Automotive > Alternative_Fuels_2
2667.pdf - Pages: 4 - Ethanol from Biomass: The Five-Carbon Solution
2672.pdf - Pages: 11 - Long-Term Methanol Test Program
2677.pdf - Pages: 90 - Development of a Dedicated Ethanol Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) System Design
2678.pdf - Pages: 4 - Pretreatment of Microbial Sludges
2679.pdf - Pages: 4 - Combined Enzyme Mediated Fermentation of Cellulose and Xylose to Ethanol by Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Cellulase, Beta-Glucosidase, and Xylose Isomerase
2683.pdf - Pages: 129 - Federal Alternative Motor Fuels Program - Light Duty Federal Vehicles, Trucks, and Buses: Third Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1993
2690.pdf - Pages: 24 - Table 1 - Metropolitan Statistical Areas/Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas with 1980 Populations of 250,000 or more
2691.pdf - Pages: 32 - Technical and Economic Assessment of Biodiesel for Vehicular Fuel Use - Final Report
2692.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 4)
2697.pdf - Pages: 4 - Medium heavy duty vehicles
2703.pdf - Pages: 8 - Reformulated Gasoline: A Major Step Toward Cleaner Air
2705.pdf - Pages: 2 - Reactive Hydrocarbon Analyzer
2706.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ozone Productivity of Atmospheric Organics
2707.pdf - Pages: 2 - E85 Emissions Study
2708.pdf - Pages: 2 - Atmospheric Process of Alternative Transportation Fuels
2717.pdf - Pages: 6 - Hybrid Electric Vehicles: What You Should Know
2718.pdf - Pages: 26 - Guide for the Submission of Unsolicited Proposals
2721.pdf - Pages: 67 - Alternative Fuel Transportation Program: DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - 10 CFR Part 49
2722.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ethanol - The choice for energy independence, economic strength, and clean air
2724.pdf - Pages: 8 - Clean Cities Drive (Vol. 1, No. 1)
2725.pdf - Pages: 8 - Clean Cities Drive (Vol. 2, No. 1)
2730.pdf - Pages: 8 - Alternative Fuels Glossary of Terms
2732.pdf - Pages: 46 - The Energy Information Administration's Assessment of Reformulated Gasoline: An Update
2733.pdf - Pages: 170 - The Energy Information Administration's Assessment of Reformulated Gasoline: Volume 2
2734.pdf - Pages: 110 - The Energy Information Administration's Assessment of Reformulated Gasoline: Volume 1
2736.pdf - Pages: 150 - Alternative-Fueled Truck Demonstration Natural Gas Program: Caterpillar G3406LE Development and Demonstration
2738.pdf - Pages: 16 - National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Inventory and Analysis
2739.pdf - Pages: 44 - Labeling Requirements for Alternative Fuels and Alternative Fueled Vehicles; Final Rule. Federal Trade Commission - 16 CFR Part 309
2741.pdf - Pages: 28 - Fuel Ethanol - A review of recent economic impact analyses
2743.pdf - Pages: 8 - The Environmental Externality Costs of Petroleum
2744.pdf - Pages: 10 - The National Security Costs of Petroleum
2745.pdf - Pages: 10 - Petroleum and ethanol - A trade deficit analysis
2747.pdf - Pages: 2 - Alternative Fuel Truck Application Program - Enabling the use of cleaner, domestically-sourced fuels in the heavy-duty transport sector
2750.pdf - Pages: 1 - Hybrid Vehicle Program
2751.pdf - Pages: 28 - Impact of Highway Fuel Taxes on Alternative Fuel Vehicle Economics
2752.pdf - Pages: 4 - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Odorized Propane
2753.pdf - Pages: 5 - Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum No. 1A: Interim Tampering Enforcement Policy
2755.pdf - Pages: 2 - Summary of Federal Tax Incentives for Alcohol Fuels
2759.pdf - Pages: 6 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 3
2760.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 2
2766.pdf - Pages: 146 - Research and Development of Proton-Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell System for Transportation Applications: Initial Conceptual Design Report
2767.pdf - Pages: 42 - Benefits of a National Oxygenated Fuels Policy
2772.pdf - Pages: 12 - Advanced Natural Gas Vehicle
2774.pdf - Pages: 46 - Origin and Fate of Organic Pollutants from the Combustion of Alternative Fuels
2775.pdf - Pages: 30 - California's Clean, Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Programs
2780.pdf - Pages: 6 - Material Safety Data Sheet (fuel ethanol)
2781.pdf - Pages: 6 - Health Effects of Ambient Air Pollution
2783.pdf - Pages: 18 - Greenhouse Effect Information
2785.pdf - Pages: 2 - High Temperature Materials Laboratory-providing researches with the equipment and support they need to forward transportation materials technology
2789.pdf - Pages: 2 - Station Cars: Electric Cars Used by Transit Riders for Improved Access to Mass Transit
2790.pdf - Pages: 2 - Student Vehicle Competitions-government and industry sponsoring tomorrow's engineers
2791.pdf - Pages: 12 - Technicial Assistance Bried Fall 1992
2795.pdf - Pages: 2 - Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Program-generating AFV emissions data to aid potential operators
2796.pdf - Pages: 2 - Hybrid Electric Vehicle Program - Building a Low Emissions Vehicle for Widespread Use in the Short Term (Transportation Technologies - 5 of 19)
2797.pdf - Pages: 2 - The National Alternative Fuels Hotline - Experts standing ready to answer questions on all aspects of alternative fuels and vehicles
2798.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Systems Program's Feedstock Development R&D- Developing new, cost-effective alternative fuel crops
2799.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Systems Program's Conversion Technologies R&D- Developing new, cost-effective methods for converting biomass to liquid fuels
2800.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Systems Program's Biodiesel R&D- Replacing petroleum-based diesel fuels with a cleaner, renewable, domestically-produced alternative
2802.pdf - Pages: 2 - Heavy-Duty Engine Development Program-working toward a cleaner and more efficient diesel engine
2803.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 1, No. 1
2804.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 1, No. 2
2805.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 1, No. 3
2806.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 1
2807.pdf - Pages: 5 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 2
2808.pdf - Pages: 5 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 3
2809.pdf - Pages: 2 - Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Program- Giving fleet operators access to a convenient mobile testing lab
2810.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ceramic Technology Program - Developing Cost-Effective, High Performance Ceramic Materials for Use in a New Generation of Cleaner Vehicles (Transportation Technologies - 13 of 19)
2813.pdf - Pages: 2 - The U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium - Automakers and DOE Team Up to Establish American Leadership in New Automotive Technology (Transportation Technologies - 17 of 19)
2814.pdf - Pages: 2 - The Federal Fleet Program- paving the way for widespread use of alternative fuel vehicles
2815.pdf - Pages: 2 - Materials for Lightweight Vehicles Program - Helping Develop Lighter, More Fuel Efficient, Safer Cars (Transportation Technologies - 19 of 19)
2816.pdf - Pages: 16 - Your Future Car
2818.pdf - Pages: 4 - IRS Business Expenses For Use in Preparing 2000 Returns
2819.pdf - Pages: 1 - Excerpt from? U.S. Department of Energy Transportation Data Book
2822.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels Conferences and Events
2824.pdf - Pages: 70 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Program: 18th Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1994
2825.pdf - Pages: 38 - Hardware Assembly and Prototype Testing for the Development of a Dedicated Liquefied Propane Gas Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
2826.pdf - Pages: 122 - Atmospheric Process Evaluation of Mobile Source Emissions
2830.pdf - Pages: 46 - Inspection of Compressed Natural Gas Cylinders on School Buses
2832.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times: Tracking the Advancement of Transportation Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4
2833.pdf - Pages: 50 - Advanced Hydrogen/Methanol Utilization Technology Demonstration
2834.pdf - Pages: 20 - Development of an Ultra-Safe, Ultra-Low Emissions Natural Gas-Fueled School Bus - Phase I; Systems Design Final Report
2837.pdf - Pages: 22 - Vehicle emissions statistical analysis report June 1995
2838.pdf - Pages: 4 - Monthly Energy Review - November 1994
2842.pdf - Pages: 6 - Bioremediation from the Biofuels People - Capability Brief
2845.pdf - Pages: 17 - Biodiesel Fuel: What is it? Can it Compete?
2846.pdf - Pages: 16 - Biodiesel Industry in the United States - An Industry on the Move: An Update
2853.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Spring 1995, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Newsletter)
2854.pdf - Pages: 26 - Resource Guide Infrastructure for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
2855.pdf - Pages: 12 - Clean Cities Drive - Special Conference Issue ( Vol. 2, No. 2)
2861.pdf - Pages: 197 - Interim Alternative Fuel Transit Bus Assessment Results
2863.pdf - Pages: 2 - Tomorrow's Energy Today Energy Solutions for Cities and Counties
2870.pdf - Pages: 20 - Case Studies of Cost-Effective Natural Gas Fueling Stations
2872.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels In Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 4
2876.pdf - Pages: 4 - Fuel Economy Impact Analysis of RFG
2877.pdf - Pages: 3 - EPA, California Air Resources Board, and Manufacturers of Heavy-Duty Engines Sign Statement of Principles
2878.pdf - Pages: 2 - Cleaner Gasoline for Cleaner Air - Better for Your Health
2880.pdf - Pages: 3 - List of Reformulated Gasoline Program Areas
2886.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times: Tracking the Advancement of Transportation Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3
2889.pdf - Pages: 19 - Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition - Gas Research Institute - American Gas Association
2893.pdf - Pages: 57 - Fuel Economy Test Procedures Alternative-Fueled Automobile CAFE Incentives and Fuel Economy Labeling Requirements - Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Part 60
2894.pdf - Pages: 6 - Certification of an Aircraft Engine on Ethanol Fuel
2895.pdf - Pages: 8 - Certification of an Agricultural Spray Aircraft on Ethanol Fuel
2896.pdf - Pages: 8 - Certification of a Carbureted Aircraft Engine on Ethanol Fuel
2897.pdf - Pages: 8 - Ethanol as an Aviation Fuel: An overview of the program at baylor university
2898.pdf - Pages: 6 - The first transatlanic flight on ethanol fuel
2902.pdf - Pages: 5 - Proceedings of the 1995 SAE Alternative Fuels Conference
2905.pdf - Pages: 5 - Certification of Training Programs for Alternative Fuel Automotive Technicians
2912.pdf - Pages: 18 - The Energy Pubs List
2913.pdf - Pages: 16 - Transportation Monthly Update - August 1994
2916.pdf - Pages: 6 - Emerging Fuel Uses
2921.pdf - Pages: 14 - Clean Cities - St. Louis Regional Clean Cities Program: Fleet Management Life Cycle Cost Analysis - Revision
2924.pdf - Pages: 12 - Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol
2927.pdf - Pages: 7 - Spring 1995 Electric Vehicles
2929.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Questions and Answers
2930.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Regulatory Chronology
2931.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Ozone Nonattainment Areas
2932.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Areas affected by the urban bus retrofit/rebuild program
2933.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel - Biodiesel Specification July 1996
2934.pdf - Pages: 5 - Biodiesel - The price of progress
2935.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel
2936.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel Blends Compared to Diesel
2937.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel Emissions Profile
2938.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel reduces EPA-Targeted Emissions
2939.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Lubricity
2940.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel in Cold Weather
2941.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel Cooperative Demonstration Program
2942.pdf - Pages: 2 -
2943.pdf - Pages: 1 -
2944.pdf - Pages: 2 -
2945.pdf - Pages: 5 -
2949.pdf - Pages: 96 - Long-Term Methanol Vehicle Test Program: Final Subcontract Report, 1 November 1992 - 1 February 1995
2950.pdf - Pages: 22 - Heavy Vehicle and Engine Industry Contacts
2951.pdf - Pages: 84 - Development of a Dedicated Ethanol Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) - Phase 2 Report
2953.pdf - Pages: 60 - Current Status of Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Lithium Ion Electric Vehicle Batteries
2954.pdf - Pages: 114 -
2956.pdf - Pages: 25 - Transient Emissions Testing of Biodiesel and Other Additives in a DDC Series 60 Engine
2959.pdf - Pages: 6 -
2961.pdf - Pages: 100 - Feasibility Study for the Recycling of Nickel Metal Hydride Electric Vehicle Batteries - Final Report
2962.pdf - Pages: 80 - Current Status of Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Lithium Polymer Electric Vehicle Batteries
2963.pdf - Pages: 91 - Current Status of Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Nickel Metal-Hydride Batteries for Electric Vehicles
2964.pdf - Pages: 38 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume IV: In-Vehicle Safety
2965.pdf - Pages: 25 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume III: Transport of Sodium-Sulfur and Sodium-Metal-Chloride Batteries
2966.pdf - Pages: 36 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume II: Battery Recycling and Disposal
2967.pdf - Pages: 36 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume I: Cell and Battery Safety
2968.pdf - Pages: 15 - Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 14, (selected pages on Petroleum Methanol, and Ethanol Production & Consumption, Transportation Fuels Costs, Automobile Operating Costs, Fleets, Fuel Economy,
2969.pdf - Pages: 23 -
2970.pdf - Pages: 21 -
2971.pdf - Pages: 31 -
2974.pdf - Pages: 2 - NREL Examines Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues Concerning Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
2976.pdf - Pages: 40 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title II, III, IV, V, VI -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
2977.pdf - Pages: 5 - Public Law 102-486 - October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Section 1913. Treatment of Clean-Fuel Vehicles)
2982.pdf - Pages: 12 - Enzymatic Conversion of Biomass for Fuels Production - Development of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms for Ethanol Production
2984.pdf - Pages: 234 - Alternative Feedstocks Program Technical and Economic Assessment - Thermal/Chemical and Bioprocessing Components
2989.pdf - Pages: 17 - Proceedings of the 1995 Windsor Workshop on Alternative Fuels
2990.pdf - Pages: 38 -
2994.pdf - Pages: 4 -
2995.pdf - Pages: 6 -
2996.pdf - Pages: 7 -
2997.pdf - Pages: 4 -
3002.pdf - Pages: 6 - California RFG Fact Sheet
3005.pdf - Pages: 40 - Elimination of Abnormal Combustion in a Hydrogen-Fueled Engine
3007.pdf - Pages: 154 - First Semi-Annual Report AFDC Light Duty Vehicles
3011.pdf - Pages: 33 - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Compressed Natural Gas Fuel Container Integrity; Final Rule. Department of Transportation - 49 CFR Part 571
3012.pdf - Pages: 12 - Life-Cycle Costs of Alternative Fuels: Is Biodiesel Cost Competitive for Urban Buses?
3013.pdf - Pages: 154 - ASE Certification for Light/Medium Duty CNG/LPG Training Programs
3014.pdf - Pages: 64 - ASE Program Certification Standards - Light/Medium Duty CNG/LPG
3015.pdf - Pages: 6 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry Contacts
3016.pdf - Pages: 7 - Natural Gas Industry Contacts
3018.pdf - Pages: 1 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title II -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3019.pdf - Pages: 10 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title III -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3020.pdf - Pages: 13 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title IV -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3021.pdf - Pages: 13 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title V -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3022.pdf - Pages: 7 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title VI -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3025.pdf - Pages: 8 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - September 1995
3026.pdf - Pages: 12 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - October 1995
3027.pdf - Pages: 8 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - November 1995
3028.pdf - Pages: 12 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - December 1995
3029.pdf - Pages: 8 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - January 1996
3031.pdf - Pages: 32 - The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program
3032.pdf - Pages: 14 - Reformulated Gasoline: Cleaner Air on the Road to Nowhere
3033.pdf - Pages: 8 - Harnessing Hydrogen: The Key to Substainable Transportation
3034.pdf - Pages: 88 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1994, Vol. 1
3039.pdf - Pages: 12 - E-85...an Alternative Fuel for Today, Vol. 1, No. 1
3047.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3049.pdf - Pages: 5 - Production of Primary Pyrolysis Oils in a Vortex Reactor
3050.pdf - Pages: 12 - Biocatalyst Design for Stability and Specificity
3053.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ethanol from Biomass: Just the Facts (Revised) (Obsolete - Replaced by Fast Fuel Facts 2542)
3054.pdf - Pages: 42 - Ablative Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass in the Entrained-Flow Cyclonic Reactor at SERI
3058.pdf - Pages: 30 - Emissions from Methanol, Ethanol, and Diesel Powered Urban Transit Buses
3065.pdf - Pages: 1 - The National Alternative Fuels Hotline
3071.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Winter 1996, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Newsletter)
3072.pdf - Pages: 2 -
3073.pdf - Pages: 22 - Ethanol from Lignocellulose: The DOE/SERI Biochemical Conversion/Alcohol Fuels Program
3080.pdf - Pages: 17 - Organosolv Pretreatment
3177.pdf - Pages: 39 - Emissions from Biodiesel Blends and Neat Biodiesel from a 1991 Model Series 60 Engine Operating at High Altitude
3229.pdf - Pages: 16 - How Much Energy Does It Take to Make a Gallon of Soydiesel?
3231.pdf - Pages: 17 - Round 1 Emissions Test Results from Compressed Natural Gas Vans and Gasoline Controls Operating in the U.S. Federal Fleet
3232.pdf - Pages: 28 - FTP Emissions Test Results from Flexible-Fuel Methanol Dodge Spirits and Ford Econoline Vans
3233.pdf - Pages: 22 - Federal Test Procedure Emissions Test Results from Ethanol Variable-Fuel Vehicle Chevrolet Luminas
3246.pdf - Pages: 6 - Fuel Cells for Transportation - Technology to Transform Our Future
3250.pdf - Pages: 7 -
3251.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3287.pdf - Pages: 2 - Do EVs Have a Future?
3299.pdf - Pages: 36 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1994, Vol. 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3337.pdf - Pages: 2 - Federal Alternative Fueled Vehicle Leadership (Executive Order #13031)
3353.pdf - Pages: 4 -
3354.pdf - Pages: 69 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1995
3358.pdf - Pages: 12 -
3359.pdf - Pages: 9 -
3360.pdf - Pages: 25 -
3361.pdf - Pages: 16 -
3362.pdf - Pages: 12 -
3363.pdf - Pages: 2 -
3388.pdf - Pages: 21 - Lignin Characterization - A Summary Progress Report
3389.pdf - Pages: 14 - Design and Testing of an Autoclave System for Lignin Hydrotreating
3390.pdf - Pages: 18 - Catalyst Development for Hydrodeoxygenation and Dealkylation of Lignins for Fuels
3391.pdf - Pages: 17 - Lignin Conversion - An Overview
2672.pdf - Pages: 11 - Long-Term Methanol Test Program
2677.pdf - Pages: 90 - Development of a Dedicated Ethanol Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) System Design
2678.pdf - Pages: 4 - Pretreatment of Microbial Sludges
2679.pdf - Pages: 4 - Combined Enzyme Mediated Fermentation of Cellulose and Xylose to Ethanol by Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Cellulase, Beta-Glucosidase, and Xylose Isomerase
2683.pdf - Pages: 129 - Federal Alternative Motor Fuels Program - Light Duty Federal Vehicles, Trucks, and Buses: Third Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1993
2690.pdf - Pages: 24 - Table 1 - Metropolitan Statistical Areas/Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Areas with 1980 Populations of 250,000 or more
2691.pdf - Pages: 32 - Technical and Economic Assessment of Biodiesel for Vehicular Fuel Use - Final Report
2692.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 4)
2697.pdf - Pages: 4 - Medium heavy duty vehicles
2703.pdf - Pages: 8 - Reformulated Gasoline: A Major Step Toward Cleaner Air
2705.pdf - Pages: 2 - Reactive Hydrocarbon Analyzer
2706.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ozone Productivity of Atmospheric Organics
2707.pdf - Pages: 2 - E85 Emissions Study
2708.pdf - Pages: 2 - Atmospheric Process of Alternative Transportation Fuels
2717.pdf - Pages: 6 - Hybrid Electric Vehicles: What You Should Know
2718.pdf - Pages: 26 - Guide for the Submission of Unsolicited Proposals
2721.pdf - Pages: 67 - Alternative Fuel Transportation Program: DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - 10 CFR Part 49
2722.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ethanol - The choice for energy independence, economic strength, and clean air
2724.pdf - Pages: 8 - Clean Cities Drive (Vol. 1, No. 1)
2725.pdf - Pages: 8 - Clean Cities Drive (Vol. 2, No. 1)
2730.pdf - Pages: 8 - Alternative Fuels Glossary of Terms
2732.pdf - Pages: 46 - The Energy Information Administration's Assessment of Reformulated Gasoline: An Update
2733.pdf - Pages: 170 - The Energy Information Administration's Assessment of Reformulated Gasoline: Volume 2
2734.pdf - Pages: 110 - The Energy Information Administration's Assessment of Reformulated Gasoline: Volume 1
2736.pdf - Pages: 150 - Alternative-Fueled Truck Demonstration Natural Gas Program: Caterpillar G3406LE Development and Demonstration
2738.pdf - Pages: 16 - National Alternative Fuel Vehicle Inventory and Analysis
2739.pdf - Pages: 44 - Labeling Requirements for Alternative Fuels and Alternative Fueled Vehicles; Final Rule. Federal Trade Commission - 16 CFR Part 309
2741.pdf - Pages: 28 - Fuel Ethanol - A review of recent economic impact analyses
2743.pdf - Pages: 8 - The Environmental Externality Costs of Petroleum
2744.pdf - Pages: 10 - The National Security Costs of Petroleum
2745.pdf - Pages: 10 - Petroleum and ethanol - A trade deficit analysis
2747.pdf - Pages: 2 - Alternative Fuel Truck Application Program - Enabling the use of cleaner, domestically-sourced fuels in the heavy-duty transport sector
2750.pdf - Pages: 1 - Hybrid Vehicle Program
2751.pdf - Pages: 28 - Impact of Highway Fuel Taxes on Alternative Fuel Vehicle Economics
2752.pdf - Pages: 4 - Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for Odorized Propane
2753.pdf - Pages: 5 - Mobile Source Enforcement Memorandum No. 1A: Interim Tampering Enforcement Policy
2755.pdf - Pages: 2 - Summary of Federal Tax Incentives for Alcohol Fuels
2759.pdf - Pages: 6 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 3
2760.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 2
2766.pdf - Pages: 146 - Research and Development of Proton-Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell System for Transportation Applications: Initial Conceptual Design Report
2767.pdf - Pages: 42 - Benefits of a National Oxygenated Fuels Policy
2772.pdf - Pages: 12 - Advanced Natural Gas Vehicle
2774.pdf - Pages: 46 - Origin and Fate of Organic Pollutants from the Combustion of Alternative Fuels
2775.pdf - Pages: 30 - California's Clean, Alternative Fuels and Vehicles Programs
2780.pdf - Pages: 6 - Material Safety Data Sheet (fuel ethanol)
2781.pdf - Pages: 6 - Health Effects of Ambient Air Pollution
2783.pdf - Pages: 18 - Greenhouse Effect Information
2785.pdf - Pages: 2 - High Temperature Materials Laboratory-providing researches with the equipment and support they need to forward transportation materials technology
2789.pdf - Pages: 2 - Station Cars: Electric Cars Used by Transit Riders for Improved Access to Mass Transit
2790.pdf - Pages: 2 - Student Vehicle Competitions-government and industry sponsoring tomorrow's engineers
2791.pdf - Pages: 12 - Technicial Assistance Bried Fall 1992
2795.pdf - Pages: 2 - Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Program-generating AFV emissions data to aid potential operators
2796.pdf - Pages: 2 - Hybrid Electric Vehicle Program - Building a Low Emissions Vehicle for Widespread Use in the Short Term (Transportation Technologies - 5 of 19)
2797.pdf - Pages: 2 - The National Alternative Fuels Hotline - Experts standing ready to answer questions on all aspects of alternative fuels and vehicles
2798.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Systems Program's Feedstock Development R&D- Developing new, cost-effective alternative fuel crops
2799.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Systems Program's Conversion Technologies R&D- Developing new, cost-effective methods for converting biomass to liquid fuels
2800.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Systems Program's Biodiesel R&D- Replacing petroleum-based diesel fuels with a cleaner, renewable, domestically-produced alternative
2802.pdf - Pages: 2 - Heavy-Duty Engine Development Program-working toward a cleaner and more efficient diesel engine
2803.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 1, No. 1
2804.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 1, No. 2
2805.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 1, No. 3
2806.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 1
2807.pdf - Pages: 5 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 2
2808.pdf - Pages: 5 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 3
2809.pdf - Pages: 2 - Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emissions Testing Program- Giving fleet operators access to a convenient mobile testing lab
2810.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ceramic Technology Program - Developing Cost-Effective, High Performance Ceramic Materials for Use in a New Generation of Cleaner Vehicles (Transportation Technologies - 13 of 19)
2813.pdf - Pages: 2 - The U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium - Automakers and DOE Team Up to Establish American Leadership in New Automotive Technology (Transportation Technologies - 17 of 19)
2814.pdf - Pages: 2 - The Federal Fleet Program- paving the way for widespread use of alternative fuel vehicles
2815.pdf - Pages: 2 - Materials for Lightweight Vehicles Program - Helping Develop Lighter, More Fuel Efficient, Safer Cars (Transportation Technologies - 19 of 19)
2816.pdf - Pages: 16 - Your Future Car
2818.pdf - Pages: 4 - IRS Business Expenses For Use in Preparing 2000 Returns
2819.pdf - Pages: 1 - Excerpt from? U.S. Department of Energy Transportation Data Book
2822.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels Conferences and Events
2824.pdf - Pages: 70 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Program: 18th Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1994
2825.pdf - Pages: 38 - Hardware Assembly and Prototype Testing for the Development of a Dedicated Liquefied Propane Gas Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
2826.pdf - Pages: 122 - Atmospheric Process Evaluation of Mobile Source Emissions
2830.pdf - Pages: 46 - Inspection of Compressed Natural Gas Cylinders on School Buses
2832.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times: Tracking the Advancement of Transportation Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4
2833.pdf - Pages: 50 - Advanced Hydrogen/Methanol Utilization Technology Demonstration
2834.pdf - Pages: 20 - Development of an Ultra-Safe, Ultra-Low Emissions Natural Gas-Fueled School Bus - Phase I; Systems Design Final Report
2837.pdf - Pages: 22 - Vehicle emissions statistical analysis report June 1995
2838.pdf - Pages: 4 - Monthly Energy Review - November 1994
2842.pdf - Pages: 6 - Bioremediation from the Biofuels People - Capability Brief
2845.pdf - Pages: 17 - Biodiesel Fuel: What is it? Can it Compete?
2846.pdf - Pages: 16 - Biodiesel Industry in the United States - An Industry on the Move: An Update
2853.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Spring 1995, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Newsletter)
2854.pdf - Pages: 26 - Resource Guide Infrastructure for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
2855.pdf - Pages: 12 - Clean Cities Drive - Special Conference Issue ( Vol. 2, No. 2)
2861.pdf - Pages: 197 - Interim Alternative Fuel Transit Bus Assessment Results
2863.pdf - Pages: 2 - Tomorrow's Energy Today Energy Solutions for Cities and Counties
2870.pdf - Pages: 20 - Case Studies of Cost-Effective Natural Gas Fueling Stations
2872.pdf - Pages: 4 - Alternative Fuels In Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 4
2876.pdf - Pages: 4 - Fuel Economy Impact Analysis of RFG
2877.pdf - Pages: 3 - EPA, California Air Resources Board, and Manufacturers of Heavy-Duty Engines Sign Statement of Principles
2878.pdf - Pages: 2 - Cleaner Gasoline for Cleaner Air - Better for Your Health
2880.pdf - Pages: 3 - List of Reformulated Gasoline Program Areas
2886.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times: Tracking the Advancement of Transportation Technology, Vol. 3, No. 3
2889.pdf - Pages: 19 - Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition - Gas Research Institute - American Gas Association
2893.pdf - Pages: 57 - Fuel Economy Test Procedures Alternative-Fueled Automobile CAFE Incentives and Fuel Economy Labeling Requirements - Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Part 60
2894.pdf - Pages: 6 - Certification of an Aircraft Engine on Ethanol Fuel
2895.pdf - Pages: 8 - Certification of an Agricultural Spray Aircraft on Ethanol Fuel
2896.pdf - Pages: 8 - Certification of a Carbureted Aircraft Engine on Ethanol Fuel
2897.pdf - Pages: 8 - Ethanol as an Aviation Fuel: An overview of the program at baylor university
2898.pdf - Pages: 6 - The first transatlanic flight on ethanol fuel
2902.pdf - Pages: 5 - Proceedings of the 1995 SAE Alternative Fuels Conference
2905.pdf - Pages: 5 - Certification of Training Programs for Alternative Fuel Automotive Technicians
2912.pdf - Pages: 18 - The Energy Pubs List
2913.pdf - Pages: 16 - Transportation Monthly Update - August 1994
2916.pdf - Pages: 6 - Emerging Fuel Uses
2921.pdf - Pages: 14 - Clean Cities - St. Louis Regional Clean Cities Program: Fleet Management Life Cycle Cost Analysis - Revision
2924.pdf - Pages: 12 - Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Ethanol
2927.pdf - Pages: 7 - Spring 1995 Electric Vehicles
2929.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Questions and Answers
2930.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Regulatory Chronology
2931.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Ozone Nonattainment Areas
2932.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Areas affected by the urban bus retrofit/rebuild program
2933.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel - Biodiesel Specification July 1996
2934.pdf - Pages: 5 - Biodiesel - The price of progress
2935.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel
2936.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel Blends Compared to Diesel
2937.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel Emissions Profile
2938.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel reduces EPA-Targeted Emissions
2939.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biodiesel Lubricity
2940.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel in Cold Weather
2941.pdf - Pages: 1 - Biodiesel Cooperative Demonstration Program
2942.pdf - Pages: 2 -
2943.pdf - Pages: 1 -
2944.pdf - Pages: 2 -
2945.pdf - Pages: 5 -
2949.pdf - Pages: 96 - Long-Term Methanol Vehicle Test Program: Final Subcontract Report, 1 November 1992 - 1 February 1995
2950.pdf - Pages: 22 - Heavy Vehicle and Engine Industry Contacts
2951.pdf - Pages: 84 - Development of a Dedicated Ethanol Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) - Phase 2 Report
2953.pdf - Pages: 60 - Current Status of Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Lithium Ion Electric Vehicle Batteries
2954.pdf - Pages: 114 -
2956.pdf - Pages: 25 - Transient Emissions Testing of Biodiesel and Other Additives in a DDC Series 60 Engine
2959.pdf - Pages: 6 -
2961.pdf - Pages: 100 - Feasibility Study for the Recycling of Nickel Metal Hydride Electric Vehicle Batteries - Final Report
2962.pdf - Pages: 80 - Current Status of Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Lithium Polymer Electric Vehicle Batteries
2963.pdf - Pages: 91 - Current Status of Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Nickel Metal-Hydride Batteries for Electric Vehicles
2964.pdf - Pages: 38 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume IV: In-Vehicle Safety
2965.pdf - Pages: 25 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume III: Transport of Sodium-Sulfur and Sodium-Metal-Chloride Batteries
2966.pdf - Pages: 36 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume II: Battery Recycling and Disposal
2967.pdf - Pages: 36 - Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Volume I: Cell and Battery Safety
2968.pdf - Pages: 15 - Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 14, (selected pages on Petroleum Methanol, and Ethanol Production & Consumption, Transportation Fuels Costs, Automobile Operating Costs, Fleets, Fuel Economy,
2969.pdf - Pages: 23 -
2970.pdf - Pages: 21 -
2971.pdf - Pages: 31 -
2974.pdf - Pages: 2 - NREL Examines Environmental, Health, and Safety Issues Concerning Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries
2976.pdf - Pages: 40 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title II, III, IV, V, VI -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
2977.pdf - Pages: 5 - Public Law 102-486 - October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992 (Section 1913. Treatment of Clean-Fuel Vehicles)
2982.pdf - Pages: 12 - Enzymatic Conversion of Biomass for Fuels Production - Development of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms for Ethanol Production
2984.pdf - Pages: 234 - Alternative Feedstocks Program Technical and Economic Assessment - Thermal/Chemical and Bioprocessing Components
2989.pdf - Pages: 17 - Proceedings of the 1995 Windsor Workshop on Alternative Fuels
2990.pdf - Pages: 38 -
2994.pdf - Pages: 4 -
2995.pdf - Pages: 6 -
2996.pdf - Pages: 7 -
2997.pdf - Pages: 4 -
3002.pdf - Pages: 6 - California RFG Fact Sheet
3005.pdf - Pages: 40 - Elimination of Abnormal Combustion in a Hydrogen-Fueled Engine
3007.pdf - Pages: 154 - First Semi-Annual Report AFDC Light Duty Vehicles
3011.pdf - Pages: 33 - Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards: Compressed Natural Gas Fuel Container Integrity; Final Rule. Department of Transportation - 49 CFR Part 571
3012.pdf - Pages: 12 - Life-Cycle Costs of Alternative Fuels: Is Biodiesel Cost Competitive for Urban Buses?
3013.pdf - Pages: 154 - ASE Certification for Light/Medium Duty CNG/LPG Training Programs
3014.pdf - Pages: 64 - ASE Program Certification Standards - Light/Medium Duty CNG/LPG
3015.pdf - Pages: 6 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry Contacts
3016.pdf - Pages: 7 - Natural Gas Industry Contacts
3018.pdf - Pages: 1 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title II -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3019.pdf - Pages: 10 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title III -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3020.pdf - Pages: 13 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title IV -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3021.pdf - Pages: 13 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title V -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3022.pdf - Pages: 7 - Public Law 102-486 -- Title VI -- October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
3025.pdf - Pages: 8 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - September 1995
3026.pdf - Pages: 12 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - October 1995
3027.pdf - Pages: 8 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - November 1995
3028.pdf - Pages: 12 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - December 1995
3029.pdf - Pages: 8 - Southeastern Regional Biomass Energy Program (SERBEP) Update - January 1996
3031.pdf - Pages: 32 - The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program
3032.pdf - Pages: 14 - Reformulated Gasoline: Cleaner Air on the Road to Nowhere
3033.pdf - Pages: 8 - Harnessing Hydrogen: The Key to Substainable Transportation
3034.pdf - Pages: 88 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1994, Vol. 1
3039.pdf - Pages: 12 - E-85...an Alternative Fuel for Today, Vol. 1, No. 1
3047.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3049.pdf - Pages: 5 - Production of Primary Pyrolysis Oils in a Vortex Reactor
3050.pdf - Pages: 12 - Biocatalyst Design for Stability and Specificity
3053.pdf - Pages: 2 - Ethanol from Biomass: Just the Facts (Revised) (Obsolete - Replaced by Fast Fuel Facts 2542)
3054.pdf - Pages: 42 - Ablative Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass in the Entrained-Flow Cyclonic Reactor at SERI
3058.pdf - Pages: 30 - Emissions from Methanol, Ethanol, and Diesel Powered Urban Transit Buses
3065.pdf - Pages: 1 - The National Alternative Fuels Hotline
3071.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Winter 1996, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Newsletter)
3072.pdf - Pages: 2 -
3073.pdf - Pages: 22 - Ethanol from Lignocellulose: The DOE/SERI Biochemical Conversion/Alcohol Fuels Program
3080.pdf - Pages: 17 - Organosolv Pretreatment
3177.pdf - Pages: 39 - Emissions from Biodiesel Blends and Neat Biodiesel from a 1991 Model Series 60 Engine Operating at High Altitude
3229.pdf - Pages: 16 - How Much Energy Does It Take to Make a Gallon of Soydiesel?
3231.pdf - Pages: 17 - Round 1 Emissions Test Results from Compressed Natural Gas Vans and Gasoline Controls Operating in the U.S. Federal Fleet
3232.pdf - Pages: 28 - FTP Emissions Test Results from Flexible-Fuel Methanol Dodge Spirits and Ford Econoline Vans
3233.pdf - Pages: 22 - Federal Test Procedure Emissions Test Results from Ethanol Variable-Fuel Vehicle Chevrolet Luminas
3246.pdf - Pages: 6 - Fuel Cells for Transportation - Technology to Transform Our Future
3250.pdf - Pages: 7 -
3251.pdf - Pages: 3 -
3287.pdf - Pages: 2 - Do EVs Have a Future?
3299.pdf - Pages: 36 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1994, Vol. 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
3337.pdf - Pages: 2 - Federal Alternative Fueled Vehicle Leadership (Executive Order #13031)
3353.pdf - Pages: 4 -
3354.pdf - Pages: 69 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1995
3358.pdf - Pages: 12 -
3359.pdf - Pages: 9 -
3360.pdf - Pages: 25 -
3361.pdf - Pages: 16 -
3362.pdf - Pages: 12 -
3363.pdf - Pages: 2 -
3388.pdf - Pages: 21 - Lignin Characterization - A Summary Progress Report
3389.pdf - Pages: 14 - Design and Testing of an Autoclave System for Lignin Hydrotreating
3390.pdf - Pages: 18 - Catalyst Development for Hydrodeoxygenation and Dealkylation of Lignins for Fuels
3391.pdf - Pages: 17 - Lignin Conversion - An Overview
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