- Pages: 11
- Pages: 11
- Pages: 7
Louis Nguyen, Patrick Minnis, J. Kirk Ayers and David R. Doelling, Intercalibration of Meteorological Satellite Imagers Using VIRS, ATSR-2 and MODIS, 11th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Madison, Wisconsin, - Pages: 4
William L. Smith, Jr., Thomas Charlock, Bruce Wielicki, Ralph Kahn, J. Vanderlei Martins, Charles Gatabe, Peter V. Hobbs, G. Carl Purgold, Jens Redemann, Lorraine Remer and Ken Rutledge, The Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Me - Pages: 4
Ronald Krueger, Isabelle L. Paris, T. Kevin O'Brien and Pierre J. Minguet, Comparison of 2D Finite Element Modeling Assumptions With Results From 3D Analysis for Composite Skin-Stiffener Debonding, 11th International Conference o - Pages: 19
T. Kevin O'Brien and Isabelle L. Paris, Exploratory Investigation of Failure Mechanisms in Transition Regions Between Solid Laminates and X-cor(registerd) Truss Sandwich, 11th International Conference on Composite Structures, Me - Pages: 35
Catherine A. Adams, Peter V. Hwoschinsky and Richard J. Adams, Analysis of Adverse Events in Identifying GPS Human Factors Issues, 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio, March 5-8, 2001, (85KB PS, 4 - Pages: 6
Douglas T. Wong, Lynda J. Kramer and R. Michael Norman, Two Aircraft Head-Up Traffic Surveillance Symbology Issues: Range Filter and Inboard Field-of-View Symbology, 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, - Pages: 6
J. Raymond Comstock, Jr., Lou J. Glaab, Lance J. Prinzel and Dawn M. Elliott, Can Effective Synthetic Vision System Displays Be Implemented on Limited Size Display Spaces?, 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Co - Pages: 6
Kara A. Latorella and James P. Chamberlain, Decision-Making in Flight With Different Convective Weather Sources: Preliminary Results, 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio, March 5-8, 2001, (285KB P - Pages: 6
Ajay Kumar, J. Philip Drummond, Charles R. McClinton and James L. Hunt, Research in Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion at NASA Langley Research Center, 15th International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, Bangalore, India, Sept - Pages: 17
Beckry M. Abdel-Magid and Thomas S. Gates, Accelerated Testing of Polymeric Composites Using the Dynamics Mechanical Analyzer, American Society of Composites 16th Annual Technical Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, September 9-12, - Pages: 12
B. W. Grimsley, P. Hubert, T-H. Hou, R. J. Cano, A. C. Loos and R. B. Pipes, Matrix Characterization and Development for the Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process, American Society of Composites 16th Annual Technical Con - Pages: 12
Carlos G. Davila, Pedro P. Camanho and Marcelo F. de Moura, Progressive Damage Analyses of Skin/Stringer Debonding, American Society of Composites 16th Annual Technical Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, September 9-12, 2001, (2.7 - Pages: 14
Gregory M. Odegard, Vasyl M. Harik, Kristopher E. Wise and Thomas S. Gates, Constitutive Modeling of Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composite Systems, American Society of Composites 16th Annual Technical Conference, Blacksburg, Virg - Pages: 12
Karen S. Whitley and Thomas S. Gates, Tensile Properties of Polymeric Matrix Composites Subjected to Cryogenic Environments, American Society of Composites 16th Annual Technical Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, September 9-12, 2 - Pages: 12
Stanley S. Smeltzer, III and Eric C. Klang, A Curved, Elastostatic Boundary Element for Plane Anisotropic Structures, American Society of Composites 16th Annual Technical Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, September 9-12, 2001, (4 - Pages: 15
Richard W. Ross, Integrated Component-Based Data Acquisition Systems for Aerospace Test Facilities, ICIASF '01---19th International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, Cleveland, Ohio, August 27-30, - Pages: 9
William M. Humphreys, Jr. and Scott M. Bartram, Measurement of Separated Flow Structures Using a Multiple-Camera DPIV System, ICIASF '01---19th International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, Clev - Pages: 12
Kelly J. Hayhurst and Dan S. Veerhusen, A Practical Approach to Modified Condition/Decision Coverage, 20th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida, October 14-18, 2001, (291KB PS, 53KB PDF) - Pages: 10
Lee M. Nicholson, Karen S. Whitley and Thomas S. Gates, Crosslink Density and Molecular Weight Effects on the Viscoelastic Response of a Glassy High-Performance Polyimide, 221st National Meeting and Exposition of the American Ch - Pages: 4
Charles E. Harris and Mark J. Shuart, An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art for the Design and Manufacturing of Large Composite Structures for Aerospace Vehicles, 22nd SAMPE Europe International Conference, La Defense, Paris, M - Pages: 12
Robert O. Foelsche, R. Clayton Rogers, Ching-Yi Tsai, Robert J. Bakos and Ann T. Shih, Hypervelocity Capability of the HYPULSE Shock-Expansion Tunnel for Scramjet Testing, The 23rd International Symposium on Shock Waves, Fort Wo - Pages: 8
Robert F. Anastasi and Eric I. Madaras, Ultrasonic Guided Waves for Aging Wire Insulation Assessment, 28th Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE), Brunswick, Maine, July 29-August 3, 2001, (64 - Pages: 8
Brooke. M. Anderson, J. E. Nealy, G. D. Qualls, P. J. Staritz, J. W. Wilson, M-H. Y. Kim, F. A. Cucinotta, W. Atwell, G. De Angelis, J. Ware and A. E. Persans, Shuttle Spacesuit (Radiation) Model Development, 31st International - Pages: 13
G. D. Qualls, J. W. Wilson, C. A. Sandridge, F. A. Cucinotta, J. E. Nealy, J. H. Heinbockel, C. P. Hugger, J. Verhage, B. M. Anderson, W. Atwell, N. Zapp and R. Barber, International Space Station Radiation Shielding Model Devel - Pages: 6
J. W. Wilson, J. Tweed, C. Zeitlin, M-H. Y. Kim, B. M. Anderson, F. A. Cucinotta, J. Ware and A. E. Persans, Shuttle Spacesuit: Fabric/LCVG Model Validation, 31st International Conference on Environmental Systems, Orlando, Flori - Pages: 5
M. S. Clowdsley, J. W. Wilson, J. L. Shinn, F. F. Badavi, J. H. Heinbockel and W. Atwell, Neutron Environment Calculations for Low Earth Orbit, 31st International Conference on Environmental Systems, Orlando, Florida, July 9-12, - Pages: 7
R. K. Tripathi, J. W. Wilson, F. A. Cucinotta, J. E. Nealy, M. S. Clowdsley and M-H. Y. Kim, Deep Space Mission Radiation Shielding Optimization, 31st International Conference on Environmental Systems, Orlando, Florida, July 9-1 - Pages: 14
Brian W. Grimsley, Roberto J. Cano, Norman J. Johnston, Alfred C. Loos and William M. McMahon, Hybrid Composites for LH2 Fuel Tank Structure, 33rd International SAMPE Technical Conference, Seattle, Washington, November 4-8, 200 - Pages: 12
Brain W. Grimsley, Pascal Hubert, Xiaolan Song, Roberto J. Cano, Alfred C. Loos and R. Byron Pipes, Flow and Compaction in the Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding Process, 33rd International SAMPE Technical Conference, Seat - Pages: 14
Karen E. Jackson and Edwin L. Fasanella, Crash Simulation of a Vertical Drop Test of a B737 Fuselage Section With Overhead Bins and Luggage, Third Triennial International Fire & Cabin Safety Research Conference, Atlantic City, - Pages: 19
Edwin L. Fasanella, Karen E. Jackson, Yvonne T. Jones, Gary Frings and Tong Vu, Crash Simulation of a Boeing 737 Fuselage Section Vertical Drop Test, 3rd International KRASH Users' Seminar, Tempe, Arizona, January 8-10, 2001, (3. - Pages: 14
K. H. Wood, T. L. Brown, M-C. Wu and C. B. Gause, Fiber Optic Sensors for Cure/Health Monitoring of Composites Materials, 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, California, September 12-14, 2001, ( - Pages: 10
S. Shkarayev, R. Krashanitsa and A. Tessler, An Inverse Interpolation Method Utilizing In-Flight Strain Measurements for Determining Loads and Structural Response of Aerospace Vehicles, 3rd International Workshop on Structural He - Pages: 8
Anna C. Trujillo, Experience and Grouping Affects When Handling Non-Normal Situations, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, October 8-12, 2001, (108KB PS, 69KB PDF) - Pages: 5
David K. Rutishauser and Cornelius J. O'Connor, The NASA Aircraft VOrtex Spacing System (AVOSS): Concept Demonstration Results and Future Direction, Air Traffic Control Association's 46th Annual Meeting International Technical P - Pages: 5
M-H. Y. Kim, S. A. Thibeault, R. L. Kiefer, J. W. Wilson, R. C. Singleterry, J. Moore, H. Huff and R. Wilkins, Fabrication and Testing of Habitat Components Using In-Situ Materials for Martian Exploration, 46th International SA - Pages: 12
David G. Johnson, Design of a Far-Infrared Spectrometer for Atmospheric Thermal Emission Measurements, SPIE's 46th Annual Meeting---The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, California, July 29-Au - Pages: 5
Gary A. Fleming, Scott M. Bartram, Martin R. Waszak and Luther N. Jenkins, Projection Moire Interferometry Measurements of Micro Air Vehicle Wings, SPIE's 46th Annual Meeting---The International Symposium on Optical Science and - Pages: 13
Sharon S. Graves and Alpheus W. Burner, Development of an Intelligent Videogrammetric Wind Tunnel Measurement System, SPIE's 46th Annual Meeting---The International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, Califor - Pages: 12
David J. Wing, Richard J. Adams, Bryan E. Barmore and Donald Moses, Airborne Use of Traffic Intent Information in a Distributed Air-Ground Traffic Management Concept: Experiment Design and Preliminary Results, 4th USA/Europe Air - Pages: 11
John C. Mankins and Daniel D. Mazanek, The Hybrid Propellant Module (HPM): A New Concept for Space Transfer in the Earth's Neighborhood and Beyond, 52nd International Astronautical Congress, Toulouse, France, October 1-5, 2001, ( - Pages: 15
D. Douglas Boyd, Jr. and Casey L. Burley, Analysis of Measured and Predicted Acoustics From an XV-15 Flight Test, AHS International 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, Washington, DC, May 9-11, 2001, (4.8MB PS, 3.4MB PDF) - Pages: 40
David J. Piatak, Raymond G. Kvaternik, Mark W. Nixon, Chester W. Langston, Robert L. Bennett and Ross K. Brown, A Wind-Tunnel Parametric Investigation of Tiltrotor Stability Whirl-Flutter Stability Boundaries, AHS International 5 - Pages: 13
Gretchen B. Murri, Jeffrey R. Schaff and Alan L. Dobyns, Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Analysis of a Hybrid Composite Tapered Flexbeam, AHS International 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, Washington, DC, May 9-11, 2001, (2 - Pages: 17
Jian Li, Carlos G. Davila and Tzi-Kang Chen, High Fidelity Failure Analysis for a Composite Fuselage Section, AHS International 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, Washington, DC, May 9-11, 2001, (2.5MB, PS 1MB PDF) - Pages: 7
Karen H. Lyle, Lindley W. Bark and Karen E. Jackson, Evaluation of Test/Analysis Correlation Methods for Crash Applications, AHS International 57th Annual Forum and Technology Display, Washington, DC, May 9-11, 2001, (4.5MB PS, 6 - Pages: 15
Raymond G. Kvaternik, David J. Piatak, Mark W. Nixon, Chester W. Langston, Jeffrey D. Singleton, Richard L. Bennett and Ross K. Brown, An Experimental Evaluation of Generalized Predictive Control for Tiltrotor Aeroelastic Stabili - Pages: 15
John B. Davidson, Frederick J. Lallman and W. Thomas Bundick, Real-Time Adaptive Control Allocation Applied to a High Performance Aircraft, Fifth SIAM Conference on Control & Its Applications, San Diego, California, July 11-14, 2 - Pages: 11
Darrel Tenney and Bryon Pipes, Advanced Composites Development for Aerospace Applications, 7th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, November 13-16, 2001, (121KB PS, 74KB PDF) - Pages: 6
Brook A. Childers, Mark E. Froggatt, Sidney G. Allison, Thomas C. Moore, Sr., David A. Hare, Christopher F. Batten and Dawn C. Jegley, Use of 3000 Bragg Grating Strain Sensors Distributed on Four Eight-Meter Optical Fibers During - Pages: 10
Robert C. Costen, Ji Su and Joycelyn S. Harrison, Model for Bending Actuators That Use Electrostrictive Graft Elastomers, SPIE's 8th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, March 4-8, - Pages: 9
Robert W. Moses, Carol D. Wieseman, Aaron A. Bent and Alessandro E. Pizzochero, Evaluation of New Actuators in a Buffet Loads Environment, SPIE's 8th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, Calif - Pages: 12
Travis L. Turner, Experimental Validation of a Thermoelastic Model for SMA Hybrid Composites, SPIE's 8th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, March 4-8, 2001, (428KB PS, 285KB PD - Pages: 12
Travis L. Turner, Cynthia L. Lach and Roberto J. Cano, Fabrication and Characterization of SMA Hybrid Composites, SPIE's 8th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, California, March 4-8, 2001, - Pages: 12
Anita E. Grierson and Lisa E. Jones, Recommendations for Injury Prevention in Transport Aviation Accidents, Advances in Aviation Safety Conference & Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, September 11-13, 2001, (343KB PS, 133KB PDF) - Pages: 15
Carlos G. Davila and Pedro P. Camanho, Decohesion Elements Using Two and Three-Parameter Mixed-Mode Criteria, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 30-November 1, 2001, (1.1MB) - Pages: 11
Dawn C. Jegley, Harold G. Bush and Andrew E. Lovejoy, Evaluation of the Structural Response and Failure of a Full-Scale Stitched Graphite-Epoxy Wing, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, Oct - Pages: 12
Donald J. Baker and Christos Kassapoglou, Post-Buckled Composite Panels for Helicopter Fuselages: Design, Analysis, Fabrication, and Testing, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 30- - Pages: 20
Donald L. Kunz and Henry E. Jones, Modeling and Simulation of the Apache Rotor System in CAMRAD II, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 30-November 1, 2001, (344KB) - Pages: 9
Eric I. Madaras, Highlights of NASA's Role in Developing State-of-the-Art Nondestructive Evaluation for Composites, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 30-November 1, 2001, (8.4MB P - Pages: 11
Henry E. Jones and Donald L. Kunz, Comprehensive Modeling of the Apache With CAMRAD II, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 30-November 1, 2001, (653KB) - Pages: 13
Isabelle L. Paris, Ronald Krueger and T. Kevin O'Brien, Effect of Assumed Damage and Location on the Delamination Onset Predictions for Skin-Stiffener Debonding, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, V - Pages: 17
R. J. Cano, H. L. Belvin, A. B. Hulcher and R. W. Grenoble, Studies on Automated Manufacturing of High Performance Composites, AHS International Structures Specialists' Meeting, Williamsburg, Virginia, October 30-November 1, 200 - Pages: 10
Tianshu Liu, M. Guille and J. P. Sullivan, Accuracy of Pressure-Sensitive Paint, AIAA Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, January 2001, pp. 103-112, (534KB PS, 334KB PDF) - Pages: 42
Ronald Krueger and T. Kevin O'Brien, A Shell/3D Modeling Technique for the Analysis of Delaminated Composite Laminates, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, vol. 32, no. 1, January 2001, pp. 25-44, (1.1MB PS, 481K - Pages: 41
Edwin J. Prior, James E. Gardner, James A. Jacobs and Louis A. Luedtke (Compilers), National Educators' Workshop: Update 2000---Standard Experiments in Engineering, Materials Science, and Technology, NASA/CP-2001-211029, August 20 - Pages: 652
Ahmed K. Noor, Compiler, Nondeterministic Approaches and Their Potential for Future Aerospace Systems, NASA/CP-2001-211050, September 2001, pp. 368, (34MB) - Pages: 380
Ansel J. Butterfield, Data Mining of NASA Boeing 737 Flight Data---Frequency Analysis of In-Flight Recorded Data, NASA/CR-2001-210641, March 2001, (378KB PS, 263KB PDF) - Pages: 26
Duane Pettit and Andrew Turnbull, General Aviation Aircraft Reliability Study, NASA/CR-2001-210647, February 2001, pp. 113, (1.1MB PS, 808KB PDF) - Pages: 113
A. S. Naser, A. S. Pototzky and C. V. Spain, Response of the Alliance 1 Proof-of-Concept Airplane Under Gust Loads, NASA/CR-2001-210649, March 2001, pp. 228, (2.8MB PS, 2.5MB PDF) - Pages: 227
Michael Karal, AST Composite Wing Program---Executive Summary, NASA/CR-2001-210650, March 2001, pp. 98, (5.4MB) - Pages: 98
William Spitz, Richard Golaszewski, Frank Berardino and Jesse Johnson, Development Cycle Time Simulation For Civil Aircraft, NASA/CR-2001-210658, January 2001, pp. 92, (951KB PS, 679KB PDF) - Pages: 90
Virginia Stouffer, Jesse P. Johnson and Joana Gribko, Civil Tiltrotor Feasibility Study for the New York and Washington Terminal Areas, NASA/CR-2001-210659, January 2001, pp. 80, (2.5MB PS, 1.9MB PDF) - Pages: 77
Federico Paris, A Study of Failure Criteria of Fibrous Composite Materials, NASA/CR-2001-210661, March 2001, pp. 76, (880KB PS, 448KB PDF) - Pages: 76
William M. Johnston, Fracture Tests on Thin Sheet 2024-T3 Aluminum Alloy for Specimens With and Without Anti-Buckling Guides, NASA/CR-2001-210832, March 2001, pp. 40, (567KB PS, 445KB PDF) - Pages: 40
William M. Johnston, Fracture Test Results for 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 Inch Thick 2324-T39 Aluminum Alloy Material, NASA/CR-2001-210833, March 2001, pp. 32, (288KB PS, 269KB PDF) - Pages: 32
J. Allen Zak and William G. Rodgers, Jr., Preprocessing for Eddy Dissipation Rate and TKE Profile Generation, NASA/CR-2001-210834, March 2001, pp. 14, (194KB PS, 672KB PDF)","24" - Pages: 12
J. Allen Zak, William G. Rodgers, Jr. and Scott Nolf, Operational Performance of Sensor Systems Used to Determine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Properties as Part of the NASA Aircraft Vortex Spacing System Project, NASA/CR-2001-21083 - Pages: 35
Arthur D. Dilley, Evaluation of CFD Turbulent Heating Prediction Techniques and Comparison With Hypersonic Experimental Data, NASA/CR-2001-210837, March 2001, pp. 31, (677KB PS, 347KB PDF) - Pages: 31
J. M. Nelson, R. T. Kawai and R. D. Gregg, A Study of the Economic Benefit Potential of Intermodal Transports, NASA/CR-2001-210847, April 2001, pp. 17, (2MB) - Pages: 15
Ramadas K. Prabhu, Inviscid Flow Computations of the Orbital Sciences X-34 Over a Mach Number Range of 1.25 to 6.0, NASA/CR-2001-210849, April 2001, pp. 22, (14MB PS, 9.3MB PDF) - Pages: 22
Ramadas K. Prabhu, Summary Report of the Orbital X-34 Wing Static Aeroelastic Study, NASA/CR-2001-210850, April 2001, pp. 19, (6.9MB PS, 4.9MB PDF) - Pages: 18
Ramadas K. Prabhu, Inviscid Flow Computations of Several Aeroshell Configurations for a '07 Mars Lander, NASA/CR-2001-210851, April 2001, pp. 27, (6.4MB PS, 3.4MB PDF) - Pages: 27
Ramadas K. Prabhu, Inviscid Flow Computations of Two '07 Mars Lander Aeroshell Configurations Over a Mach Number Range of 2 to 24, NASA/CR-2001-210852, April 2001, pp. 27, (3.9MB PS, 1.7MB PDF) - Pages: 26
Gary G. Gimmestad, Chris D. Papanicolopoulos, Mark A. Richards, Donald L. Sherman and Leanne L. West, Feasibility Study of Radiometry for Airborne Detection of Aviation Hazards, NASA/CR-2001-210855, June 2001, pp. 51, (665KB PS, 5 - Pages: 50
Elden Ross, Personal Electronic Devices and Their Interference With Aircraft Systems, NASA/CR-2001-210866, June 2001, pp. 29, (494KB PS, 677KB PDF) - Pages: 29
Dou Long, David Lee, Jesse Johnson and Peter Kostiuk, A Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) Demand Model, NASA/CR-2001-210874, June 2001, pp. 77, (947KB PS, 556KB PDF) - Pages: 75
Dou Long, Virginia Stouffer-Coston, Peter F. Kostiuk, Richard Kula and Berta Fernandez, Integrating LMINET with TAAM and SIMMOD---A Feasibility Study, NASA/CR-2001-210875, June 2001, pp. 57, (768KB PS, 361KB PDF) - Pages: 55
Scott Houser, Aviation Safety Simulation Model---User's Guide, NASA/CR-2001-211022, June 2001, pp. 64, (623KB PS, 328KB PDF) - Pages: 62
Sam Owre and Natarajan Shankar, Theory Interpretations in PVS, NASA/CR-2001-211024, July 2001, pp. 39, (279KB PS, 321KB PDF) - Pages: 38
Larry E. Stanley and Daniel O. Adams, Development and Evaluation of Stitched Sandwich Panels, NASA/CR-2001-211025, June 2001, pp. 166, (61MB PS, 18MB PDF) - Pages: 161
Philippe R. Spalart, Young-Person's Guide to Detached-Eddy Simulation Grids, NASA/CR-2001-211032, July 2001, pp. 23, (8.4MB PS, 8.3MB PDF) - Pages: 23
Juan F. Betts, Experimental Structural Dynamic Response of Plate Specimens Due to Sonic Loads in a Progressive Wave Tube, NASA/CR-2001-211045, August 2001, pp. 97, (7.1MB PS, 2.9MB PDF) - Pages: 97
Daniel E. Yuchnovicz, Paul F. Novacek, Malcolm A. Burgess, Michael L. Heck and Alan F. Stokes, Use of a Data-Linked Weather Information Display and Effects on Pilot Navigation Decision Making in a Piloted Simulation Study, NASA/CR - Pages: 187
S. Kodiyalam, Multidisciplinary Aerospace Systems Optimization---Computational AeroSciences (CAS) Project, NASA/CR-2001-211053, September 2001, pp. 26, (1MB PS; 529KB PDF) - Pages: 26
Jesse Johnson, Virginia Stouffer, Dou Long and Joana Gribko, Evaluation of the National Throughput Benefits of the Civil Tilt Rotor, NASA/CR-2001-211055, September 2001, pp. 177, (33MB PS, 27MB PDF) - Pages: 174
Steven J. Massey and Kenrick A. Waithe, Computational Analyses of Propulsion Aeroacoustics for Mixed Flow Nozzle Pylon Installation at Takeoff, Eagle Aeronautics, Inc. and Analytical Services and Materials, Inc., NASA/CR-2001-2110 - Pages: 35
J. Timmerman, Runway Incursion Prevention System ADS-B and DGPS Data Link Analysis Dallas---Ft. Worth International Airport, NASA/CR-2001-211242, November 2001, pp. 40, (3.9MB, 1.8MB PDF) - Pages: 40
Louis Roy Miller Giersch, Pathfinder Photogrammetry Research for Ultra-Lightweight and Inflatable Space Structures, NASA/CR-2001-211244, November 2001, pp. 76, (1.2MB PS, 798KB PDF) - Pages: 76
G. P. Mathur, C. L. Chin, M. A. Simpson and J. T. Lee, Structural Acoustic Prediction and Interior Noise Control Technology, NASA/CR-2001-211247, November 2001, pp. 70, (2.8MB PS, 967KB PDF) - Pages: 70
Dana P. Hammond, Parallelization of Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories (POST3D), NASA/CR-2001-211250, November 2001, pp. 34, (459KB PS, 142KB PDF) - Pages: 34
Ferdinand W. Grosveld, Binaural Simulation Experiments in the NASA Langley Structural Acoustics Loads and Transmission Facility, NASA/CR-2001-211255, December 2001, pp. 23, (4.2MB PS, 392KB PDF) - Pages: 23
James M. Fields, An Updated Catalog of 521 Social Surveys of Residents' Reactions to Environmental Noise (1943-2000), NASA/CR-2001-211257, December 2001, pp. 155, (782KB PS, 711KB PDF) - Pages: 155
Ramadas K. Prabhu, An Inviscid Computational Study of Three '07 Mars Lander Aeroshell Configurations Over a Mach Number Range of 2.3 to 4.5, NASA/CR-2001-211266, December 2001, pp. 47, (7MB PS, 3.6MB PDF) - Pages: 47
Ramadas K. Prabhu, Inviscid Flow Computations of the Shuttle Orbiter for Mach 10 and 15 and Angle of Attack 40 to 60 Degrees, NASA/CR-2001-211267, December 2001, pp. 14, (2.6MB PS, 1.6MB PDF) - Pages: 14
I. S. Raju and E. H. Glaessgen, Effect of Stitching on Debonding in Composite Structural Elements, ICES'01---International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 19-25, 2001, (860KB PS - Pages: 7
Scott C. Forth and Alexander Staroselsky, A Hybrid Method Analysis for Structural Health Monitoring, ICES'01---International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 19-25, 2001, (298KB P - Pages: 6
John H. Beggs, A Linear Bicharacteristic FDTD Method, 2001 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 8-13, 2001, (52KB PS, 70KB PDF) - Pages: 4
John H. Beggs and W. Roger Briley, An Implicit LU/AF FDTD Method, 2001 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 8-13, 2001, (50KB PS, 76KB PDF) - Pages: 4
Kurt Severance, Paul Brewster, Barry Lazos and Daniel Keefe, Wind Tunnel Data Fusion and Immersive Visualization: A Case Study, IEEE Visualization 2001, San Diego, California, October 21-26, 2001, (3.4MB PS, 2.6MB PDF) - Pages: 5
Anna C. Trujillo, Response Times in Correcting Non-Normal System Events When Collocating Status, Alerts and Procedures, and Controls, IEE Conference on People in Control, Manchester, United Kingdom, June 18-21, 2001, (200KB) - Pages: 6
Mark W. Nixon, Chester W. Langston, Jeffrey D. Singleton, David J. Piatak, Raymond G. Kvaternik, Richard L. Bennett and Ross K. Brown, Experimental Investigations of Generalized Predictive Control for Tiltrotor Stability Augmenta - Pages: 12
Robert E. Bartels, A Study of Grid Resolution, Transition and Turbulence Model Using the Transonic Simple Straked Delta Wing, CEAS/AIAA/AIAE International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Madrid, Spain, June 5-7, - Pages: 12
Robert W. Moses, Carol D. Wieseman, Aaron A. Bent and Alessandro E. Pizzochero, Evaluation of New Actuators in a Buffet Loads Environment, CEAS/AIAA/AIAE International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, Madrid, Spai - Pages: 12
Walter A. Silva, Philip. S. Beran, Carlos E. Cesnik, Randal E. Guendel, Andrew Kurdila, Richard J. Prazenica, Liviu Librescu, Piergiovanni Marzocca and Daniella E. Raveh, Reduced-Order Modeling: Cooperative Research and Developme - Pages: 16
R. K. Tripathi, J. W. Wilson and F. A. Cucinotta, Importance of Nuclear Physics to NASA's Space Missions, INPC 2001---International Nuclear Physics Conference, Berkeley, California, July 30-August 3, 2001, (178KB PS, 97KB PDF) - Pages: 5
A. W. Burner and Tianshu Liu, Videogrammetric Model Deformation Measurement Technique, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 38, no. 4, July/August 2001, pp. 745-754, (3.6MB PS, 321KB PDF) - Pages: 31
A. W. Burner, Tianshu Liu, Sanjay Garg, Terence A. Ghee and Nigel J. Taylor, Aeroelastic Deformation Measurements of Flap, Gap, and Overhang on a Semispan Model, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 38, no. 6, November-December 2001, pp. 114 - Pages: 30
F. Farassat, Acoustic Radiation >From Rotating Blades The Kirchhoff Method in Aeroacoustics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 239, no. 4, January, 2001, pp. 785-800, (159KB PS, 121KB PDF) - Pages: 31
John E. Lamar, Cranked Arrow Wing (F-16XL-1) Flight Flow Physics With CFD Predictions at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds, NATO/RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Symposium on Advanced Flow Management: Vortex Flow and High Angle of - Pages: 20
Jay M. Brandon, James B. Hallissy, Philip W. Brown and John E. Lamar, In-Flight Flow Visualization Results of the F-106B With a Vortex Flap, NATO/RTO Applied Vehicle Technology Panel Symposium on Advanced Flow Management: Vortex F - Pages: 33
David A. Senzig, Gregg G. Fleming and Kevin P. Shepherd, Measured Engine Installation Effects of Four Civil Transport Airplanes, NOISE-CON 2001---2001 National Conference on Noise Control Engineering, Portland, Maine, October - Pages: 6
Alan T. Pope and Olafur S. Paisson, Helping Video Games Rewire Our Minds, Playing By the Rules---The Cultural Policy Challenges of Video Games, Chicago, Illinois, October 26-27, 2001, (886KB PS, 561KB PDF) - Pages: 10
Sandra Polesky Walker, Thermal Effects on the Bearing Behavior of Composite Joints, May 2001, pp. 140, PhD Thesis, University of Virginia (2.2MB PS, 1.2MB PDF) - Pages: 140
Maarten Uijt de Haag, Jonathon Sayre, Jacob Campbell, Steve D. Young and Robert Gray, Flight Test Results of a Synthetic Vision Elevation Database Integrity Monitor, SPIE's 2001 AeroSense Symposium, Orlando, Florida, April 16-2 - Pages: 10
Karthik Nagarathnam and Karen M. B. Taminger, Technology Assessment of Laser-Assisted Materials Processing in Space, Space Technology & Applications International Forum (STAIF-2001), Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 11-15, 2001, - Pages: 8
Ralph D. Buehrle, Gary A. Fleming, Richard S. Pappa and Ferdinand W. Grosveld, Finite Element Model Development for Aircraft Fuselage Structures, Sound and Vibration, vol. 35, no. 1, January 2001, pp. 32-38, (622KB PS, 318KB PDF) - Pages: 7
Joseph N. Zalameda, Synchronized Electronic Shutter System (SESS) for Thermal Nondestructive Evaluation, Thermosense XXIII, Orlando, Florida, April 16-20, 2001, (2MB PS, 251KB PDF) - Pages: 8
K. Elliott Cramer, Ronald Jacobstein and Thomas Reilly, Boiler Tube Corrosion Characterization With a Scanning Thermal Line, Thermosense XXIII, Orlando, Florida, April 16-20, 2001, (863KB PS, 275KB PDF) - Pages: 12
Natale A. Rivers, Cornielious P. van Dam, Phillip W. Brown and Robert A. Rivers, Flight Investigation of the Effects of Pressure-Belt Tubing Size on Measured Pressure Distributions, NASA/TM-2001-209857, November 2001, pp. 46, (973 - Pages: 46
Kenneth H. Cate, Videogrammetric Model Deformation Measurement Software Package---Reference Manual for MDef.exe, NASA/TM-2001-210554, March 2001, pp. 32, (793KB PS, 754KB PDF) - Pages: 31
Stanley E. Woodard, Atul G. Kelkar and Gopichand Koganti, Multidisciplinary Concurrent Design Optimization via the Internet, NASA/TM-2001-210644, March 2001, pp. 30, (604KB PS, 351KB PDF) - Pages: 30
Travis L. Turner, Thermomechanical Response of Shape Memory Alloy Hybrid Composites, NASA/TM-2001-210656, January 2001, pp. 239, (4.6MB PS, 3.3MB PDF) - Pages: 238
Harriet B. Machie and Susan H. Stewart (Compilers), NASA Langley Scientific and Technical Information Output---2000, NASA/TM-2001-210657, February 2001, pp. 157, (403KB PS, 439KB PDF) - Pages: 156
Lee M. Nicholson, Karen S. Whitley and Thomas S. Gates, The Role of Molecular Weight and Temperature on the Elastic and Viscoelastic Properties of a Glassy Thermoplastic Polyimide, NASA/TM-2001-210664, February 2001, pp. 24, (1.1M - Pages: 24
David M. Schuster, Aerodynamic Measurements on a Large Splitter Plate for the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel, NASA/TM-2001-210828, March 2001, pp. 42, (1.6MB PS, 1.3MB PDF) - Pages: 42
W. Randy Cofer, III, Bruce E. Anderson, V. S. Connors, C. C. Wey, T. Sanders, C. H. Twohy, C. A. Brock, E. L. Winstead, D. Pui, Da-ren Chen, D. E. Hagen and P. Whitefield, NASA's Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Project---Results o - Pages: 25
Stephen W. Smith and Robert S. Piascik, Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of Thin Sheet Titanium Alloy Ti 6-2-2-2-2, NASA/TM-2001-210830, March 2001, pp. 74, (1.4MB PS, 1.1MB PDF) - Pages: 74
Stephen A. Rizzi and Alexander A. Muravyov, Improved Equivalent Linearization Implementations Using Nonlinear Stiffness Evaluation, NASA/TM-2001-210838, March 2001, pp. 66, (963KB PS, 1.5MB PDF) - Pages: 66
Carl H. Gerhold and Lorenzo R. Clark, Database of Inlet and Exhaust Noise Shielding for Wedge-Shaped Airframe, NASA/TM-2001-210840, April 2001, pp. 20, (2.4MB PS, 1.4MB PDF) - Pages: 20
Ronald Krueger, Isabelle L. Paris, T. Kevin O'Brien and Pierre J. Minguet, Fatigue Life Methodology for Bonded Composite Skin/Stringer Configurations, NASA/TM-2001-210842, ARL-TR-2432, April 2001, pp. 45, (4MB PS, 3MB PDF) - Pages: 45
R. A. Everett, Jr., W. T. Matthews, R. Prabhakaran, J. C. Newman, Jr. and M. J. Dubberly, The Effects of Shot and Laser Peening on Fatigue Life and Crack Growth in 2024 Aluminum Alloy and 4340 Steel, NASA/TM-2001-210843, ARL-TR-23 - Pages: 22
Charles E. Harris, James H. Starnes, Jr. and Mark J. Shuart, An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art in the Design and Manufacturing of Large Composite Structures for Aerospace Vehicles, NASA/TM-2001-210844, April 2001, pp. 50, (3.6 - Pages: 48
Dawn C. Jegley and Harold G. Bush, Structural Testing of a Stitched/Resin Film Infused Graphite-Epoxy Wing Box, NASA/TM-2001-210846, April 2001, pp. 121, (11MB PS, 10MB PDF) - Pages: 121
John E. Lamar (Editor), Flow-Visualization Techniques Used at High Speed by Configuration Aerodynamics Wind-Tunnel-Test Team, NASA/TM-2001-210848, April 2001, pp. 32, (1MB PS, 309KB PDF) - Pages: 31
Bong Wie and Carlos M. Roithmayr, Integrated Orbit, Attitude, and Structural Control Systems Design for Space Solar Power Satellites, NASA/TM-2001-210854, June 2001, pp. 137, (2.5MB PS, 2.1MB PDF) - Pages: 134
Richard S. Pappa, John O. Lassiter and Brain P. Ross, Structural Dynamics Experimental Activities in Ultra-Lightweight and Inflatable Space Structures, NASA/TM-2001-210857, May 2001, pp. 23, also appears as AIAA 2001-1263. (5.8MB) - Pages: 22
John H. Beggs, The Linear Bicharacteristic Scheme for Electromagnetics, NASA/TM-2001-210861, May 2001, pp. 19, (685KB PS, 333KB PDF) - Pages: 19
John H. Beggs and W. Roger Briley, An Implicit Characteristic Based Method for Electromagnetics, NASA/TM-2001-210862, May 2001, pp. 29, (981KB PS, 456KB PDF) - Pages: 29
Gregory M. Odegard, Thomas S. Gates, Lee M. Nicholson and Kristopher E. Wise, Equivalent-Continuum Modeling of Nano-Structured Materials, NASA/TM-2001-210863, May 2001, pp. 35, (580KB) - Pages: 34
Cesar Munoz, Ricky W. Butler, Victor A. Carreno and Gilles Dowek, On the Formal Verification of Conflict Detection Algorithms, NASA/TM-2001-210864, May 2001, pp. 57, (3.6MB PS, 643KB PDF) - Pages: 57
A. O. Salas, J. L. Walsh, B. H. Mason, R. P. Weston, J. C. Townsend, J. A. Samareh and L. L. Green, HSCT4.0 Application---Software Requirements Specification, NASA/TM-2001-210867, May 2001, pp. 77, (868KB PS, 542KB PDF) - Pages: 77
Clarence C. Poe, Jr., James R. Reeder and Frank G. Yuan, Fracture Behavior of a Stitched Warp-Knit Carbon Fabric Composite, NASA/TM-2001-210868, May 2001, pp. 112, (2.3MB PS, 1.9MB PDF) - Pages: 111
Kelly J. Hayhurst, Dan S. Veerhusen, John J. Chilenski and Leanna K. Rierson, A Practical Tutorial on Modified Condition/Decision Coverage, NASA/TM-2001-210876, May 2001, pp. 85, (1.1MB PS, 581KB PDF) - Pages: 85
John W. Edwards, David M. Schuster, Charles V. Spain, Donald F. Keller and Robert W. Moses, MAVRIC Flutter Model Transonic Limit Cycle Oscillation Test, NASA/TM-2001-210877, May 2001, pp. 20, (913KB PS, 676KB PDF) - Pages: 20
Lawrence J. Prinzel, III, Alan T. Pope and Frederick G. Freeman, Application of Physiological Self-Regulation and Adaptive Task Allocation Techniques for Controlling Operator Hazardous States of Awareness, NASA/TM-2001-211015, Jun - Pages: 22
Lawrence J. Prinzel, III, Alan T. Pope, Frederick G. Freeman, Mark W. Scerbo and Peter J. Mikulka, Empirical Analysis of EEG and ERPs for Pyschophysiological Adaptive Task Allocation, NASA/TM-2001-211016, June 2001, pp. 60, (543KB - Pages: 60
Danny R. Sprinkle, Clifford J. Obara, Tahani R. Amer, Bradley D. Leighty, Michael T. Carmine, Cecil G. Burkett and Bradley S. Sealey, Langley 16-Ft. Transonic Tunnel Pressure Sensitive Paint System, NASA/TM-2001-211017, June 2001, - Pages: 20
James R. Florance and Jose A. Rivera, Jr., Sidewall Mach Number Distributions for the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel, NASA/TM-2001-211019, June 2001, pp. 78, (2.1MB PS, 1.4MB PDF) - Pages: 78
Edwin L. Fasanella and Marcus D. Billings, Dynamic Finite Element Predictions for Mars Sample Return Cellular Impact Test #4, NASA/TM-2001-211023, ARL-TR-2539, June 2001, pp. 26, (1.9MB PS, 701KB PDF) - Pages: 25
David A. Hinton, Description of Selected Algorithms and Implementation Details of a Concept-Demonstration Aircraft VOrtex Spacing System (AVOSS), NASA/TM-2001-211027, June 2001, pp. 70, (932KB PS, 729KB PDF) - Pages: 69
Alton L. Jones, Jr., Russell J. DeYoung and Hani Elsayid-Ele, Compact Ozone Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) Transmitter Using Solid-State Dye Polymers, NASA/TM-2001-211028, July 2001, pp. 49, (1.3MB PS, 1MB PDF) - Pages: 49
T. Kevin O'Brien, Arun D. Chawan, Kevin DeMarco and Isabelle Paris, Influence of Specimen Preparation and Specimen Size on Composite Transverse Tensile Strength and Scatter, NASA/TM-2001-211030, ARL-TR-2540, July 2001, pp. 86, (18 - Pages: 80
Nettie D. Faulcon, Cryogenic Pressure Calibrator for Wide Temperature Electronically Scanned (ESP) Pressure Modules, NASA/TM-2001-211031, October 2001, pp. 21, (367KB PS, 386KB PDF) - Pages: 21
Truong X. Nguyen, Jay J. Ely and Sandra V. Koppen, Mode-Stirred Method Implementation for HIRF Susceptibility Testing and Results Comparison with Anechoic Method, NASA/TM-2001-211033, July 2001, pp. 21, (2.7MB PS, 2.2MB PDF) - Pages: 20
Kara A. Latorella, Rebecca Pliske, Robert Hutton and Jason Chrenka, Cognitive Task Analysis of Business Jet Pilots' Weather Flying Behaviors: Preliminary Results, NASA/TM-2001-211034, July 2001, pp. 129, (968KB PS, 592KB PDF) - Pages: 129
T. Kevin O'Brien, Arun D. Chawan, Ronald Krueger and Isabelle Paris, Transverse Tension Fatigue Life Characterization Through Flexure Testing of Composite Materials, NASA/TM-2001-211035, ARL-TR-2544, July 2001, pp. 73, (8.8MB PS, - Pages: 72
Douglas T. Wong, Lynda J. Kramer and R. Michael Norman, Two New Aircraft Traffic Surveillance Symbology Concepts: Range Filter and Inboard Field-of-View Symbology, NASA/TM-2001-211037, September 2001, pp. 35, (595KB PS, 327KB PDF) - Pages: 34
Christopher A. Kennedy and Mark H. Carpenter, Additive Runge-Kutta Schemes for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations, NASA/TM-2001-211038, July 2001, pp. 54, (2MB PS, 587KB PDF) - Pages: 54
Lucas G. Horta, Mercedes C. Reaves and David F. Voracek, A Probabilistic Approach to Model Update, NASA/TM-2001-211039, June 2001, pp. 17, (575KB PS, 343KB PDF) - Pages: 17
Gregory M. Odegard, Vasyl M. Harik, Kristopher E. Wise and Thomas S. Gates, Constitutive Modeling of Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composite Systems, NASA/TM-2001-211044, August 2001, pp. 17, (666KB PS, 368KB PDF) - Pages: 17