Electric Vehicle Community Market Launch Manual: A Guide to Prepare Your Community for Electric Vehicles: Volume I: General Policy-Level Considerations
3895.pdf - Pages: 61 - Electric Vehicle Community Market Launch Manual: A Guide to Prepare Your Community for Electric Vehicles. Volume II: The 'EV Ready' Community: Infrastructure Planning and Deployment
3896.pdf - Pages: 67 - Full Fuel Cycle Analysis of Biomass to Ethanol: Wastewater Treatment System Performance
3896a.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3896b.pdf - Pages: 19 -
3896c.pdf - Pages: 50 -
3919.pdf - Pages: 21 - Modeling the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Dilute-Acid Pretreated Douglas Fir
3925.pdf - Pages: 420 - Biomass To Ethanol Process Evaluation
3925a.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3925b.pdf - Pages: 111 -
3925c.pdf - Pages: 310 -
3925d.pdf - Pages: 20 -
3936.pdf - Pages: 66 -
3936a.pdf - Pages: 11 -
3936b.pdf - Pages: 55 -
3938.pdf - Pages: 23 - Program (Final) Guidance on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program
3939.pdf - Pages: 1 - Bioethanol -- The Future Is Now
3940.pdf - Pages: 497 - Economic Feasibility Study of an Acid Hydrolysis-Based Ethanol Plant
3940a.pdf - Pages: 13 -
3940b.pdf - Pages: 181 -
3940c.pdf - Pages: 39 -
3940d.pdf - Pages: 108 -
3940e.pdf - Pages: 28 -
3940f.pdf - Pages: 147 -
3944.pdf - Pages: 6 - Heavy Vehicle Technologies
3950.pdf - Pages: 23 - Production of Ethanol from Biomass Engineering Study Materials of Construction Options for Large Fermentation Vessels
3951.pdf - Pages: 69 - Technical and Economic Evaluation: Wood to Ethanol Process
3951a.pdf - Pages: 8 -
3951b.pdf - Pages: 60 -
3951c.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3952.pdf - Pages: 62 - Production of Ethanol from Lignocellulose by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation, Case No. 5: Xylose Fermentation
3953.pdf - Pages: 33 - Report on Biomass Drying Technology
3953a.pdf - Pages: 4 -
3955.pdf - Pages: 36 - Development of an ASPEN PLUS Physical Property Database for Biofuels Components
3957.pdf - Pages: 130 - Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol Process Design and Economics Utilizing Co-Current Dilute Acid Prehydrolysis and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Current and Futuristic Scenarios
3957a.pdf - Pages: 78 -
3957b.pdf - Pages: 57 -
3957c.pdf - Pages: 25 -
3958.pdf - Pages: 186 - Environmental Life Cycle Implications of Fuel Oxygenate Production from California Biomass -- Executive Summary
3964.pdf - Pages: 183 - Production of Ethanol from Biomass Engineering Study Materials of Construction Options for Large Fermentation Vessels
3986.pdf - Pages: 32 - Three Scenarios for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Commercialization
4087.pdf - Pages: 15 - Preliminary Estimate of the Cost of Ethanol Production for SSF Technology
4089.pdf - Pages: 11 - Preliminary Estimate of the Cost of Ethanol Production for SSF Technology
4095.pdf - Pages: 41 - Inventor Assistance Source Directory
4134.pdf - Pages: 186 - LAP Procedures
4150.pdf - Pages: 7 - Cellulase for Commodity Products from Cellulosic Biomass
4160.pdf - Pages: 3 - Toxicity of Hardwood Extractives Toward Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Glucose Fermentation
4161.pdf - Pages: 14 - Identification of Inhibitory Components Toxic Toward Zymomonas mobilis CP4(pZB5) Xylose Fermentation
4170.pdf - Pages: 114 -
4171.pdf - Pages: 4 - Process Design and Economics of Bioethanol Technology Utilizing Dilute Acid Pretreatment and Enzymatic SSCF
4172.pdf - Pages: 4 -
4173.pdf - Pages: 3 - Sugar Platform: BioEnergy Initiative Approach
4174.pdf - Pages: 12 - Rapid Evaluation of Research Proposals Using Aspen Plus
4175.pdf - Pages: 6 - Rapid Evaluation of Research Proposals Using Aspen Plus
4179.pdf - Pages: 18 - Purification of Cellulases of Microbispora
4182.pdf - Pages: 18 - Biofuels Program 2nd Semiannual Technical Report
4183.pdf - Pages: 59 - Effects of Storage on Switchgrass for Biomass-to-Ethanol and Thermochemical Fuels Project
4185.pdf - Pages: 16 - Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Cellulase Protein Production Using Trichoderma reesei RL-P37
4186.pdf - Pages: 20 - Identification of Leading Cellulase Producing Microorganisms
4187.pdf - Pages: 82 - Optimization of Dilute Acid Pretreatment
4188.pdf - Pages: 46 - Assessment of Costs and Benefits of Flexible and Alternative Fuel Use in the U.S. Transportation Sector
4191.pdf - Pages: 31 - Evaluation of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation-Ammonia Recycled Percolation Precess
4205.pdf - Pages: 79 - Rheological Characterization and Biological and Mass Transfer Kinetics of Cellulase-Producing T. reesei Viscous Suspensions
4209.pdf - Pages: 8 - Technical Support on Potential Catalyst Systems Related to Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation of Shape Selective Deoxygenation Catalysts for Biomass Pyrolysis Products
4211.pdf - Pages: 20 - Market Assessment for Lignin ByProducts
4221.pdf - Pages: 23 - Biofuels Program Quarterly Report -- Second Quarter -- Fiscal Year 1996
4226.pdf - Pages: 20 - Screening Study for Waste Biomass to Ethanol Production Facility Using the Amoco Process in New York State -- Final Report
4227.pdf - Pages: 32 - Hawaii Integrated Biofuels Research Program - Phase 6 - Final Report, Vol. 1.
4228.pdf - Pages: 20 -
4231.pdf - Pages: 43 - Effects of Storage on Sericea Lespedeza Biomass for Biomass-to-Ethanol and Thermochemical Projects
4232.pdf - Pages: 60 - Characterization of Endo-1,4-beta-glucanase by Viscometry and Reducing End-group Formation
4233.pdf - Pages: 6 - Effects of Storage on Eucalyptus for Biomass-to-Ethanol and Thermochemical Fuels Project
4234.pdf - Pages: 30 - Principles and Guidelines for the Development of Biomass Energy Systems
4235.pdf - Pages: 13 - Sustainable Biomass Energy Program
4236.pdf - Pages: 180 - Review and Analysis of the 1980-1989 Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program
4239.pdf - Pages: 153 - Dilute Nitric Acid Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials
4242.pdf - Pages: 85 - Information Management Assessment for the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Technologies
4243.pdf - Pages: 251 - DRAFT--Development of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes: Lime Pretreatment
4246.pdf - Pages: 123 - Process Design for Dilute-Acid Pretreatment of Hardwood and Herbaceous Biomass Feedstock
4248.pdf - Pages: 96 -
4249.pdf - Pages: 4 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4251.pdf - Pages: 10 - Economic Development Through Biomass Systems Integration in Central Florida
4252.pdf - Pages: 46 - Methane Recovery from Animal Manures: A Current Opportunities Casebook Volumes 1 & 2
4253.pdf - Pages: 76 - Evaluation of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation-Ammonia Recycled Percolation Process
4288.pdf - Pages: 132 - Development of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes
4308.pdf - Pages: 247 - FINAL--Development of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes: Lime Pretreatment
4348.pdf - Pages: 56 - Demonstration of Caterpillar C-10 Dual-Fuel Engines in MCI 102DL3 Commuter Buses
4351.pdf - Pages: 161 - Building a Bridge to Corn Ethanol Industry
4351a.pdf - Pages: 67 -
4351b.pdf - Pages: 94 -
4351d.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4374.pdf - Pages: 49 - Evaluation of Diesel-Ethanol Blend Studies and Potential to Penetrate the U.S. Transportation Fuel Market
4375.pdf - Pages: 47 - Draft National Program Plan for Biomass Ethanol
4393.pdf - Pages: 2 - Project Summary--Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry: Corn Fiber Conversion in the Ethanol Industry
4394.pdf - Pages: 114 - Kinetic and Modeling Investigation on Dilute-Acid Pretreatment of Hardwood, Hardwood Bark, and Corn Cobs/Stover Mixture Feedstocks
4413.pdf - Pages: 21 - Catalyst Lifetime Testing for Methanol Syngas Conditioning
4414.pdf - Pages: 16 - Baled Feedstock Handling System
4414b.pdf - Pages: 6 -
4414c.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4414d.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4414e.pdf - Pages: 1 - Using Databases to Streamline Process Design and Analysis
3890b.pdf - Pages: 49 -
3890c.pdf - Pages: 81 -
3892.pdf - Pages: 151 - Technical and Economic Analysis of an Enzymatic Hydrolysis Based Ethanol Plant
3892a.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3892b.pdf - Pages: 89 -
3892c.pdf - Pages: 62 -
3894.pdf - Pages: 39 - Electric Vehicle Community Market Launch Manual: A Guide to Prepare Your Community for Electric Vehicles: Volume I: General Policy-Level Considerations
3895.pdf - Pages: 61 - Electric Vehicle Community Market Launch Manual: A Guide to Prepare Your Community for Electric Vehicles. Volume II: The 'EV Ready' Community: Infrastructure Planning and Deployment
3896.pdf - Pages: 67 - Full Fuel Cycle Analysis of Biomass to Ethanol: Wastewater Treatment System Performance
3896a.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3896b.pdf - Pages: 19 -
3896c.pdf - Pages: 50 -
3919.pdf - Pages: 21 - Modeling the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Dilute-Acid Pretreated Douglas Fir
3925.pdf - Pages: 420 - Biomass To Ethanol Process Evaluation
3925a.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3925b.pdf - Pages: 111 -
3925c.pdf - Pages: 310 -
3925d.pdf - Pages: 20 -
3936.pdf - Pages: 66 -
3936a.pdf - Pages: 11 -
3936b.pdf - Pages: 55 -
3938.pdf - Pages: 23 - Program (Final) Guidance on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program
3939.pdf - Pages: 1 - Bioethanol -- The Future Is Now
3940.pdf - Pages: 497 - Economic Feasibility Study of an Acid Hydrolysis-Based Ethanol Plant
3940a.pdf - Pages: 13 -
3940b.pdf - Pages: 181 -
3940c.pdf - Pages: 39 -
3940d.pdf - Pages: 108 -
3940e.pdf - Pages: 28 -
3940f.pdf - Pages: 147 -
3944.pdf - Pages: 6 - Heavy Vehicle Technologies
3950.pdf - Pages: 23 - Production of Ethanol from Biomass Engineering Study Materials of Construction Options for Large Fermentation Vessels
3951.pdf - Pages: 69 - Technical and Economic Evaluation: Wood to Ethanol Process
3951a.pdf - Pages: 8 -
3951b.pdf - Pages: 60 -
3951c.pdf - Pages: 10 -
3952.pdf - Pages: 62 - Production of Ethanol from Lignocellulose by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation, Case No. 5: Xylose Fermentation
3953.pdf - Pages: 33 - Report on Biomass Drying Technology
3953a.pdf - Pages: 4 -
3955.pdf - Pages: 36 - Development of an ASPEN PLUS Physical Property Database for Biofuels Components
3957.pdf - Pages: 130 - Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol Process Design and Economics Utilizing Co-Current Dilute Acid Prehydrolysis and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Current and Futuristic Scenarios
3957a.pdf - Pages: 78 -
3957b.pdf - Pages: 57 -
3957c.pdf - Pages: 25 -
3958.pdf - Pages: 186 - Environmental Life Cycle Implications of Fuel Oxygenate Production from California Biomass -- Executive Summary
3964.pdf - Pages: 183 - Production of Ethanol from Biomass Engineering Study Materials of Construction Options for Large Fermentation Vessels
3986.pdf - Pages: 32 - Three Scenarios for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Commercialization
4087.pdf - Pages: 15 - Preliminary Estimate of the Cost of Ethanol Production for SSF Technology
4089.pdf - Pages: 11 - Preliminary Estimate of the Cost of Ethanol Production for SSF Technology
4095.pdf - Pages: 41 - Inventor Assistance Source Directory
4134.pdf - Pages: 186 - LAP Procedures
4150.pdf - Pages: 7 - Cellulase for Commodity Products from Cellulosic Biomass
4160.pdf - Pages: 3 - Toxicity of Hardwood Extractives Toward Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Glucose Fermentation
4161.pdf - Pages: 14 - Identification of Inhibitory Components Toxic Toward Zymomonas mobilis CP4(pZB5) Xylose Fermentation
4170.pdf - Pages: 114 -
4171.pdf - Pages: 4 - Process Design and Economics of Bioethanol Technology Utilizing Dilute Acid Pretreatment and Enzymatic SSCF
4172.pdf - Pages: 4 -
4173.pdf - Pages: 3 - Sugar Platform: BioEnergy Initiative Approach
4174.pdf - Pages: 12 - Rapid Evaluation of Research Proposals Using Aspen Plus
4175.pdf - Pages: 6 - Rapid Evaluation of Research Proposals Using Aspen Plus
4179.pdf - Pages: 18 - Purification of Cellulases of Microbispora
4182.pdf - Pages: 18 - Biofuels Program 2nd Semiannual Technical Report
4183.pdf - Pages: 59 - Effects of Storage on Switchgrass for Biomass-to-Ethanol and Thermochemical Fuels Project
4185.pdf - Pages: 16 - Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Cellulase Protein Production Using Trichoderma reesei RL-P37
4186.pdf - Pages: 20 - Identification of Leading Cellulase Producing Microorganisms
4187.pdf - Pages: 82 - Optimization of Dilute Acid Pretreatment
4188.pdf - Pages: 46 - Assessment of Costs and Benefits of Flexible and Alternative Fuel Use in the U.S. Transportation Sector
4191.pdf - Pages: 31 - Evaluation of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation-Ammonia Recycled Percolation Precess
4205.pdf - Pages: 79 - Rheological Characterization and Biological and Mass Transfer Kinetics of Cellulase-Producing T. reesei Viscous Suspensions
4209.pdf - Pages: 8 - Technical Support on Potential Catalyst Systems Related to Preparation, Characterization and Evaluation of Shape Selective Deoxygenation Catalysts for Biomass Pyrolysis Products
4211.pdf - Pages: 20 - Market Assessment for Lignin ByProducts
4221.pdf - Pages: 23 - Biofuels Program Quarterly Report -- Second Quarter -- Fiscal Year 1996
4226.pdf - Pages: 20 - Screening Study for Waste Biomass to Ethanol Production Facility Using the Amoco Process in New York State -- Final Report
4227.pdf - Pages: 32 - Hawaii Integrated Biofuels Research Program - Phase 6 - Final Report, Vol. 1.
4228.pdf - Pages: 20 -
4231.pdf - Pages: 43 - Effects of Storage on Sericea Lespedeza Biomass for Biomass-to-Ethanol and Thermochemical Projects
4232.pdf - Pages: 60 - Characterization of Endo-1,4-beta-glucanase by Viscometry and Reducing End-group Formation
4233.pdf - Pages: 6 - Effects of Storage on Eucalyptus for Biomass-to-Ethanol and Thermochemical Fuels Project
4234.pdf - Pages: 30 - Principles and Guidelines for the Development of Biomass Energy Systems
4235.pdf - Pages: 13 - Sustainable Biomass Energy Program
4236.pdf - Pages: 180 - Review and Analysis of the 1980-1989 Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program
4239.pdf - Pages: 153 - Dilute Nitric Acid Pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials
4242.pdf - Pages: 85 - Information Management Assessment for the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Technologies
4243.pdf - Pages: 251 - DRAFT--Development of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes: Lime Pretreatment
4246.pdf - Pages: 123 - Process Design for Dilute-Acid Pretreatment of Hardwood and Herbaceous Biomass Feedstock
4248.pdf - Pages: 96 -
4249.pdf - Pages: 4 - Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry
4251.pdf - Pages: 10 - Economic Development Through Biomass Systems Integration in Central Florida
4252.pdf - Pages: 46 - Methane Recovery from Animal Manures: A Current Opportunities Casebook Volumes 1 & 2
4253.pdf - Pages: 76 - Evaluation of Alternate Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation-Ammonia Recycled Percolation Process
4288.pdf - Pages: 132 - Development of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes
4308.pdf - Pages: 247 - FINAL--Development of Alternative Pretreatment and Biomass Fractionation Processes: Lime Pretreatment
4348.pdf - Pages: 56 - Demonstration of Caterpillar C-10 Dual-Fuel Engines in MCI 102DL3 Commuter Buses
4351.pdf - Pages: 161 - Building a Bridge to Corn Ethanol Industry
4351a.pdf - Pages: 67 -
4351b.pdf - Pages: 94 -
4351d.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4374.pdf - Pages: 49 - Evaluation of Diesel-Ethanol Blend Studies and Potential to Penetrate the U.S. Transportation Fuel Market
4375.pdf - Pages: 47 - Draft National Program Plan for Biomass Ethanol
4393.pdf - Pages: 2 - Project Summary--Building a Bridge to the Corn Ethanol Industry: Corn Fiber Conversion in the Ethanol Industry
4394.pdf - Pages: 114 - Kinetic and Modeling Investigation on Dilute-Acid Pretreatment of Hardwood, Hardwood Bark, and Corn Cobs/Stover Mixture Feedstocks
4413.pdf - Pages: 21 - Catalyst Lifetime Testing for Methanol Syngas Conditioning
4414.pdf - Pages: 16 - Baled Feedstock Handling System
4414b.pdf - Pages: 6 -
4414c.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4414d.pdf - Pages: 1 -
4414e.pdf - Pages: 1 - Using Databases to Streamline Process Design and Analysis
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