Automotive > Alternative_Fuels_3
3392.pdf - Pages: 21 - Overview of Acid Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosics to Liquid Fuels
3393.pdf - Pages: 14 - Dilute Acid Hydrolysis of High Solids Wood Slurries in a Two-Stage Continuous Flow Process
3394.pdf - Pages: 13 - Fermentability Tests of Sugars Produced in the Solar Energy Research Institute's Plug-Flow Reactor
3396.pdf - Pages: 11 - Packed Bed Hydrodynamics of an Acid Hydrolysis Percolation Reactor
3397.pdf - Pages: 11 - Ethanol from Cellulosic Residues and Crops
3398.pdf - Pages: 12 - Acid Recovery of Polyamine
3399.pdf - Pages: 13 - Overview of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Research
3400.pdf - Pages: 27 - Dilute Acid Pretreatment of Biomass
3401.pdf - Pages: 14 - Effect of Non-Uniform Temperature Distribution on Acid Hydrolysis of Aspen Hemicellulose
3402.pdf - Pages: 11 - Effect of Thermo-Chemical Pretreatment on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Substrates I
3403.pdf - Pages: 15 - Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Cellulose and Wheat Straw to Ethanol: Evaluation of Thermotolerant Yeast and Beta-Glucosidase Supplementation
3404.pdf - Pages: 11 - Modeling of Brettanomyces clausenii Growth on Mixtures of Glucose and Cellobiose
3405.pdf - Pages: 12 - Integrated Process for Production of Ethanol
3406.pdf - Pages: 16 - Digestion of Pretreated Aspen Substrates: Hydrolysis Rates and Adsorptive Loss of Cellulase Enzymes
3407.pdf - Pages: 7 - Denaturation Behavior of Fungal and Thermostable-Bacterial Beta-Glucosidases
3408.pdf - Pages: 5 - Beta-Glucosidase Crosslinking for Stability and Enzyme Recycle
3409.pdf - Pages: 3 - Synthesis of an Affinity Gel for Purification of Beta-Glucosidases
3410.pdf - Pages: 11 - Thermostable Cellulase Enzymes from Acidothermus cellulolyticus: Studies with Growth Media Activities
3411.pdf - Pages: 20 - Enzyme Production on Cellulose/Xylose Mixture
3412.pdf - Pages: 10 - Optimization of Cellulase Productivity from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus
3413.pdf - Pages: 11 - Xylose Fermentation Analysis
3414.pdf - Pages: 15 - Simultaneous Fermentation and Isomerization of Xylose to Ethanol
3415.pdf - Pages: 10 - Overproduction of Xylose Isomerase and Control of XY1A Copy Number in Large-Scale Fermentations of Escherichia coli
3416.pdf - Pages: 11 - Fusarium Strain Development and Selection for Enhancement of Ethanol Production
3417.pdf - Pages: 2 - Enzymology Research
3418.pdf - Pages: 17 - Ablative Pyrolysis of Macroparticles of Biomass
3419.pdf - Pages: 5 - Mild, Chemical Conversion of Cellulose to Hexene and Other Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels and Additives
3420.pdf - Pages: 6 - Lifetime Testing of Catalysts for Conditioning the Products of a Biomass Gasifier
3422.pdf - Pages: 17 - Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Lignocellulose: Process Evaluation
3423.pdf - Pages: 13 - An Outdoor Test Facility for the Large-Scale Production of Microalgae
3449.pdf - Pages: 17 - Technical and Economic Feasibility of Enzyme Hydrolysis for Ethanol Production from Wood. Final Report
3450.pdf - Pages: 107 - Biofuels: Project Summaries Fiscal Year 1992
3451.pdf - Pages: 36 - Modeling of Kinetics and Continuous Reaction for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Biomass (Draft)
3456.pdf - Pages: 4 - Characterization of Recombinant E. coli ATCC 11303 (pLOI 297) in the Conversion of Cellulose and Xylose to Ethanol
3457.pdf - Pages: 10 - Short-Rotation Forestry as an Alternative Land Use in Hawaii
3458.pdf - Pages: 3 - Biomass for Energy and Industry
3459.pdf - Pages: 23 - Municipal Solid Waste Evaluation: A Geographic Information System Mini-Study
3460.pdf - Pages: 76 - Ethers Project Plan
3393.pdf - Pages: 14 - Dilute Acid Hydrolysis of High Solids Wood Slurries in a Two-Stage Continuous Flow Process
3394.pdf - Pages: 13 - Fermentability Tests of Sugars Produced in the Solar Energy Research Institute's Plug-Flow Reactor
3396.pdf - Pages: 11 - Packed Bed Hydrodynamics of an Acid Hydrolysis Percolation Reactor
3397.pdf - Pages: 11 - Ethanol from Cellulosic Residues and Crops
3398.pdf - Pages: 12 - Acid Recovery of Polyamine
3399.pdf - Pages: 13 - Overview of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Research
3400.pdf - Pages: 27 - Dilute Acid Pretreatment of Biomass
3401.pdf - Pages: 14 - Effect of Non-Uniform Temperature Distribution on Acid Hydrolysis of Aspen Hemicellulose
3402.pdf - Pages: 11 - Effect of Thermo-Chemical Pretreatment on the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Substrates I
3403.pdf - Pages: 15 - Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Cellulose and Wheat Straw to Ethanol: Evaluation of Thermotolerant Yeast and Beta-Glucosidase Supplementation
3404.pdf - Pages: 11 - Modeling of Brettanomyces clausenii Growth on Mixtures of Glucose and Cellobiose
3405.pdf - Pages: 12 - Integrated Process for Production of Ethanol
3406.pdf - Pages: 16 - Digestion of Pretreated Aspen Substrates: Hydrolysis Rates and Adsorptive Loss of Cellulase Enzymes
3407.pdf - Pages: 7 - Denaturation Behavior of Fungal and Thermostable-Bacterial Beta-Glucosidases
3408.pdf - Pages: 5 - Beta-Glucosidase Crosslinking for Stability and Enzyme Recycle
3409.pdf - Pages: 3 - Synthesis of an Affinity Gel for Purification of Beta-Glucosidases
3410.pdf - Pages: 11 - Thermostable Cellulase Enzymes from Acidothermus cellulolyticus: Studies with Growth Media Activities
3411.pdf - Pages: 20 - Enzyme Production on Cellulose/Xylose Mixture
3412.pdf - Pages: 10 - Optimization of Cellulase Productivity from Acidothermus Cellulolyticus
3413.pdf - Pages: 11 - Xylose Fermentation Analysis
3414.pdf - Pages: 15 - Simultaneous Fermentation and Isomerization of Xylose to Ethanol
3415.pdf - Pages: 10 - Overproduction of Xylose Isomerase and Control of XY1A Copy Number in Large-Scale Fermentations of Escherichia coli
3416.pdf - Pages: 11 - Fusarium Strain Development and Selection for Enhancement of Ethanol Production
3417.pdf - Pages: 2 - Enzymology Research
3418.pdf - Pages: 17 - Ablative Pyrolysis of Macroparticles of Biomass
3419.pdf - Pages: 5 - Mild, Chemical Conversion of Cellulose to Hexene and Other Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels and Additives
3420.pdf - Pages: 6 - Lifetime Testing of Catalysts for Conditioning the Products of a Biomass Gasifier
3422.pdf - Pages: 17 - Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Lignocellulose: Process Evaluation
3423.pdf - Pages: 13 - An Outdoor Test Facility for the Large-Scale Production of Microalgae
3449.pdf - Pages: 17 - Technical and Economic Feasibility of Enzyme Hydrolysis for Ethanol Production from Wood. Final Report
3450.pdf - Pages: 107 - Biofuels: Project Summaries Fiscal Year 1992
3451.pdf - Pages: 36 - Modeling of Kinetics and Continuous Reaction for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Biomass (Draft)
3456.pdf - Pages: 4 - Characterization of Recombinant E. coli ATCC 11303 (pLOI 297) in the Conversion of Cellulose and Xylose to Ethanol
3457.pdf - Pages: 10 - Short-Rotation Forestry as an Alternative Land Use in Hawaii
3458.pdf - Pages: 3 - Biomass for Energy and Industry
3459.pdf - Pages: 23 - Municipal Solid Waste Evaluation: A Geographic Information System Mini-Study
3460.pdf - Pages: 76 - Ethers Project Plan
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