Automotive > Alternative_Fuels_1
0016.pdf - Pages: 20 - DOE/NREL Ethanol from Biomass Program
0017.pdf - Pages: 28 - Biofuels: At the Crossroads. Strategic Plan for the Biofuels Systems Program
0021.pdf - Pages: 30 - Wastepaper as a Feedstock for Ethanol Production
0038.pdf - Pages: 70 - Final Report of the Interagency Commission on Alternative Motor Fuels
0039.pdf - Pages: 8 - How Much Energy Does It Take to Make a Gallon of Ethanol?
0045.pdf - Pages: 6 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 4
0055.pdf - Pages: 48 - Hydrogen Fueled Vehicles - Technology Assessment Report
0063.pdf - Pages: 86 - Alternative Fuel Vehicles for the Federal Fleet: Results of the 5-Year Planning Process, Executive Order 12759, Section 11
0064.pdf - Pages: 16 - Alternative Fuel Vehicles for the State Fleets: Results of the 5-Year Planning Process
0068.pdf - Pages: 64 - Federal Alternative Fuel Program - Light Duty Vehicle Operation
0072.pdf - Pages: 22 - Alternative Fuel Demonstration Projects in Heavy Vehicles
0084.pdf - Pages: 6 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 1
0167.pdf - Pages: 1 - Tribology: Friction, Wear, and Lubrication Research
0179.pdf - Pages: 4 - Fuel Cell Bus
0198.pdf - Pages: 6 - Tomorrow's Energy Today - Catch a cleaner bus
0240.pdf - Pages: 18 - Ethanol and Agriculture: Effect of Increased Production on Crop and Livestock Sectors
0255.pdf - Pages: 14 - Natural Gas Vehicle Conversion System Testing
0264.pdf - Pages: 8 - ENR - Paper on the Alcohol Fuels Credit
0265.pdf - Pages: 3 - The Role of Alcohol's and Ethers in Today's Gasoline
0273.pdf - Pages: 68 - Technology for Expanding the Biofuels Industry: Proceedings of the Workshop, 21-22 April 1992, Chicago, IL
0276.pdf - Pages: 148 - Handbook of Biomass Downdraft Gasifier Engine Systems
0288.pdf - Pages: 30 - Facts about CNG and LPG Conversion
0663.pdf - Pages: 172 - Fuel from Farms: A Guide to Small-Scale Ethanol Production
0707.pdf - Pages: 16 - Alternative Fuels from Biomass
0999.pdf - Pages: 62 - Renewable Energy Sources for Fuels and Electricity
1622.pdf - Pages: 6 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 3)
1852.pdf - Pages: 139 - Impact of Ethanol Use on U.S. Refined Oil Markets
1854.pdf - Pages: 10 - Ethanol: A 150 Year Struggle Toward a Renewable Future
1860.pdf - Pages: 22 - Clean Fuel Fleet Credit Programs, Transportation Control Measure Exemptions, and Related Provisions; Final Rule. Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Part 88.
1878.pdf - Pages: 158 - Climate Change Action Plan
1900.pdf - Pages: 44 - Biofuels Program Plan FY 1992 - FY 1996
1920.pdf - Pages: 77 - Technoeconomic Analysis of a Hydrogen Production Process Using Photosynthetic Bacteria: Final Report
1929.pdf - Pages: 27 - Methane from Community Waste Systems Analysis (COWSA) Model: Instructions.
1931.pdf - Pages: 38 - Biodiesel from Aquatic Species: Project Report, FY 1993
1933.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 4)
1934.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Winter 1994, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Newsletter)
1938.pdf - Pages: 42 - Data Collection Plans for Phase 2 - Alternative Fuels Transit Bus Data Collection Program
1942.pdf - Pages: 6 - Clean Cars for Clean Air: Inspection and Maintenance Programs
1943.pdf - Pages: 2 - Electric Vehicle Site Operator Program - evaluating technology, building infrastructure and fostering public awareness of clean electric vehicles
1944.pdf - Pages: 2 - Fuel Cell Systems Research and Development Program - working toward a quiet, zero-emissions vehicle technology
1961.pdf - Pages: 9 - Thermochemical Conversion Technology
1969.pdf - Pages: 39 - A Study of the Kinetics of Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis using DSC and TGA
1971.pdf - Pages: 6 - US. EPA - Automobiles and Ozone
1975.pdf - Pages: 4 - US. EPA - Automobiles and Carbon Monoxide
1977.pdf - Pages: 2 - Bio Fuels Alternative Fuels User Facility
1979.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Update: Report on NREL Biofuels Technology - Fall 1993, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Newsletter)
1982.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 4)
1986.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 3)
1994.pdf - Pages: 22 - Applications of Cellulose Conversion Technology to Ethanol Production from Corn
1995rtc.pdf - Pages: 80 -
1996rtc.pdf - Pages: 99 -
1997.pdf - Pages: 10 - Microalgal Fuel Production Processes: Analysis of Lipid Extraction and Conversion Methods
1999.pdf - Pages: 4 - NREL to Build Major Biofuels Facility
2012.pdf - Pages: 8 - Motor Vehicles and the 1990 Clean Air Act
2013.pdf - Pages: 4 - Vehicle Fuels and the 1990 Clean Air Act
2014.pdf - Pages: 4 - Automobile Emissions: An Overview
2036.pdf - Pages: 111 - Fuel Grade Ethanol Recovery by Solvent Extraction: Technical Progress Report for the Period September 15, 1980 through September 15, 1981
2038.pdf - Pages: 18 - Electric Vehicle / Environmental Studies - Selected Electric Vehicle / Environmental Studies
2045.pdf - Pages: 13 - Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass to Fuel Ethanol: Modeling Aspects
2046.pdf - Pages: 4 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 2)
2049.pdf - Pages: 12 - Ethanol Industry Contacts
2062.pdf - Pages: 16 - Electric Vehicle Industry Contacts
2086.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2090.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2091.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2092.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2094.pdf - Pages: 18 - Biofuels full fuel cycle analysis
2141.pdf - Pages: 10 - US Patent - Thermostable purified endoglucanase from thermophilic acidothermus cellulolyticus
2171.pdf - Pages: 78 - Evaluation of Aftermarket Fuel Delivery Systems for Natural Gas and LPG Vehicles
2180.pdf - Pages: 78 - Advanced Hydrogen/Methane Utilization Technology Demonostration - Final Report
2183.pdf - Pages: 36 - Advanced Hydrogen Utilization Technology Demonstration
2189.pdf - Pages: 40 - Hydrogen Air Mixing Evaluation in Reciprocating Engines
2190.pdf - Pages: 32 - Combustion Characterization of Methylal in Reciprocating Engines
2191.pdf - Pages: 58 - Injector Spray Characterization of Methanol in Reciprocating Engines
2192.pdf - Pages: 66 - Technical Evaluation and Assessment of CNG/LPG Bi-Fuel and Flex-Fuel Vehicle Viability
2193.pdf - Pages: 70 - Potential Impacts on Air Quality of the Use of Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel
2196.pdf - Pages: 29 - Lake Michigan Ozone Study - Uncertainty of the Measured Data
2200.pdf - Pages: 40 - Diesel Fuel Component Contricutions to Engine Emissions and Performance: Clean Fuel Study
2203.pdf - Pages: 40 - Evaluation of Aftermarked CNG Conversation Kits in Light-Duty Vehicle Applications - Final Report
2216.pdf - Pages: 6 - Research on Alternative Fuels: Strengthening Our Nation's Transportation Future
2218.pdf - Pages: 15 - Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass-Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, An Overview
2380.pdf - Pages: 186 - Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass - Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, Volume I
2389.pdf - Pages: 30 - Alternative Fuels from Biomass and Their Impact on Carbon Dioxide Accumulation
2392.pdf - Pages: 4 - Clean Air Act: What It Means for Municipal Fleets
2399.pdf - Pages: 24 - The American Farm: Harnessing the Sun to Fuel the World. (Brochure)
2402.pdf - Pages: 17 - Effects of Piston Surface Treatments on Performance and Emissions of a Methanol-Fueled, Direct Injection, Stratified Charge Engine
2404.pdf - Pages: 30 - Total Fuel Cycle Emissions Analysis of Biomass-Ethanol Transportation Fuel
2418.pdf - Pages: 32 - Impacts of Alternative Fuels on Air Quality
2421.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Spring 1994, Vol. 2, No. 2. (Newsletter)
2424.pdf - Pages: 4 - Cellulose Conversion Key to Fuel of the Future
2425.pdf - Pages: 4 - Microalgae Serve Energy Needs: NREL Cultivating Biodiesel Source that Reduces Greenhouse Gases (Research Brief)
2427.pdf - Pages: 14 - Alternative Fuel - Technical Information on Performance and Safety For Operators and Owners
2430.pdf - Pages: 1 - Organism Development and Characterization for Ethanol Production Using Thermophilic Bacteria
2443.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 2)
2444.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Fall 1994, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Newsletter)
2445.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Summer 1994, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Newsletter)
2450.pdf - Pages: 147 - Evaluation of Aftermarket LPG Conversion Kits in Light-Duty Vehicle Applications: Final Report
2451.pdf - Pages: 58 - Comparison of CNG and LNG Technologies for Transportation Applications: Final Subcontract Report, June 1991 - December 1991
2452.pdf - Pages: 99 - Hydrogen Program Plan FY 1993 - FY 1997 - U.S. Department of Energy Office of Conservation
2457.pdf - Pages: 42 - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991:00:00 A Summary
2458.pdf - Pages: 18 - The Energy Policy Act of 1992:00:00 Summary of Motor Vehicle Fleet and Fuel Provisions of P.L. 102-486
2459.pdf - Pages: 2 - Energy Tax Hints Alternatives Harder Than Gasoline
2462.pdf - Pages: 6 - NGV - The Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition - Tax Incentives and the NGV Industry
2464.pdf - Pages: 2 - Federal Use of Alternative Fueled Vehicles: Executive Order Number 12844 (Press Release)
2466.pdf - Pages: 72 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Program: 16th Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1992
2472.pdf - Pages: 4 - CNG - Energy Policy Act of 1992:00:00 Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs)
2474.pdf - Pages: 56 - On the Road with Methanol: The Present and Future Benefits of Methanol Fuel
2475.pdf - Pages: 16 - Methanol Fact Sheets - Methanol: Reformulated Natural Gas
2479.pdf - Pages: 5 - Comparative Alternative Fuel Publications
2480.pdf - Pages: 1 - Fact Sheet on Conversions and Emission Reductions
2486.pdf - Pages: 24 - Cost-Effectiveness of Controlling Emissions for Various Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Types, with Vehicle and Fuel Price Subsidies Estimated on the Basis of Monetary Values of Emission Reductions
2492.pdf - Pages: 16 - Biomass Power Commercialization: The Federal Role
2497.pdf - Pages: 40 - A Guide to the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
2498.pdf - Pages: 11 - Comparative Alternative/Clean Fuels Provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Energy Policy Act of 1992
2502.pdf - Pages: 47 - Energy Education Resources: Kindergarten through 12th Grade
2506.pdf - Pages: 18 - Emerging Technologies in Ethanol Production
2507.pdf - Pages: 38 - From a Dual Fuel Diesel-Ethanol Farm Tractor to an Optimum 4-Stroke Heavy Duty Ethanol Engine
2510.pdf - Pages: 10 - Ethanol Production and Employment
2513.pdf - Pages: 5 - US Advanced Battery Consortium Information Sheet
2514.pdf - Pages: 22 - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
2516.pdf - Pages: 36 - Magnitude and Value of Electric Vehicle Emissions Reductions for Six Driving Cycles in Four U.S. Cities with Varying Air Quality Problems
2517.pdf - Pages: 68 - Photovoltaic Fundamentals
2526.pdf - Pages: 2 - What is natural gas? CNG? LNG?
2527.pdf - Pages: 358 - Public Law 102-486 - October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
2530.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times: Tracking the Advancement of Transportation Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1
2535.pdf - Pages: 15 - Infulences of fuel, driving cycle, and ambient temperature on the performance of vehicles designed for ethanol fuel
2536.pdf - Pages: 21 - Fuel Cells in Transportation
2544.pdf - Pages: 2 - The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles - Industry/Government Partners Working to Build an 80 mpg Car and Revitalize the American Auto Industry (Transportation Technologies - 15 of 19)
2549.pdf - Pages: 105 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1993
2551.pdf - Pages: 38 - Hybrid Propulsion Program Plan
2566.pdf - Pages: 97 - Analysis of the Role of ETBE in Supplying Reformulated Gasoline to Regional Markets
2567.pdf - Pages: 34 - Biomass-to-Ethanol Conversion Technology Characterization (DRAFT)
2568.pdf - Pages: 4 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 1)
2569.pdf - Pages: 6 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 1)
2570.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 2)
2571.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 1)
2572.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 3)
2575.pdf - Pages: 4 - Ethanol - Alternative Fuel Fact Sheet on E85 Motor Fuel
2577.pdf - Pages: 6 - USABC - United Stated Advanced Battery Consortium - Updates
2582.pdf - Pages: 51 - Clean Fuels Paving the Way for America's Future: A Source for Information on Clean Burning Alternative Transportation Fuels
2584.pdf - Pages: 33 - EPACT Initiatives for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: An Integrated Approach for Implementing the Energy Policy Act
2592.pdf - Pages: 19 - Garage Guidelines for Alternative Fuels
25929.pdf - Pages: 53 -
2593.pdf - Pages: 2 - Transportation Technologies
2596.pdf - Pages: 2 - Bio Fuels - Biodiesel - What is biodiesel?
2597.pdf - Pages: 177 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels - An Overview
2601.pdf - Pages: 34 - Assessment of Costs and Benefits of Flexible and Alternative Fuel Use in the U.S. Transportation Sector - Technical Report Eleven: Evaluation of a Potential Wood-to-Ethanol Process
2603.pdf - Pages: 5 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Winter 1995, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Newsletter)
26035.pdf - Pages: 31 -
2604.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2633.pdf - Pages: 19 - Ablative Fast Pyrolysis: Converting Wood, Agricultural Wastes and Crops into Energy and Chemicals
2635.pdf - Pages: 11 - Demonstration of the Fuel Economy Potential of a Vehicle Fueled with M85
2638.pdf - Pages: 34 - Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass (Chap. 15)
2652.pdf - Pages: 15 - Inorganic Compounds in Biomass Feedstocks: Their Role in Char Formation and Effect on the Quality of Fast Pyrolysis Oils
2654.pdf - Pages: 36 - Molecular-Beam Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Lignocellulosic Materials
2656.pdf - Pages: 4 - Joining Forces for Biofuels NREL Technology Brief
2658.pdf - Pages: 265 - Review and Analysis of the 1980-1989 Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program
0017.pdf - Pages: 28 - Biofuels: At the Crossroads. Strategic Plan for the Biofuels Systems Program
0021.pdf - Pages: 30 - Wastepaper as a Feedstock for Ethanol Production
0038.pdf - Pages: 70 - Final Report of the Interagency Commission on Alternative Motor Fuels
0039.pdf - Pages: 8 - How Much Energy Does It Take to Make a Gallon of Ethanol?
0045.pdf - Pages: 6 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 2, No. 4
0055.pdf - Pages: 48 - Hydrogen Fueled Vehicles - Technology Assessment Report
0063.pdf - Pages: 86 - Alternative Fuel Vehicles for the Federal Fleet: Results of the 5-Year Planning Process, Executive Order 12759, Section 11
0064.pdf - Pages: 16 - Alternative Fuel Vehicles for the State Fleets: Results of the 5-Year Planning Process
0068.pdf - Pages: 64 - Federal Alternative Fuel Program - Light Duty Vehicle Operation
0072.pdf - Pages: 22 - Alternative Fuel Demonstration Projects in Heavy Vehicles
0084.pdf - Pages: 6 - Alternative Fuels in Trucking, Vol. 3, No. 1
0167.pdf - Pages: 1 - Tribology: Friction, Wear, and Lubrication Research
0179.pdf - Pages: 4 - Fuel Cell Bus
0198.pdf - Pages: 6 - Tomorrow's Energy Today - Catch a cleaner bus
0240.pdf - Pages: 18 - Ethanol and Agriculture: Effect of Increased Production on Crop and Livestock Sectors
0255.pdf - Pages: 14 - Natural Gas Vehicle Conversion System Testing
0264.pdf - Pages: 8 - ENR - Paper on the Alcohol Fuels Credit
0265.pdf - Pages: 3 - The Role of Alcohol's and Ethers in Today's Gasoline
0273.pdf - Pages: 68 - Technology for Expanding the Biofuels Industry: Proceedings of the Workshop, 21-22 April 1992, Chicago, IL
0276.pdf - Pages: 148 - Handbook of Biomass Downdraft Gasifier Engine Systems
0288.pdf - Pages: 30 - Facts about CNG and LPG Conversion
0663.pdf - Pages: 172 - Fuel from Farms: A Guide to Small-Scale Ethanol Production
0707.pdf - Pages: 16 - Alternative Fuels from Biomass
0999.pdf - Pages: 62 - Renewable Energy Sources for Fuels and Electricity
1622.pdf - Pages: 6 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 3)
1852.pdf - Pages: 139 - Impact of Ethanol Use on U.S. Refined Oil Markets
1854.pdf - Pages: 10 - Ethanol: A 150 Year Struggle Toward a Renewable Future
1860.pdf - Pages: 22 - Clean Fuel Fleet Credit Programs, Transportation Control Measure Exemptions, and Related Provisions; Final Rule. Environmental Protection Agency - 40 CFR Part 88.
1878.pdf - Pages: 158 - Climate Change Action Plan
1900.pdf - Pages: 44 - Biofuels Program Plan FY 1992 - FY 1996
1920.pdf - Pages: 77 - Technoeconomic Analysis of a Hydrogen Production Process Using Photosynthetic Bacteria: Final Report
1929.pdf - Pages: 27 - Methane from Community Waste Systems Analysis (COWSA) Model: Instructions.
1931.pdf - Pages: 38 - Biodiesel from Aquatic Species: Project Report, FY 1993
1933.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 4)
1934.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Winter 1994, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Newsletter)
1938.pdf - Pages: 42 - Data Collection Plans for Phase 2 - Alternative Fuels Transit Bus Data Collection Program
1942.pdf - Pages: 6 - Clean Cars for Clean Air: Inspection and Maintenance Programs
1943.pdf - Pages: 2 - Electric Vehicle Site Operator Program - evaluating technology, building infrastructure and fostering public awareness of clean electric vehicles
1944.pdf - Pages: 2 - Fuel Cell Systems Research and Development Program - working toward a quiet, zero-emissions vehicle technology
1961.pdf - Pages: 9 - Thermochemical Conversion Technology
1969.pdf - Pages: 39 - A Study of the Kinetics of Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis using DSC and TGA
1971.pdf - Pages: 6 - US. EPA - Automobiles and Ozone
1975.pdf - Pages: 4 - US. EPA - Automobiles and Carbon Monoxide
1977.pdf - Pages: 2 - Bio Fuels Alternative Fuels User Facility
1979.pdf - Pages: 2 - Biofuels Update: Report on NREL Biofuels Technology - Fall 1993, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Newsletter)
1982.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 4)
1986.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 3)
1994.pdf - Pages: 22 - Applications of Cellulose Conversion Technology to Ethanol Production from Corn
1995rtc.pdf - Pages: 80 -
1996rtc.pdf - Pages: 99 -
1997.pdf - Pages: 10 - Microalgal Fuel Production Processes: Analysis of Lipid Extraction and Conversion Methods
1999.pdf - Pages: 4 - NREL to Build Major Biofuels Facility
2012.pdf - Pages: 8 - Motor Vehicles and the 1990 Clean Air Act
2013.pdf - Pages: 4 - Vehicle Fuels and the 1990 Clean Air Act
2014.pdf - Pages: 4 - Automobile Emissions: An Overview
2036.pdf - Pages: 111 - Fuel Grade Ethanol Recovery by Solvent Extraction: Technical Progress Report for the Period September 15, 1980 through September 15, 1981
2038.pdf - Pages: 18 - Electric Vehicle / Environmental Studies - Selected Electric Vehicle / Environmental Studies
2045.pdf - Pages: 13 - Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass to Fuel Ethanol: Modeling Aspects
2046.pdf - Pages: 4 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 2)
2049.pdf - Pages: 12 - Ethanol Industry Contacts
2062.pdf - Pages: 16 - Electric Vehicle Industry Contacts
2086.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2090.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2091.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2092.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2094.pdf - Pages: 18 - Biofuels full fuel cycle analysis
2141.pdf - Pages: 10 - US Patent - Thermostable purified endoglucanase from thermophilic acidothermus cellulolyticus
2171.pdf - Pages: 78 - Evaluation of Aftermarket Fuel Delivery Systems for Natural Gas and LPG Vehicles
2180.pdf - Pages: 78 - Advanced Hydrogen/Methane Utilization Technology Demonostration - Final Report
2183.pdf - Pages: 36 - Advanced Hydrogen Utilization Technology Demonstration
2189.pdf - Pages: 40 - Hydrogen Air Mixing Evaluation in Reciprocating Engines
2190.pdf - Pages: 32 - Combustion Characterization of Methylal in Reciprocating Engines
2191.pdf - Pages: 58 - Injector Spray Characterization of Methanol in Reciprocating Engines
2192.pdf - Pages: 66 - Technical Evaluation and Assessment of CNG/LPG Bi-Fuel and Flex-Fuel Vehicle Viability
2193.pdf - Pages: 70 - Potential Impacts on Air Quality of the Use of Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel
2196.pdf - Pages: 29 - Lake Michigan Ozone Study - Uncertainty of the Measured Data
2200.pdf - Pages: 40 - Diesel Fuel Component Contricutions to Engine Emissions and Performance: Clean Fuel Study
2203.pdf - Pages: 40 - Evaluation of Aftermarked CNG Conversation Kits in Light-Duty Vehicle Applications - Final Report
2216.pdf - Pages: 6 - Research on Alternative Fuels: Strengthening Our Nation's Transportation Future
2218.pdf - Pages: 15 - Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass-Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, An Overview
2380.pdf - Pages: 186 - Fuel Cycle Evaluations of Biomass - Ethanol and Reformulated Gasoline, Volume I
2389.pdf - Pages: 30 - Alternative Fuels from Biomass and Their Impact on Carbon Dioxide Accumulation
2392.pdf - Pages: 4 - Clean Air Act: What It Means for Municipal Fleets
2399.pdf - Pages: 24 - The American Farm: Harnessing the Sun to Fuel the World. (Brochure)
2402.pdf - Pages: 17 - Effects of Piston Surface Treatments on Performance and Emissions of a Methanol-Fueled, Direct Injection, Stratified Charge Engine
2404.pdf - Pages: 30 - Total Fuel Cycle Emissions Analysis of Biomass-Ethanol Transportation Fuel
2418.pdf - Pages: 32 - Impacts of Alternative Fuels on Air Quality
2421.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Spring 1994, Vol. 2, No. 2. (Newsletter)
2424.pdf - Pages: 4 - Cellulose Conversion Key to Fuel of the Future
2425.pdf - Pages: 4 - Microalgae Serve Energy Needs: NREL Cultivating Biodiesel Source that Reduces Greenhouse Gases (Research Brief)
2427.pdf - Pages: 14 - Alternative Fuel - Technical Information on Performance and Safety For Operators and Owners
2430.pdf - Pages: 1 - Organism Development and Characterization for Ethanol Production Using Thermophilic Bacteria
2443.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 2)
2444.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Fall 1994, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Newsletter)
2445.pdf - Pages: 4 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Summer 1994, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Newsletter)
2450.pdf - Pages: 147 - Evaluation of Aftermarket LPG Conversion Kits in Light-Duty Vehicle Applications: Final Report
2451.pdf - Pages: 58 - Comparison of CNG and LNG Technologies for Transportation Applications: Final Subcontract Report, June 1991 - December 1991
2452.pdf - Pages: 99 - Hydrogen Program Plan FY 1993 - FY 1997 - U.S. Department of Energy Office of Conservation
2457.pdf - Pages: 42 - Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991:00:00 A Summary
2458.pdf - Pages: 18 - The Energy Policy Act of 1992:00:00 Summary of Motor Vehicle Fleet and Fuel Provisions of P.L. 102-486
2459.pdf - Pages: 2 - Energy Tax Hints Alternatives Harder Than Gasoline
2462.pdf - Pages: 6 - NGV - The Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition - Tax Incentives and the NGV Industry
2464.pdf - Pages: 2 - Federal Use of Alternative Fueled Vehicles: Executive Order Number 12844 (Press Release)
2466.pdf - Pages: 72 - Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Program: 16th Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 1992
2472.pdf - Pages: 4 - CNG - Energy Policy Act of 1992:00:00 Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs)
2474.pdf - Pages: 56 - On the Road with Methanol: The Present and Future Benefits of Methanol Fuel
2475.pdf - Pages: 16 - Methanol Fact Sheets - Methanol: Reformulated Natural Gas
2479.pdf - Pages: 5 - Comparative Alternative Fuel Publications
2480.pdf - Pages: 1 - Fact Sheet on Conversions and Emission Reductions
2486.pdf - Pages: 24 - Cost-Effectiveness of Controlling Emissions for Various Alternative-Fuel Vehicle Types, with Vehicle and Fuel Price Subsidies Estimated on the Basis of Monetary Values of Emission Reductions
2492.pdf - Pages: 16 - Biomass Power Commercialization: The Federal Role
2497.pdf - Pages: 40 - A Guide to the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program
2498.pdf - Pages: 11 - Comparative Alternative/Clean Fuels Provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the Energy Policy Act of 1992
2502.pdf - Pages: 47 - Energy Education Resources: Kindergarten through 12th Grade
2506.pdf - Pages: 18 - Emerging Technologies in Ethanol Production
2507.pdf - Pages: 38 - From a Dual Fuel Diesel-Ethanol Farm Tractor to an Optimum 4-Stroke Heavy Duty Ethanol Engine
2510.pdf - Pages: 10 - Ethanol Production and Employment
2513.pdf - Pages: 5 - US Advanced Battery Consortium Information Sheet
2514.pdf - Pages: 22 - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
2516.pdf - Pages: 36 - Magnitude and Value of Electric Vehicle Emissions Reductions for Six Driving Cycles in Four U.S. Cities with Varying Air Quality Problems
2517.pdf - Pages: 68 - Photovoltaic Fundamentals
2526.pdf - Pages: 2 - What is natural gas? CNG? LNG?
2527.pdf - Pages: 358 - Public Law 102-486 - October 24, 1992: Energy Policy Act of 1992
2530.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times: Tracking the Advancement of Transportation Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1
2535.pdf - Pages: 15 - Infulences of fuel, driving cycle, and ambient temperature on the performance of vehicles designed for ethanol fuel
2536.pdf - Pages: 21 - Fuel Cells in Transportation
2544.pdf - Pages: 2 - The Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles - Industry/Government Partners Working to Build an 80 mpg Car and Revitalize the American Auto Industry (Transportation Technologies - 15 of 19)
2549.pdf - Pages: 105 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels 1993
2551.pdf - Pages: 38 - Hybrid Propulsion Program Plan
2566.pdf - Pages: 97 - Analysis of the Role of ETBE in Supplying Reformulated Gasoline to Regional Markets
2567.pdf - Pages: 34 - Biomass-to-Ethanol Conversion Technology Characterization (DRAFT)
2568.pdf - Pages: 4 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 1, Iss. 1)
2569.pdf - Pages: 6 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 1)
2570.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 2, Iss. 2)
2571.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 1)
2572.pdf - Pages: 8 - AFDC Update: News of the Alternative Fuels Data Center (Vol. 3, Iss. 3)
2575.pdf - Pages: 4 - Ethanol - Alternative Fuel Fact Sheet on E85 Motor Fuel
2577.pdf - Pages: 6 - USABC - United Stated Advanced Battery Consortium - Updates
2582.pdf - Pages: 51 - Clean Fuels Paving the Way for America's Future: A Source for Information on Clean Burning Alternative Transportation Fuels
2584.pdf - Pages: 33 - EPACT Initiatives for Alternative Fuel Vehicles: An Integrated Approach for Implementing the Energy Policy Act
2592.pdf - Pages: 19 - Garage Guidelines for Alternative Fuels
25929.pdf - Pages: 53 -
2593.pdf - Pages: 2 - Transportation Technologies
2596.pdf - Pages: 2 - Bio Fuels - Biodiesel - What is biodiesel?
2597.pdf - Pages: 177 - Alternatives to Traditional Transportation Fuels - An Overview
2601.pdf - Pages: 34 - Assessment of Costs and Benefits of Flexible and Alternative Fuel Use in the U.S. Transportation Sector - Technical Report Eleven: Evaluation of a Potential Wood-to-Ethanol Process
2603.pdf - Pages: 5 - Biofuels Update: Report on U.S. DOE Biofuels Technology - Winter 1995, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Newsletter)
26035.pdf - Pages: 31 -
2604.pdf - Pages: 4 - OTT Times - Tracking the advancement of transportation technology
2633.pdf - Pages: 19 - Ablative Fast Pyrolysis: Converting Wood, Agricultural Wastes and Crops into Energy and Chemicals
2635.pdf - Pages: 11 - Demonstration of the Fuel Economy Potential of a Vehicle Fueled with M85
2638.pdf - Pages: 34 - Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass (Chap. 15)
2652.pdf - Pages: 15 - Inorganic Compounds in Biomass Feedstocks: Their Role in Char Formation and Effect on the Quality of Fast Pyrolysis Oils
2654.pdf - Pages: 36 - Molecular-Beam Mass-Spectrometric Analysis of Lignocellulosic Materials
2656.pdf - Pages: 4 - Joining Forces for Biofuels NREL Technology Brief
2658.pdf - Pages: 265 - Review and Analysis of the 1980-1989 Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program
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