McManus, John W., A Parallel Distributed System for Aircraft Tactical Decision Generation, 9th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, October 15 18, 1990, pp. 505-512, (615KB) - Pages: 8
McManus, John W., A Parallel Distributed System for Aircraft Tactical Decision Generation, 9th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, October 15 18, 1990, pp. 505-512, (615KB) - Pages: 8
Jay M. Brandon, Dynamic Stall Effects and Applications To High Performance Aircraft, Special Course on Aircraft Dynamics at High Angles of Attack: Experiments and Modelling, Hampton, Virginia, AGARD-R-776, March, 1991 - Pages: 14
Joanne L. Walsh, Katherine C. Young, Jocelyn I. Pritchard, Howard M. Adelman and Wayne R. Mantay, Multilevel Decomposition Approach to Integrated Aerodynamic/Dynamic/Structural Optimization of Helicopter Rotor Blades, American Helicopter Soci - Pages: 25
Johnson, Sally C. and Butler, Ricky W., Design for Validation, AIAA/IEEE 10th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Los Angeles, October 1991, pp. 487-492, Also appeared in IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems, January 1992 - Pages: 6
Ideen Sadrehaghighi, Robert E. Smith and Surendra N. Tiwari, Grid Sensitivity and Aerodynamic Optimization of Generic Airfoils, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 32, no. 6, November--December 1995, pp. 1234, (131KB) - Pages: 8
McManus, John W., Design and Analysis Tools for Concurrent Blackboard Systems, 10th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Los Angeles, California, October 14 17, 1991, pp. 432-439 - Pages: 9
Edwin B. Dean, Linear Least Squares for Correlated Data, Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, Brighton, England, July 25-27, 1988, (22KB) - Pages: 10
Edwin B. Dean, Modeling Personnel Turnover in the Parametric Organization, Proceedings of the International Society of Parametric Analysts 13th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, May 21-24, 1991 - Pages: 9
Resit Unal and Edwin B. Dean, Taguchi Approach to Design Optimization for Quality and Cost: An Overview, Proceedings of the International Society of Parametric Analysts 13th Annual Conference, New Orleans LA, May 21-24, 1991 - Pages: 10
Edwin B. Dean, The Many Dimensions of Program Management, presented at the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, Munich, Germany, May 25-27, 1992 - Pages: 7
Edwin B. Dean, Correlation, Cost Risk, and Geometry, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the International Society of Parametric Analysts, San Francisco CA, June 1-4, 1993 - Pages: 11
Bruce A. Conway, NASA Programs in Advanced Sensors and Measurement Technology for Aeronautical Applications, 17th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, September 9-14, 1990, pp. 242-248, - Pages: 13
Bruce A. Conway, Aerospace Measurements: Challenges and Opportunities, 18th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China, September 20-25, 1992, pp. 1407-1416 - Pages: 16
Edwin B. Dean, Parametric Cost Estimating: A Design Function, Transactions of the 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cost Engineers, San Diego CA, June 25-28, 1989, (130KB) - Pages: 12
Edwin B. Dean and Resit Unal, Designing for Cost, Transactions of the American Association of Cost Engineers, Seattle WA, June 23-26 1991, pp. D.4.1-D.4.6 - Pages: 13
Brenda K. Wilson, Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Archive System, Third LDEF Post-Retrieval Symposium, Williamsburg, VA, November 1993 - Pages: 14
McManus, John W., Chappell, Alan R. and Arbuckle, P. Douglas, Situation Assessment in the Paladin Tactical Decision Generation System, NATOAGARD Guidance and Control Panel 53rd Symposium, The Netherlands, October 22-25, 1991 - Pages: 10
Ruth M. Amundsen, Some Useful Innovations with TRASYS and SINDA-85, Fifth Annual Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, August 16-20, 1993 - Pages: 14
Edwin B. Dean, Darrell A. Wood, Arlene A. Moore and Edward H. Bogart, Cost Risk Analysis Based on Perception of the Engineering Process, Proceedings of The International Society of Parametric Analysts Eighth Annual Conference, Kansas Cit - Pages: 7
Arlene A. Moore and Edwin B. Dean, Using the MCPLXS Generator for Technology Transfer, Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference of The International Society of Parametric Analysts, San Diego CA USA, May 5-7, 1987, (209KB) - Pages: 13
Jamshid Samareh-Abolhassani, Triangulation of NURBS Surfaces, 4th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Related Fields, Swansea, Wales, UK, April 1994, pp. 377-388, (257KB) - Pages: 12
Edwin B. Dean, Continuous Optimization on Constraint Manifolds, presented at the TIMS/ORSA Joint National Conference, Washington DC, April 25-27 1988, (584KB) - Pages: 14
Edwin B. Dean, Dynamic Eigenvalue/Eigenvector Tracking Using Continuous Optimization on Constraint Manifolds, presented at the TIMS/ORSA Joint National Conference, Denver CO, October 24-26 1988, (578KB) - Pages: 11
Charles G. Simon, Jerry L. Hunter, Jim J. Wortman and Dieter P. Griffis, Ion Microprobe Elemental Analyses of Impact Features on Interplanetary Dust Experiment Sensor Surfaces. Arlene S. Levine, LDEF 69 Months in Space: First LDEF Pos - Pages: 26
Michael E. Zolensky, Herbert A. Zook, Fred Horz, Dale R. Atkinson, Cassandra R. Coombs, Alan J. Watts, Claire B. Dardano, Thomas H. See, Charles G. Simon and William H. Kinard, Interim Report of the Meteoroid and Debris Special Investiga - Pages: 15
Arlene S. Levine, , 69 Months in Space Second LDEF Post-Retrieval Symposium, NASA CP-3194, Part 2, April, 1993, pp. 339-345 - Pages: 21
Arlene S. Levine, , 69 Months in Space Second LDEF Post-Retrieval Symposium, NASA CP-3194, Part 2, April, 1993, pp. 693-704. David E. Cox and Nelson J. Groom, Implementation of a Decoupled Controller for a Magnetic Suspension Sy - Pages: 14
Kyong B. Lim and David E. Cox, Robust Tracking Control of a Magnetically Suspended Rigid Body, Second International Symposium on Magnetic Suspension Technology, NASA CP-3247, Seattle, Washington, August, 1993, pp. 583-604 - Pages: 11
E. Booner, W. Clever and K. Dunn, Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System II: Part I---Theroy, NASA CR-182076, April 1991, pp. 144, (8.2MB) - Pages: 144
G. Sova and P. Divan, Aerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System II: Part II---User's Manual, NASA CR-182077, April 1991, pp. 334, (19MB) - Pages: 334
Bishop Brock and Warren A. Hunt, Jr., Report on the Formal Specification and Partial Verification of the VIPER Microprocessor, NASA CR-187540, July 1991 - Pages: 31
William D. Young, Verifying the Interactive Convergence Clock Synchronization algorithm Using the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover, NASA CR-189649, April 1992 - Pages: 46
Rushby, John, Formal Verification of an Oral Messages Algorithm for Interactive Consistency, NASA CR-189704, October 1992, pp. 51 - Pages: 49
Trey Arthur and Michael J. Bockelie, A Comparison of Using APPL and PVM for a Parallel Implementation of an Unstructured Grid Generation Program, NASA CR-191425, January 1993, pp. 15 - Pages: 15
David M. Russinoff, A Formal Language for the Specification and Verification of Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits, NASA CR-191509, September 1993 - Pages: 88
Rushby, John, Quality Measures and Assurance for AI (Artificial Intelligence) Software, NASA CR-4187, June 1988, pp. 139 - Pages: 142
Rushby, John and VonHenke, Frieder, Formal Verification of a Fault Tolerant Clock Synchronization Algorithm, NASA CR-4239, June 1989, pp. 225, (316KB) - Pages: 136
Rushby, John, Formal Specification and Verification of a Fault-Masking and Transient-Recovery Model for Digital Flight-Control Systems, NASA CR-4384, July 1991, pp. 129 - Pages: 99
Shankar, Natarajan, Mechanical Verification of a Schematic Byzantine Clock Synchronization Algorithm, NASA CR-4386, July 1991, pp. 133 - Pages: 22
Bart A. Singer, Modeling the Transition Region, NASA CR-4492, February 1993, pp. 88 - Pages: 90
Patrick Lincoln and John Rushby, A Formally Verified Algorithm for Interactive Consistency Under a Hybrid Fault Model, CR-4527, July 1993, pp. 76 - Pages: 72
John Rushby, Formal Methods and Digital Systems Validation for Airborne Systems, NASA CR 4551, December 1993, A revised version appears as SRI International Computer Science Laboratory Report, CSL-93-7 - Pages: 319
Pao, Juliet Z. and Humes, D. Creig., NASA Langley Research Center's Distributed Mass Storage System, Third NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Techologies, College Park, Maryland, October 19-21, 1993, pp. 207 - Pages: 9
William L. Sellers III, James F. Meyers and Timothy E. Hepner, LDV Surveys Over a Fighter Model at Moderate to High Angles of Attack, 1988 SAE Aerospace Technology Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, California, SAE Paper No. 881 - Pages: 27
Di Vito, Ben L., Butler, Ricky W. and Caldwell, James L., High Level Design Proof of a Reliable Computing Platform, 2nd IFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, Tucson, AZ, February 1991, pp. 124-136, Also - Pages: 13
John W. Wilson, Lawrence W. Townsend, Walter Schimmerling, Govind S. Khandelwal, Ferdous Khan, John E. Nealy, Francis A. Cucinotta, Lisa C. Simonsen, Judy L. Shinn and John W. Norbury, Transport Methods and Interactions for Space Radiations, - Pages: 610
Robert C. Blanchard, K. T. Larman and M. Barrett, The High Resolution Accelerometer Package (HiRAP) Flight Experiment Summary for the First 10 Flights, NASA RP-1267, April 1992, pp. 316 - Pages: 58
L. R. McMaster, W. P. Chu and M. W. Rowl, SAGE I Data User's Guide, NASA RP-1275, August 1992, pp. 26 - Pages: 24
William L. Weaver, Kathryn A. Bush, Keith T. Degnan, Clayton E. Howerton and Carol J. Tolson, Mission Description and In-Flight Operations of ERBE Instruments on ERBS, NOAA 9, and NOAA 10 Spacecraft February 1986 Through January 1987, NASA RP - Pages: 171
G. Louis Smith, David Rutan and T. Dale Bess, Atlas of Albedo and Absorbed Solar Radiation Derived From Nimbus 7 Earth Radiation Budget Data Set---November 1985 to October 1987, NASA RP-1281, October 1992, pp. 55 - Pages: 6
J. C. Newman Jr., X. R. Wu, S. L. Venneri and C. G. Li, Small-Crack Effects in High-Strength Aluminum Alloys A NASA/CAE Cooperative Program, NASA RP-1309, May 1994, pp. 118, (19MB PS, 10MB PDF) - Pages: 118
Kathryn A. Bush and Keith T. Degnan, Mission Description and In-Flight Operations of ERBE Instruments on ERBS and NOAA 10 SpacecraftFebruary 1987 Through February 1990, NASA RP-1325, November 1994, pp. 463, (3MB) - Pages: 388
David C. Woods, M. T. Osborn, D. M. Winker, R. J. DeCoursey and Otto Youngbluth Jr., 48-Inch Lidar Aerosol Measurements Taken at the Langley Research Center July 1991 to December 1992, NASA RP-1334, July 1994, pp. 73, (311KB) - Pages: 14
Di Vito, Ben L. and Butler, Ricky W., Provable Transient Recovery for Frame-Based, Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems, Real-Time Systems Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, December 1992, pp. 275-278","25" - Pages: 4
John N. Shoosmith, Introduction to the LaRC Central Scientific Computing Complex, NASA TM 104092 (Revised), November, 1993 - Pages: 55
Butler, Ricky W. and Di Vito, Ben L., Formal Design and Verification of a Reliable Computing Platform for Real-Time Control (Phase 2 Results), NASA TM-104196, January 1992 - Pages: 68
William L. Kleb and K. James Weilmuenster, A High Angle of Attack Inviscid Shuttle Orbiter Computation, NASA TM-107606, April, 1992, pp. 21 - Pages: 21
William A. Wood and Richard. A. Thompson, Combined LAURA-UPS Hypersonic Solution Procedure, NASA TM-107682, March 1993 - Pages: 12
M.-A. K. Posenau, Approaches to High Aspect Ratio Triangulations, NASA Technical Memorandum 107684, August 1993, This is a longer version of a paper which appeared in Proceedings of the 5th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Wat - Pages: 20
Jack D. Leatherwood and Brenda M. Sullivan, Effect of Sonic Boom Asymmetry on Subjective Loudness, NASA TM-107708, December 1992, pp. 30 - Pages: 31
Brenda M. Sullivan and Jack D. Leatherwood, A Laboratory Study of Subjective Response to Sonic Booms Measured at White Sands Missile Range, NASA TM-107746, May 1993, pp. 35, The report is missing several figures. - Pages: 31
Jack D. Leatherwood and Brenda M. Sullivan, Loudness and Annoyance Response to Simulated Outdoor and Indoor Sonic Booms, NASA TM-107756, May 1993, pp. 36 - Pages: 38
Brenda M. Sullivan and Jack D. Leatherwood, Subjective Response to Simulated Sonic Booms With Ground Reflections, NASA TM-107764, June 1993, pp. 33, The report is missing several figures. - Pages: 34
William A. Wood, Combined LAURA-UPS Solution Procedure for Chemically-Reacting Flows, NASA TM 107964, June 1994, (388KB) - Pages: 78
Stephen J. Alter and Kenneth J. Weilmuenster, The Three-Dimensional Multi-block Advanced Grid Generation System (3DMAGGS), NASA TM-108985, May, 1993 - Pages: 74
Stephen J. Alter and Kenneth J. Weilmuenster, Single Block Three-Dimensional Volume Grids About Complex Aerodynamic Configurations, NASA TM-108986, November, 1993, Also available as AIAA-93-3392 - Pages: 47
Joseph A. Kaplan and Michael L. Nelson, A Comparison of Queueing, Cluster and Distributed Computing Systems, NASA TM-109025 (Revision 1), June 1994, pp. 50, (96KB) - Pages: 50
Trey Arthur and Michael L. Nelson, Intel NX to PVM3.2 Message Passing Conversion Library, NASA TM-109038, October 1993, pp. 13 - Pages: 14
William L. Kleb, Comments Regarding Two Upwind Methods for Solving Two-Dimensional External Flows Using Unstructured Grids, NASA TM-109078, January, 1994, pp. 27, (997KB) - Pages: 27
A. B. Carlson and G. A. Bird, Implementation of a Vibrationally Linked Chemical Reaction Model for DSMC, NASA TM-109109, April 1994, pp. 9, (90KM) - Pages: 9
Jack D. Leatherwood and Brenda M. Sullivan, A laboratory study of subjective annoyance response to sonic booms and aircraft flyovers, NASA TM-109113, May 1994, pp. 35, (307KB) - Pages: 36
Vladislav Klein and Keith D. Noderer, Modeling of Aircraft Unsteady Aerodynamic Characteristics, Part 1 Postulated Models, NASA TM 109120, May 1994, pp. 24, (305KB) - Pages: 25
Ricky W. Butler, Ben L. Di Vito and C. Michael Holloway, Formal Design and Verification of a Reliable Computing Platform For Real-Time Control (Phase 3 Results), Technical Memorandum 109140, August, 1994 - Pages: 112
Lin Hartung Chambers, Hypersonic, Nonequilibrium Flow over the FIRE II Forebody at 1634 sec, TM 109141, July 1994, pp. 17, (Companion to the LAURA User's manual by Cheatwood and Gnoffo) (129KB) - Pages: 17
Scott D. Holland, Wind-Tunnel Blockage and Actuation Systems Test of a Two-Dimensional Scramjet Inlet Unstart Model at Mach 6, NASA TM-109152, November 1994, pp. 36, (676KB) - Pages: 38
Michael L. Nelson, Gretchen L. Gottlich and David J. Bianco, World Wide Web Implementation of the Langley Technical Report Server, NASA TM-109162, September 1994, pp. 33, (224KB) - Pages: 31
Marilou S. Phillips and Susan H. Stewart, , NASA TM-109170, Volume I, January 1995, pp. 174, (2MB) - Pages: 173
Donna G. Roper, Mary K. McCaskill, Scott D. Holland, Joanne L. Walsh, Michael L. Nelson, Susan L. Adkins, Manjula Y. Ambur and Bryan A. Campbell, A Strategy for Electronic Dissemination of NASA Langley Technical Publications, NASA TM-109172 - Pages: 114
R. M. Amundsen, W. S. Feldhaus, A. D. Little and M. V. Mitchum, Integration of Design, Structural, Thermal and Optical Analysis and User's Guide for Structural-to-Optical Translator (PATCOD), NASA TM-110153, March, 1995, pp. 22, (253KB) - Pages: 22
David A. Seidel, Maynard C. Sanford and Clinton V. Eckstrom, Unsteady-Pressure and Dynamic-Deflection Measurements on an Aeroelastic Supercritical Wing, NASA TM-4278, December 1991, pp. 315 - Pages: 34
Mercedes C. Reaves, W. Keith Belvin and James P. Bailey, Finite-Element-Analysis Model and Preliminary Ground Testing of Controls-Structures Interaction Evolutionary Model Reflector, NASA TM-4293, May 1992, pp. 50 - Pages: 11
W. Kyle Anderson, Grid Generation and Flow Solution Method for Euler Equations on Unstructured Grids, NASA TM-4295, April 1992, pp. 18 - Pages: 18
E. Ann Bare, David E. Reubush and Raymond C. Haddad, Flow Field Over the Wing of a Delta-Wing Fighter Model With Vortex Control Devices at Mach 0.6 to 1.2, NASA TM-4296, April 1992, pp. 124 - Pages: 38
E. Bruce Jackson and Christopher I. Cruz, Preliminary Subsonic Aerodynamic Model for Simulation Studies of the HL-20 Lifting Body, NASA TM-4302, August 1992, pp. 66 - Pages: 66
Geoffrey M. Tennille, Andrea L. Overman, Jules J. Lambiotte and Craig L. Streett, Gigaflop Performance on a CRAY-2: Multitasking a Computational Fluid Dynamics Application, NASA TM-4305, October 1991, pp. 15 - Pages: 15
Richard S. Pappa, Axel Schenk and Christopher Noll, Eigensystem Realization Algorithm Modal Identification Experiences With Mini-Mast, NASA TM-4307, February 1992, pp. 41 - Pages: 23
Charles D. Harris, Cuyler W. Brooks Jr., Patricia G. Clukey and John P. Stack, The NASA Langley Laminar-Flow-Control Experiment on a Swept, Supercritical Airfoil Evaluation of Initial Perforated Configuration, NASA TM-4309, April 1992, pp. 12 - Pages: 23
W. Keats Wilkie, Chester W. Langston, Paul H. Mirick, Jeffrey D. Singleton, Matthew L. Wilbur and William T. Yeager Jr., An Experimental Study of the Sensitivity of Helicopter Rotor Blade Tracking to Root Pitch Adjustment in Hover, NASA TM-43 - Pages: 7
Francis A. Cucinotta, Lawrence W. Townsend and John W. Wilson, Target Correlation Effects on Neutron-Nucleus Total, Absorption, and Abrasion Cross Sections, NASA TM-4314, December 1991, pp. 18 - Pages: 11
Garl L. Gentry Jr., Dana Morris Dunham and M. A. Takallu, Effect of Solidity and Inclination on Propeller-Nacelle Force Coefficients, NASA TM-4316, December 1991, pp. 21 - Pages: 10
Salvatore J. Bavuso, Sandra V. Koppen and Pamela J. Haley, Graphical Workstation Capability for Reliability Modeling, NASA TM-4317, February 1992, pp. 11","25" - Pages: 11
Louis A. Teichman, Wayne S. Slemp and William G. Witte Jr., Evaluation of Selected Thermal Control Coatings for Long-Life Space Structures, NASA TM-4319, January 1992, pp. 14 - Pages: 15
Jag J. Singh, Abe Eftekhari, Jeffrey A. Hinkley, Terry L. St. Clair and Brian J. Jensen, Free Volume Variation With Molecular Weight of Polymers, NASA TM-4326, February 1992, pp. 8 - Pages: 8
G. S. Manuel, John K. Molloy and P. S. Barna, Effect of Collector Configuration on Test-Section Turbulence Levels in an Open-Jet Wind Tunnel, NASA TM-4333, July 1992, pp. 20 - Pages: 8
John C. Wilson, Experimental Evaluation of a Flat Wake Theory for Predicting Rotor Inflow-Wake Velocities, NASA TM-4334 AVSCOM TR-92-B-004, April 1992, pp. 51 - Pages: 13
Peter F. Covell, Ira J. Walker and Dorothy T. Howell, Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Cone Configuration at Mach Numbers From 2.5 to 4.5, NASA TM-4337, April 1992, pp. 174 - Pages: 31
William M. Adams Jr., David M. Christhilf, Martin R. Waszak, Vivek Mukhopadhyay and S. Srinathkumar, Design, Test, and Evaluation of Three Active Flutter Suppression Controllers, NASA TM-4338, October 1992, pp. 39 - Pages: 39
Kevin W. Noonan, Susan L. Althoff, Dhananjay K. Samak and Michael D. Green, Effect of Blade Planform Variation on the Forward-Flight Performance of Small-Scale Rotors, NASA TM-4345 AVSCOM TR-92-B-005, April 1992, pp. 83 - Pages: 21
Daniel W. Banks, Gregory M. Gatlin and John W. Paulson Jr., Low-Speed Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Aerodynamic Characteristics of the X-31 Configuration, NASA TM-4351, October 1992, pp. 339 - Pages: 18
Mary L. Mason, Francis J. Capone and Scott C. Asbury, A Static Investigation of the Thrust Vectoring System of the F/A-18 High-Alpha Research Vehicle, NASA TM-4359, May 1992, pp. 163 - Pages: 31
William J. Monta, Pitot Survey of Exhaust Flow Field of a 2-D Scramjet Nozzle at Mach 6 With Air or Freon and Argon Used for Exhaust Simulation, NASA TM-4361, October 1992, pp. 32 - Pages: 17
Francis A. Cucinotta, Lawrence W. Townsend and John W. Wilson, Quasi-Elastic Nuclear Scattering at High Energies, NASA TM-4362, May 1992, pp. 21 - Pages: 14
M. B. Tracy, E. B. Plentovich and Julio Chu, Measurements of Fluctuating Pressure in a Rectangular Cavity in Transonic Flow at High Reynolds Numbers, NASA TM-4363, June 1992, pp. 30 - Pages: 11
P. Daniel Sydow and Eric G. Cooper, Development of a Machine Vision System for Automated Structural Assembly, NASA TM-4366, May 1992, pp. 28 - Pages: 15
Thomas R. Sutter, K. Chauncey Wu, Kevin T. Riutort, Joseph B. Laufer and James E. Phelps, Structural Characterization of a First-Generation Articulated-Truss Joint for Space Crane Application, NASA TM-4371, June 1992, pp. 22 - Pages: 22
John T. Dorsey and James W. Dyess, Structural Performance of Two Aerobrake Hexagonal Heat Shield Panel Concepts, NASA TM-4372, May 1992, pp. 30 - Pages: 14
K. Chauncey Wu and Thomas R. Sutter, Structural Analysis of Three Space Crane Articulated-Truss Joint Concepts, NASA TM-4373, May 1992, pp. 30 - Pages: 23
S. Venkateswaran, L. Roane Hunt and Ramadas K. Prabhu, Computational Method To Predict Thermodynamic, Transport, and Flow Properties for the Modified Langley 8-Foot High-Temperature Tunnel, NASA TM-4374, July 1992, pp. 35 - Pages: 34
M. D. Williams, Analysis and Development of Dynamic Selection of Laser Array Elements, NASA TM-4375, May 1992, pp. 9 - Pages: 6
Robert L. Williams II, Kinematic Equations for Control of the Redundant Eight-Degree-of-Freedom Advanced Research Manipulator II, NASA TM-4377, August 1992, pp. 26 - Pages: 29
Steven P. Williams and Russell V. Parrish, Computational Algorithms for Increased Control of Depth-Viewing Volume for Stereo Three-Dimensional Graphic Displays, NASA TM-4379 AVSCOM TR-92-E-002, August 1992, pp. 24 - Pages: 24
Steven D. Young, Generalized Hypercube Structures and Hyperswitch Communication Network, NASA TM-4380, June 1992, pp. 13 - Pages: 14
Martin R. Waszak and S. Srinathkumar, Design and Experimental Validation of a Flutter Suppression Controller for the Active Flexible Wing, NASA TM-4381, August 1992, pp. 17 - Pages: 18
Pamela S. Belton and Richard L. Campbell, Experimental Study of a Generic High-Speed Civil Transport, NASA TM-4382, September 1992, pp. 113 - Pages: 27
Francis A. Cucinotta, John W. Wilson, Robert Katz and Gautam Badhwar, Katz Model Prediction of Caenorhabditis elegans Mutagenesis on STS-42, NASA TM-4383, November 1992, pp. 7 - Pages: 8
John B. Davidson and David K. Schmidt, Modified Optimal Control Pilot Model for Computer-Aided Design and Analysis, NASA TM-4384, October 1992, pp. 27 - Pages: 27
C. Michael Holloway, The Syntax of DRAGOON: Evaluation and Recommendations, NASA TM-4385, July 1992, pp. 16 - Pages: 16
Lawrence W. Townsend, Francis A. Cucinotta, Judy L. Shinn, hfill break and John W. Wilson, Effects of Fragmentation Parameter Variations on Estimates of Galactic Cosmic Ray Exposure Dose Sensitivity Studies for Aluminum Shields, NASA TM-4386, - Pages: 10
Jag J. Singh, Abe Eftekhari, William J. Shultz and Terry L. St. Clair, Free-Volume Characteristics of Epoxies, NASA TM-4390, September 1992, pp. 11 - Pages: 9
Celeste M. Belcastro, Robert Fischl and Moshe Kam, A Monitor for the Laboratory Evaluation of Control Integrity in Digital Control Systems Operating in Harsh Electromagnetic Environments, NASA TM-4402, October 1992, pp. 21 - Pages: 22
Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams, Automatic Computation of Wing-Fuselage Intersection Lines and Fillet Inserts With Fixed-Area Constraint, NASA TM-4406, March 1993, pp. 17, - Pages: 10
Cindy W. Albertson and Willard A. Bauserman Jr., Total Temperature Probes for High-Temperature Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Measurements, NASA TM-4407, March 1993, pp. 32 - Pages: 34
John W. Wilson, Francis A. Cucinotta, Judy L. Shinn and Lawrence W. Townsend, Target Fragmentation in Radiobiology, NASA TM-4408, February 1993, pp. 24 - Pages: 26
Luther R. Gartrell, Bagher M. Tabibi, William W. Hunter Jr., Ja H. Lee and Mark T. Fletcher, Application of Laser Doppler Velocimeter to Chemical Vapor Laser System, NASA TM-4409, January 1993, pp. 19 - Pages: 24
John W. Wilson and Francis F. Badavi, A Study of the Generation of Linear Energy Transfer Spectra for Space Radiations, NASA TM-4410, December 1992, pp. 7 - Pages: 7
Scott D. Holland, Computational Parametric Study of Sidewall-Compression Scramjet Inlet Performance at Mach 10, NASA TM-4411, February 1993, pp. 12 - Pages: 11
Rudeen Smith-Taylor and Sharon E. Tanner, Controls-Structures Interaction Guest Investigator Program Overview and Phase I Experimental Results and Future Plans, NASA TM-4412, February 1993, pp. 47 - Pages: 24
Ira J. Walker, Peter F. Covell and Dana K. Forrest, Experimental Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Generic Hypersonic, NASA TM-4413, February 1993, pp. 122 - Pages: 29
Kevin J. Kjerstad and John W. Paulson Jr., Transition Aerodynamics for 20-Percent-Scale VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, NASA TM-4419, April 1993, pp. 49 - Pages: 24
Gaudy M. Bezos and Bryan A. Campbell, Development of a Large-Scale, Outdoor, Ground-Based Test Capability for Evaluating the Effect of Rain on Airfoil Lift, NASA TM-4420, April 1993, pp. 66 - Pages: 41
Jag J. Singh, Abe Eftekhari and Danny R. Sprinkle, Positron Lifetime Spectroscopy for Investigation of Thin Polymer Coatings, NASA TM-4421, February 1993, pp. 5 - Pages: 7
John W. Wilson, John E. Nealy and Walter Schimmerling, Effects of Radiobiological Uncertainty on Shield Design for a 60-Day, NASA TM-4422, February 1993, pp. 8 - Pages: 11
Jerry M. Allen and Carolyn B. Watson, Experimental Effects of Wing Location on Wing-Body Pressures at Supersonic Speeds, NASA TM-4434, April 1993, pp. 196 - Pages: 41
John R. Micol and William L. Wells, Hypersonic Lateral and Directional Stability Characteristics of Aeroassist Flight Experiment Configuration in Air and CFsub4, NASA TM-4435, May 1993, pp. 40 - Pages: 41
M. B. Tracy and E. B. Plentovich, Characterization of Cavity Flow Fields Using Pressure Data Obtained in the Langley 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel, NASA TM-4436, March 1993, pp. 33 - Pages: 34
Denise R. Jones, Terence S. Abbott and James R. Burley II, Concepts for Conformal and Body-Axis Attitude Information for Spatial Awareness Presented in a Helmet-Mounted Display, NASA TM-4438, March 1993, pp. 9 - Pages: 12
George M. Ware and Charles H. Fox Jr., Subsonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Proposed Advanced Manned Launch System Orbiter Configuration, NASA TM-4439, February 1993, pp. 28 - Pages: 28
Kenneth H. Goodrich, A High-Fidelity, Six-Degree-of-Freedom Batch Simulation Environment for Tactical Guidance Research and Evaluation, NASA TM-4440, July 1993, pp. 51 - Pages: 53
Lawrence D. Huebner, Marc W. Kniskern and William J. Monta, Assessment of a Flow-Through Balance for Hypersonic Wind Tunnel Models With Scramjet Exhaust Flow Simulation, NASA TM-4441, May 1993, pp. 47 - Pages: 35
Robert R. Bless, Eric M. Queen, Michael D. Cavanaugh, Todd A. Wetzel and Daniel D. Moerder, Variational Trajectory Optimization Tool Set Technical Description and User's Manual, NASA TM-4442, July 1993, pp. 56 - Pages: 59
Judy L. Shinn, Hamidullah Farhat, Francis F. Badavi and John W. Wilson, Polarization Correction for Ionization Loss in a Galactic Cosmic Ray Transport Code (HZETRN), NASA TM-4443, March 1993, pp. 9 - Pages: 12
John W. Wilson, J. S. Wood, Judy L. Shinn, Francis A. Cucinotta and John E. Nealy, A Proposed Performance Index for Galactic Cosmic Ray Shielding Materials, NASA TM-4444, August 1993, pp. 8 - Pages: 10
Francis J. Capone and Alberto W. Schirmer, Static Internal Performance of a Single Expansion Ramp Nozzle With Multiaxis Thrust Vectoring Capability, NASA TM-4450, July 1993, pp. 270 - Pages: 211
Bryan E. Dansberry, Michael H. Durham, Robert M. Bennett, David L. Turnock, Walter A. Silva and Jose A. Rivera Jr., Physical Properties of the Benchmark Models Program Supercritical Wing, NASA TM-4457, September 1993, pp. 61 - Pages: 22
Tom D. Finley, Douglas T. Wong and John S. Tripp, Enhanced Reduction of Velocity Data Obtained During CETA Flight Experiment, NASA TP-4460, May 1993, pp. 11 - Pages: 13
Lawrence W. Townsend, Ferdous Khan and Ram K. Tripathi, Optical Model Calculations of 14.6 Alpha GeV Silicon Fragmentation Cross Sections, NASA TM-4461, May 1993, pp. 13 - Pages: 14
Lawrence W. Townsend, Ram K. Tripathi and Ferdous Khan, Comparisons of Cross-Section Predictions for Relativistic Iron and Argon Beams With Semiempirical Fragmentation Models, NASA TM-4462, May 1993, pp. 12 - Pages: 13
Scott D. Holland, Schlieren Photographs and Internal Pressure Distributions for Three-Dimensional Sidewall-Compression Scramjet Inlets at a Mach Number of 6 in CFsub4, NASA TM-4479, August 1993, pp. 141 - Pages: 129
Cheryl L. Allen, An Expert System Executive for Automated Assembly of Large Space Truss Structures, NASA TM-4487, November 1993, pp. 19 - Pages: 12
Richard J. Re and William K. Abeyounis, Wind Tunnel Investigation of Three Axisymmetric Cowls of Different Lengths at Mach Numbers From 0.60 to 0.92, NASA TM-4488, September 1993, pp. 283 - Pages: 48
Dave E. Eckhardt Jr., Michael J. Jipping, Chris J. Wild, Steven J. Zeil and Cathy C. Roberts, Open Environments To Support Systems Engineering Tool Integration: A Study Using the Portable Common Tool Environment (PCTE), NASA TM-4489, Septembe - Pages: 19
George C. Ashby Jr., Peter T. Bernot and William C. Woods, Pressure Distributions on a 0.02-Scale Space Shuttle Orbiter Nose at Mach 21.5 in Helium, NASA TM-4495, January 1994, pp. 74, (833KB) - Pages: 72
M. D. Williams, R. J. De Young, G. L. Schuster, S. H. Choi, J. E. Dagle, E. P. Coomes, Z. I. Antoniak, J. A. Bamberger, J. M. Bates, M. A. Chiu, R. E. Dodge and J. A. Wise, Power Transmission by Laser Beam From Lunar-Synchronous Satellite, NA - Pages: 34
Scott D. Holland, Experimental Investigation of Generic Three-Dimensional Sidewall-Compression Scramjet Inlets at Mach 6 in Tetrafluoromethane, NASA TM-4497, December 1993, pp. 46 - Pages: 51
John R. Carlson, Computational Prediction of Isolated Performance of an Axisymmetric Nozzle at Mach Number 0.90, NASA TM-4506, February 1994, pp. 25, (807KB) - Pages: 28
Gary E. Erickson and Andrew S. Inenaga, Fiber-Optic-Based Laser Vapor Screen Flow Visualization System for Aerodynamic Research in Larger Scale Subsonic and Transonic Wind Tunnels, NASA TM-4514, January 1994, pp. 68, (1MB) - Pages: 73
Donald R. Riley, Jay M. Brandon and Louis J. Glaab, Piloted Simulation Study of an ILS Approach of a Twin-Pusher Business/Commuter Turboprop Aircraft Configuration, NASA TM-4516, January 1994, pp. 119, (2MB) - Pages: 122
John W. Wilson, Francis F. Badavi, Judy L. Shinn and Robert C. Costen, Approximate Green's Function Methods for HZE Transport in Multilayered Materials, NASA TM-4519, October 1993, pp. 15 - Pages: 12
Gilda A. Miner and Phillip D. Babb, Hazard Calculations of Diffuse Reflected Laser Radiation for the SELENE Program, NASA TM-4520, October 1993, pp. 7 - Pages: 10
William D. Grantham, Lee H. Person Jr., Melvin L. Bailey and Stephen A. Tingas, Techniques To Improve Maneuver Stability Characteristics of a Nonlinear Wide-Body Transport Airplane in Cruise Flight, NASA TM-4521, March 1994, pp. 64, (1MB) - Pages: 64
Francis A. Cucinotta, Lawrence W. Townsend and Rajendra R. Dubey, Energy-Loss Cross Sections for Inclusive Charge-Exchange Reactions at Intermediate Energies, NASA TM-4522, October 1993, pp. 21 - Pages: 25
M. Leroy Spearman and Abel O. Torres, Experimental and Theoretical Study of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Some Lifting Bodies at Angles of Attack From -10 Degrees to 53 Degrees at Mach Numbers From 2.30 to 4.62, NASA TM-4528, March 1994, pp. - Pages: 26
Dennis O. Allison and Raymond E. Mineck, Aerodynamic Characteristics and Pressure Distributions for an Executive-Jet Baseline Airfoil Section, NASA TM-4529, December 1993, pp. 103 - Pages: 25
Garl L. Gentry, Jr., M. A. Takallu and Zachary T. Applin, Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Propeller-Powered High-Lift Semispan Wing, NASA TM-4541, April 1994, pp. 68, (364KB) - Pages: 14
Gloria Hernandez, Richard M. Wood and Peter F. Covell, Effect of Leading and Trailing-Edge Flaps on Clipped Delta Wings With and Without Wing Camber at Supersonic Speeds, NASA TM-4542, May 1994, pp. 103, (2MB) - Pages: 79
Eric N. Johnson, John B. Davidson and Patrick C. Murphy, Predicting the Effects of Unmodeled Dynamics on an Aircraft Flight Control System Design Using Eigenspace Assignment, NASA TM-4548, June 1994, pp. 39, (975KB) - Pages: 42
Robert L. Stallings Jr., Elizabeth B. Plentovich, Maureen B. Tracy and Michael J. Hemsch, Effect of Passive Venting on Static Pressure Distributions in Cavities at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds, NASA TM-4549, June 1994, pp. 178, (783KB) - Pages: 105
Ronald K. Clark and Terryl A. Wallace, Oxidation Performance of Platinum-Clad Mo-47Re Alloy, NASA TM-4559, June 1994, pp. 11, (304KB) - Pages: 14
John B. Davidson and David K. Schmidt, Extended Cooperative Control Synthesis, NASA TM-4561, August 1994, pp. 22, (447KB) - Pages: 24
Irene M. Gregory, Rajiv S. Chowdhry, John D. McMinn and John D. Shaughnessy, Hypersonic Vehicle Model and Control Law Development Using H sub infinity and mu Synthesis, NASA TM-4562, October 1994, pp. 40, (2MB) - Pages: 41
P. Frank Quinto and Nettie M. Orie, Langley 14by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel Test Engineer's Data Acquisition and Reduction Manual, NASA TM-4563, June 1994, pp. 62, (777KB) - Pages: 65
Lin Hartung Chambers, Predicting Radiative Heat Transfer in Thermochemical Nonequilibrium, NASA TM-4564, September 1994, pp. 72, (2MB) - Pages: 74
Judy L. Shinn, John W. Wilson, M. A. Lone, P. Y. Wong and Robert C. Costen, Preliminary Estimates of Nucleon Fluxes in a Water Target Exposed to Solar-Flare Protons: BRYNTRN Versus Monte Carlo Code, NASA TM-4565, June 1994, pp. 11 - Pages: 12
Mark S. Chaffin and John D. Berry, Navier-Stokes and Potential Theory Solutions for a Helicopter Fuselage and Comparison With Experiment, NASA TM-4566 ATCOM-TR-94-A-013, June 1994, pp. 28, (8MB) - Pages: 31
Michael L. Nelson and Gretchen L. Gottlich, Electronic Document Distribution: Design of the Anonymous FTP Langley Technical Report Server, NASA TM-4567, March 1994, pp. 17, (376KB) - Pages: 19
Raymond L. Barger, Mary S. Adams and Ramki R. Krishnan, Automatic Computation of Euler-Marching and Subsonic Grids for Wing-Fuselage Configurations, NASA TM-4573, July 1994, pp. 19, (400KB) - Pages: 8
Meelan Choudhari, Lian Ng and Craig Streett, Acoustic Receptivity Due to Weak Surface Inhomogeneities in Adverse Pressure Gradient Boundary Layers, NASA TM-4577, February 1995, pp. 36, (1MB) - Pages: 39
R. Gale Wilson, Numerical Aperture Limits on Efficient Ball Lens Coupling of Laser Diodes to Single-Mode Fibers With Defocus To Balance Spherical Aberration, NASA TM-4578, November 1994, pp. 12, (694KB) - Pages: 15
Jerry M. Allen and Carolyn B. Watson, Experimental Study at Low Supersonic Speeds of a Missile Concept Having Opposing Wraparound Tails, NASA TM-4582, November 1994, pp. 55, (812KB) - Pages: 58
Zachary T. Applin, Garl L. Gentry Jr. and M. A. Takallu, Wing Pressure Distributions From Subsonic Tests of a High-Wing Transport Model, NASA TM-4583, January 1995, pp. 440, (14MB) - Pages: 445
Richard M. Hueschen and Charles E. Knox, Modeling of Instrument Landing System (ILS) Localizer Signal on Runway 25L at Los Angeles International Airport, NASA TM-4588, November 1994, pp. 29, (5MB) - Pages: 31
Melissa B. Rivers and Richard A. Wahls, Comparison of Computational and Experimental Results for a Supercritical Airfoil, NASA TM-4601, November 1994, pp. 27, (290KB) - Pages: 14
Scott D. Holland, Mach 10 Computational Study of a Three-Dimensional Scramjet Inlet Flow Field, NASA TM-4602, March 1995, pp. 30, (5MB) - Pages: 33
Raymond L. Barger and Mary S. Adams, Automatic Procedures for Computing Complete Configuration Geometry From Individual Component Descriptions, NASA TM-4607, July 1994, pp. 12 - Pages: 10
Milton Lamb, Internal Performance Characteristics of Thrust-Vectored Axisymmetric Ejector Nozzles, NASA TM-4610, March 1995, pp. 225, (8MB)","25" - Pages: 227
Robin L. Cravey, Dion T. Fralick and Erik Vedeler, Radar Cross Section Measurements and Simulation of a Tethered Satellite The Small Expendable Deployer System End-Mass Payload, NASA TM-4613, February 1995, (4MB) - Pages: 26
Ping Tcheng, John S. Tripp and Tom D. Finley, Effects of Yaw and Pitch Motion on Model Attitude Measurements, NASA TM-4641, February 1995, (187KB) - Pages: 13
William T. Davis and Charles B. King, Packaging, development, and on-orbassembly options for large geostationary spacecraft, NASA TP-3088, July 1991, pp. 34 - Pages: 31
Mark S. Lake and Martin M. Mikulas, Jr., Buckling and Vibration Analysis of a Simply Supported Column with a Piecewise Constant Cross Section, NASA TP-3090, March 1991, pp. 12, (227KB PS, 183KB PDF) - Pages: 11
Stephen J. Scotti, Numerical Studies of Convective Cooling for a Locally Heated Skin, NASA TP-3100, May 1991, pp. 20 - Pages: 20
Richard M. Wood, James E. Byrd and Gary F. Wesselmann, Influence of Airfoil Geometry on Delta Wing Leading-Edge Vortices and Vortex-Induced Aerodynamics at Supersonic Speeds, NASA TP-3105, Feburary 1992, pp. 86, (313KB) - Pages: 12
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