W. A. Wood and S. Eberhardt, Dual-Code Solution Strategy for Chemically-Reacting Hypersonic Flows, 33rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, AIAA 95-0158, January 1995, (275KB) - Pages: 16
W. A. Wood and S. Eberhardt, Dual-Code Solution Strategy for Chemically-Reacting Hypersonic Flows, 33rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, AIAA 95-0158, January 1995, (275KB) - Pages: 16
G. Kuruvila, S. Ta'asan and M. D. Salas, Airfoil Design and Optimization by the One-Shot Method, 33rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, AIAA Paper 95-0478, January 1995, Short version of paper in AGARD Report 80 - Pages: 15
Charles E. Cockrell, Jr., Lawrence D. Huebner and Dennis B. Finley, Aerodynamic Performance and Flow-Field Characteristics of Two Waverider-Based Hypersonic Cruise Configurations, AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Conference, Reno, Nevada, A - Pages: 12
Lawrence D. Huebner, Anthony M. Mitchell and Ellis J. Boudreaux, Experimental Results on the Feasibility of an Aerospike for Hypersonic Missiles, AIAA 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, AIAA 95-0737, January 9-12, 19 - Pages: 11
Michael L. Nelson, Gretchen L. Gottlich, David J. Bianco, Robert L. Binkley, Yvonne D. Kellogg, Sharon S. Paulson, Chris J. Beaumont, Robert B. Schmunk, Michael J. Kurtz and Alberto Accomazzi, The Widest Practicable Dissemination: The N - Pages: 14
William T. Jones and Jamshid Samareh-Abolhassani, A Grid Generation System for Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization, Proceedings from the 12th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA-95-1689, June 1995, pp. 9 - Pages: 9
D. A. Naik, S. E. Krist, R. L. Campbell, V. N. Vatsa, P. G. Buning and L. M. Gea, Inverse Design of Nacelles Using Multi-Block Navier Stokes Codes, 13th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, California, USA, AIAA 95-1820, Jun - Pages: 10
Peter A. Gnoffo, K. James Weilmuenster, Robert D. Braun and Christopher I. Cruz, Effects of Sonic Line Transition on Aerothermodynamics of the Mars Pathfinder Probe, 13th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA 95-1825 - Pages: 14
Kenneth E. Tatum and Lawrence D. Huebner, Exhaust Gas Modeling Effects on Hypersonic Powered Simulation at Mach 10, AIAA Sixth International Aerospace Planes and Hypersonic Technologies Conference, Chattanooga, TN, AIAA 95-6068, April 3 - Pages: 11
Robert J. Pegg, Charles E. Cockrell, Jr and David E. Hahne, Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Tests of Two Waverider Configuration Models., AIAA 6th International Aerospace Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference, Chattanooga, TN, AIAA 95-60 - Pages: 18
- Pages: 3
Ulf R. Hanebutte, Ronald D. Joslin and Mohammad Zubair, Parallel Spatial Direct Numerical Simulation of Boundary-Layer Flow Transition on IBM SP1, High Performance Computing 95, Phoenix, AZ, April 1995, pp. 1-6, (199KB) - Pages: 6
Thomas H. See, Michael E. Zolensky, Ronald P. Bernhard, Jack L. Warren, Clyde A. Sapp and Claire B. Dardano, LDEF Meteoroid & Debris Special Investigation Group Investigations and Activities at the Johnson Space Center Arlene S. - Pages: 17
James F. Meyers, Technology and Spin-Offs From Doppler Global Velocimetry, 12th International Symposium on the Unification of Analytical Computational and Experimental Solution Methodologies, Worcester, Massachusetts, July 6-8, 1 - Pages: 19
D. Creig Humes and Juliet Pao, Experiences From NASA/Langley's DMSS Project, Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems, Monterey, California, September 15, 1995, pp. 182-189, In proceedings, Volume 1 (34KB) - Pages: 13
F. H. Proctor, E. M. Bracalente, S. D. Harrah, G. F. Switzer and C. L. Britt, Simulation of the 1994 Charlotte Microburst With Look-Ahead Windshear Radar, 27th Conference on Radar Meterology, Vail, Colorado, October 9-13, 1995, (24 - Pages: 4
Ronald D. Joslin, Evolution of Stationary Crossflow Vortices in Boundary Layers on Swept Wings, AIAA Journal, vol. 33, no. 7, July 1995, pp. 1279-1285, (597KB) - Pages: 22
R. D. Joslin, R. A. Nicolaides, G. Erlebacher, M. Y. Hussaini and M. D. Gunzburger, Active Control of Boundary-Layer Instabilities: Use of Sensors and Spectral Controller, AIAA Journal, vol. 33, no. 8, August 1995, pp. 1521-15 - Pages: 10
John C. Otto, Marius Paraschivoiu, Serhat Yesilyurt and Anthony T. Patera, Computer-Simulation Surrogates for Optimization: Application to Trapezoidal Ducts and Axisymmetric Bodies, Forum on CFD for Design and Optimization, ASME Int - Pages: 9
W. H. Prosser, K. E. Jackson, S. Kellas, B. T. Smith, J. McKeon and A. Friedman, Advanced, Waveform Based Acoustic Emission Detection of Matrix Cracking in Composites, Materials Evaluation, vol. 53, no. 9, September 1995, pp. 1052-10 - Pages: 22
Neal T. Frink, Shahyar Pirzadeh and Paresh C. Parikh, An Unstructured-Grid Software System for Solving Complex Aerodynamic Problems, Workshop on Surface Modeling, Grid Generation, and Related Issues in CFD, Cleveland, Ohio, May 9- - Pages: 19
C. Wayne Mastin, Multilevel Elliptic Smoothing of Large Three-Dimensional Grids, Workshop on Surface Modeling, Grid Generation, and Related Issues in CFD Solutions, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, NASA CP 3291, May - Pages: 8
Patricia A. Kerr, Robert E. Smith and Mary-Anne Posenau, GEOmetry LABoratory (GEOLAB): Surface Modeling and Grid Generation Technology and Services, Workshop on Surface Modeling, Grid Generation, and Related Issues in CFD Soluti - Pages: 15
David Russinoff, Specification and Verification of Gate-Level VHDL Models of Synchronous and Asynchronous Circuits, NASA CR-191608, January 1995, (282KB) - Pages: 56
David S. Dawicke, Fracture Testing of 2324-T39 Aluminum Alloy, NASA CR-198177, November 1995, pp. 28, (159KB) - Pages: 27
Zia Rahman, Properties of a Center/Surround Retinex: Part 1. Signal Processing Design, NASA CR-198194, August 1995, pp. 13, The report is missing several figures. - Pages: 13
C. J. Reddy, M. D. Deshpande and D. T. Fralick, Analysis of Elliptically Polarized Cavity Backed Antennas Using a Combined FEM/MoM/GTD Technique, NASA CR-198197, August 1995, pp. 24, (193KB) - Pages: 24
Bart A. Singer and Meelan Choudhari, Multiple Scales Approach to Weakly Nonparallel and Curvature Effects: Details for the Novice, NASA CR-198199, August 1995, pp. 9, (64KB) - Pages: 9
Bart A. Singer, Meelan Choudhari and Fei Li, Weakly Nonparallel and Curvature Effects on Stationary Crossflow Instability: Comparison of Results From Multiple-Scales Analysis and Parabolized Stability Equations, NASA CR-198200, Augu - Pages: 8
M. D. Deshpande and C. J. Reddy, Application of FEM to Estimate Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Material at Microwave Frequency Using Waveguide Measurements, NASA CR-198203, August 1995, pp. 24, (102KB) - Pages: 25
C. J. Reddy and M. D. Deshpande, User's Manual for CBS3DS Version 1.0, NASA CR-198236, October 1995, pp. 39, (224KB) - Pages: 39
E. A. Morelli, F-18 High Alpha Research Vehicle (HARV) Parameter Identification Flight Test Maneuvers for Optimal Input Design Validation and Lateral Control Effectiveness, NASA CR-198248, December 1995, pp. 48, (1.2MB) - Pages: 48
Edward M. Silverman, Space Environmental Effects on Spacecraft: LEO Materials Selection Guide, NASA CR-4661, Part 1, August 1995, pp. 502, (44M) - Pages: 502
Edward M. Silverman, Space Environmental Effects on Spacecraft: LEO Materials Selection Guide, NASA CR-4661, Part 2, August 1995, pp. 411, (34M) - Pages: 411
Alan E. Stockwell, A Verification Procedure for MSC/NASTRAN Finite Element Models, NASA CR-4675, June 1995, pp. 22, (332KB) - Pages: 22
Mandayam K. Srivas and Steven P. Miller, Formal Verification of an Avionics Microprocessor, NASA CR-4682, August 1995, pp. 100, (374KB) - Pages: 108
B. R. Hollis, User's Manual for the One-Dimensional Hypersonic Experimental Aero-Thermodynamic (1DHEAT) Data Reduction Code, NASA CR-4691, August 1995, pp. 72, (532KB) - Pages: 75
Mark S. Chaffin, A Guide to the Use of the Pressure Disk Rotor Model as Implemented in INS3D-UP, NASA CR-4692, September 1995, pp. 24, (159KB) - Pages: 24
M. D. Deshpande and C. J. Reddy, Electromagnetic Scattering From a Rectangular Cavity Recessed in a 3-D Conducting Surface, NASA CR-4697, October 1995, pp. 46, (144KB) - Pages: 47
Denise R. Jones and Steven D. Young, Flight Demonstration of Integrated Airport Surface Automation Concepts, 14th Digital Avionics Systems Conference and Technical Display, Cambridge, Massachusetts, November 5-9, 1995, In Proceedings - Pages: 6
R. D. Braun and I. M. Kroo, Development and Application of the Collaborative Optimization Architecture in a Multidisciplinary Design Environment, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg, Germany, Augus - Pages: 19
W. K. Anderson and Daryl L. Bonhaus, Navier-Stokes Computations and Experimental Comparisons for Multielement Airfoil Configurations, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 32, no. 6, November--December 1995, pp. 1246, (871KB) - Pages: 9
James F. Meyers, Development of Doppler Global Velocimetry as a Flow Diagnostics Tool, Measurement Science & Technology, vol. 6, no. 5, June 1995, pp. 769-783, (9MB) - Pages: 28
Ricky W. Butler and Sally C. Johnson, Techniques for Modeling the Reliability of Fault-Tolerant Systems With the Markov State-Space Approach, NASA RP-1348, September 1995, pp. 130, (560KB) - Pages: 132
P. Minnis, W. L. Smith, Jr., D. P. Garber, J. K. Ayers and D. R. Doelling, Cloud Properties Derived From GOES-7 for Spring 1994 ARM Intensive Observing Period Using Version 1.0.0 of ARM Satellite Data Analysis Program, NASA RP-1366, A - Pages: 61
CERES Science Team, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. Volume I-Overviews (Subsystem 0), NASA RP-1376, Volume I, December 1995, pp. 114, (1.9MB) - Pages: 116
CERES Science Team, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. Volume II-Geolocation, Calibration, and ERBE-Like Analyses (Subsystems 1-3), NASA RP-1376, Volume II, December 1995, pp - Pages: 138
CERES Science Team, Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. Volume IV-Determination of Surface and Atmosphere Fluxes and Temporally and Spatially Averaged Products (Subsystems 5-1 - Pages: 192
A. W. Burner, Zoom Lens Calibration for Wind Tunnel Measurements, Videometrics IV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 22-26, 1995, In SPIE, Volume 2598, p. 19-33. (853KB) - Pages: 15
Enxi Yu, Soyoung Stephen Cha and Alpheus W. Burner, Interferometric Tomographic Measurement of an Instantaneous Flow Field Under Adverse Environments, Optical Technique in Fluid, Thermal, and Combustion Flow, San Diego, California, J - Pages: 13
Robert V. Doggett, Jr., Jose A. Rivera, Jr. and Eric C. Stewart, Flutter Clearance Flight Tests of an OV-10A Airplane Modified For Wake Vortex Flight Experiments, NASA TM-109168, April 1995, pp. 11, (36KB) - Pages: 11
Michael T. Palmer, William H. Rogers, Hayes N. Press, Kara A. Latorella and Terence S. Abbott, A Crew-Centered Flight Deck Design Philosophy for High-Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) Aircraft, NASA TM-109171, January 1995, pp. 53, (163K - Pages: 54
Jeffrey M. Maddalon and Jeff I. Cleveland II, A Study of Workstation Computational Performance for Real-Time Flight Simulation, NASA TM-109184, February 1995, pp. 8, (25KB) - Pages: 8
Robin L. Cravey, Pacita I. Tiemsin, Kerri Bussell and Kenneth L. Dudley, Dielectric Property Measurements in the Electromagnetic Properties Measurement Laboratory, NASA TM-110147, April 1995, pp. 8, (49KB) - Pages: 8
Zachary T. Applin, Pressure Distributions From Subsonic Tests of a NACA 0012 Semispan Wing Model, NASA TM-110148, September 1995, pp. 173, (8MB) - Pages: 174
R. Marshall Smith, Victoria I. Chung and Debbie Martinez, Transport Delays Associated with the NASA Langley Flight Simulation Facility, NASA TM-110150, June 1995, pp. 9, (115KB) - Pages: 9
Willie R. Watson, Michael G. Jones, Sharon E. Tanner and Tony L. Parrott, A Finite Element Propagation Model for Extracting Normal Incidence Impedance in Nonprogressive Acoustic Wave Fields, NASA TM-110160, April 1995, pp. 20, (189K - Pages: 20
E. Bruce Jackson, Manual for a Workstation-Based Generic Flight Simulation Program (LaRCsim) Version 1.4, NASA TM-110164, May 1995, pp. 27, (92KB) - Pages: 27
J. M. Maloney, K. C. Wu and J. C. Robinson, Analytical Comparison of Three Stiffened Panel Concepts, NASA TM-110165, December 1995, pp. 37, (295KM) - Pages: 37
D. Martinez, The Transition of a Real-Time Single-Rotor Helicopter Simulation Program to a Supercomputer, NASA TM-110166, October 1995, pp. 106, You may have a problem viewing the figures in this report. (7MB) - Pages: 106
Paul S. Miner, Defining the IEEE-854 Floating-Point Standard in PVS, NASA TM-110167, June 1995, pp. 24, (81KB) - Pages: 24
Laurence J. Bement and Morry L. Schimmel, A Manual for Pyrotechnic Design, Development and Qualification, NASA TM-110172, June 1995, pp. 75, (6.7MB) - Pages: 76
D. C. Gould, A Conceptual Thermal Design Study of an Electronically Scanned Thinned Array Radiometer, NASA TM-110173, May 1995, pp. 11, (675KB) - Pages: 11
Steve L. Hodge, William E. Zorumski and Willie R. Watson, Solution of the Three-Dimensional Helmholtz Equation With Nonlocal Boundary Conditions, NASA TM-110174, May 1995, pp. 39, (803KB) - Pages: 39
R. C. Blanchard and J. Y. Nicholson, Orbiter Rarefied-Flow Reentry Measurements From the OARE on STS-62, NASA TM-110182, June 1995, pp. 35, Only pages 1-12 of the report are viewable. (7.3MB) - Pages: 34
R. B. Greendyke and P. A. Gnoffo, Convective and Radiative Heating for Vehicle Return From the Moon and Mars, NASA TM-110185, July 1995, pp. 25, (100KB) - Pages: 25
Daniel J. Jobson and Glenn A. Woodell, Properties of a Center/Surround Retinex: Part 2. Surround Design, NASA TM-110188, August 1995, pp. 13, The report is missing several figures. (207KB) - Pages: 13
Victor A. Carreno, Interpretation of IEEE-854 Floating-Point Standard and Definition in the HOL System, NASA TM-110189, September 1995, pp. 41, (118KB) - Pages: 41
C. R. Cockrell and F. B. Beck, Note on Use of Slope Diffraction Coefficients for Aperture Antennas on Finite Ground Planes, NASA TM-110192, August 1995, pp. 14, (58KB) - Pages: 14
Marc O. Hedahl and Richard G. Wilmoth, Comparisons of the Maxwell and CLL Gas/Surface Interaction Models Using DSMC, NASA TM-110205, December 1995, pp. 15, (317KB) - Pages: 15
Ming-Hokng Maa and Michael L. Nelson, Recent Improvements in the NASA Technical Report Server, NASA TM-110209, October 1995, pp. 10, (124KB) - Pages: 10
S. L. Padula and R. K. Kincaid, Aerospace Applications of Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, NASA TM-110210, October 1995, pp. 19, Also presented at the 1995 SIAM Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, October 23-26,1995 (339KB) - Pages: 22
Richard S. Pappa, Michael G. Gilbert and Sharon S. Welch, Simulation of the Photogrammetric Appendage Structural Dynamics Experiment, NASA TM-110221, November 1995, pp. 8, (308KB) - Pages: 9
Jay Casper and Mark H. Carpenter, Computational Considerations for the Simulation of Shock-Induced Sound, NASA TM-110222, December 1995, pp. 20, (370KB) - Pages: 21
D. R. Veazie and T. S. Gates, Physical Aging Effects of the Compressive Linear Viscoelastic Creep of IM7/K3B Composite, TM-110224, December 1995, pp. 33, (507KB) - Pages: 33
Sally C. Johnson and David P. Boerschlein, ASSIST User Manual, NASA TM-4592, August 1995, pp. 101, (338KB) - Pages: 102
G. C. Olsen and R. J. Nowak, Hydrogen Film Cooling With Incident and Swept-Shock Interactions in a Mach 6.4 Nitrogen Free Stream, NASA TM-4603, June 1995, pp. 45, (2MB) - Pages: 48
T. A. Ghee and H. L. Kelley, Exploratory Flow Visualization Investigation of Mast-Mounted Sights in Presence of a Rotor, NASA TM-4634, March 1995, pp. 34, The report may have missing or incomplete figures. (32MB) - Pages: 37
Matthew W. Hooker, Milfred E. Thomas, Stephanie A. Wise and Nina D. Tappan, A Ruggedness Evaluation of Procedures for Damage Threshold Testing Optical Materials, NASA TM-4639, February 1995, pp. 7, (608KB) - Pages: 10
Scott P. Fears, Holly M. Ross and Thomas M. Moul, Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability and Control Characteristics of a Series of Flying Wings With Sweep Angles of 50 Degrees, NASA TM-4640, June 1995, pp. 146, (5.5MB) - Pages: 148
Scott D. Holland, Mach 10 Experimental Database of a Three-Dimensional Scramjet Inlet Flow Field, NASA TM-4648, September 1995, pp. 217, (8.7MB) - Pages: 220
T. M. Moul, S. P. Fears, H. M. Ross and J. V. Foster, Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability and Control Characteristics of a Series of Flying Wings With Sweep Angles of 60 Degrees, NASA TM-4649, August 1995, pp. 156, (1 - Pages: 158
Floyd J. Wilcox, Jr., Separation Characteristics of Generic Stores From Lee Side of an Inclined Flat Plate at Mach 6, NASA TM-4652, May 1995, pp. 44, The report is missing several figures. (565KB) - Pages: 47
Francis A. Cucinotta, John W. Wilson and Lawrence W. Townsend, Abrasion-Ablation Model for Neutron Production in Heavy Ion Reactions, NASA TM-4656, June 1995, pp. 13, (200KB) - Pages: 18
John S. Tripp, David A. Hare and Ping Tcheng, High-Precision Buffer Circuit for Suppression of Regenerative Oscillation, NASA TM-4658, May 1995, pp. 16, (247KB) - Pages: 17
Jeffrey D. Flamm and Floyd J. Wilcox, Jr., Drag Measurements of an Axisymmetric Nacelle Mounted on a Flat Plate at Supersonic Speeds, NASA TM-4660, June 1995, pp. 33, (5.9MB) - Pages: 35
Raymond E. Mineck, Lewis R. Owens, Jr., Richard A. Wahls and Judith A. Hannon, Computer Model To Simulate Testing at the National Transonic Facility, NASA TM-4664, August 1995, pp. 44, (325KB) - Pages: 45
H. M. Ross, S. P. Fears and T. M. Moul, Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability and Control Characteristics of a Series of Flying Wings With Sweep Angles of 70 Degrees, NASA TM-4671, September 1995, pp. 141, (7MB) - Pages: 144
John P. Schneider, John W. Norbury and Francis A. Cucinotta, Parameterized Spectral Distributions for Meson Production in Proton-Proton Collisions, NASA TM-4675, June 1995, pp. 17, The report is missing figures. (104KB) - Pages: 11
K. Elliott Cramer and Hazari I. Syed, TIA Software User's Manual, NASA TM-4687, September 1995, pp. 42, (489KB) - Pages: 44
Chase P. Hearn and Robert T. Neece, Reflectometer Distance Measurement Between Parallel Conductive Plates, NASA TM-4694, November 1995, pp. 20, (319KB) - Pages: 24
Donald M. Oglesby, Chith K. Puram and Billy T. Upchurch, Optimization of Measurements With Pressure Sensitive Paints, NASA TM-4695, June 1995, pp. 6, (143KB) - Pages: 8
Christopher I. Cruz and George M. Ware, Control Effectiveness and Tip-Fin Dihedral Effects for the HL-20 Lifting-Body Configuration at Mach Numbers From 1.6 to 4.5, NASA TM-4697, December 1995, pp. 89, (3.4MB) - Pages: 92
David W. Sleight and John T. Wang, Buckling Analysis of Debonded Sandwich Panel Under Compression, NASA TM-4701, December 1995, pp. 11, (406KB) - Pages: 16
Research and Technology Highlights 1994 - Pages: 248
K. S. Abdol-Hamid, B. Lakshmanan and J. R. Carlson, Application of Navier-Stokes Code PAB3D With kappa-varepsilon Turbulence Model to Attached and Separated Flows, NASA TP-3480, January 1995, pp. 41, (973KB) - Pages: 44
John W. Wilson, Francis F. Badavi, Francis A. Cucinotta, Judy L. Shinn, Gautam D. Badhwar, R. Silberberg, C. H. Tsao, Lawrence W. Townsend and Ram K. Tripathi, HZETRN: Description of a Free-Space Ion and Nucleon Transport and Shieldin - Pages: 117
Daryl L. Bonhaus, W. Kyle Anderson and Dimitri J. Mavriplis, Numerical Study To Assess Sulfur Hexafluoride as a Medium for Testing Multielement Airfoils, NASA TP-3496, June 1995, pp. 28, (1.6MB) - Pages: 31
Saied Emami, Carl A. Trexler, Aaron H. Auslender and John P. Weidner, Experimental Investigation of Inlet-Combustor Isolators for a Dual-Mode Scramjet at a Mach Number of 4, NASA TP-3502, May 1995, pp. 90, (3.9MB) - Pages: 92
G. M. Gatlin and B. E. McGrath, Low-Speed Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics Through Poststall for Twenty-One Novel Planform Shapes, NASA TP-3503, August 1995, pp. 113, (89MB) - Pages: 116
David J. Wing, Afterbody/Nozzle Pressure Distributions of a Twin-Tail Twin-Engine Fighter With Axisymmetric Nozzles at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.2, NASA TP-3509, May 1995, pp. 212, (4.7MB) - Pages: 215
Raymond E. Mineck, Study of Potential Aerodynamic Benefits From Spanwise Blowing at Wingtip, NASA TP-3515, June 1995, pp. 100, This report is an expanded version of a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the - Pages: 38
Timothy J. Collins, W. B. Fichter, Richard R. Adams and Mehzad Javeed, Structural Analysis and Testing of an Erectable Truss for Precision Segmented Reflector Application, NASA TP-3518, July 1995, pp. 39, The report is missing several - Pages: 42
P. G. Maghami, S. P. Kenny and D. P. Giesy, PLATSIM: An Efficient Linear Simulation and Analysis Package for Large-Order Flexible Systems, NASA TP-3519, September 1995, pp. 74, Pages 14, 22, 24, 42, 44, 48, 52, 54, and 70 are intentio - Pages: 76
F. J. Capone, L. S. Bangert, S. C. Asbury, C. T. Mills and E. A. Bare, The NASA Langley 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel---Historical Overview, Facility Description, Calibration, Flow Characteristics, Test Capabilities, NASA TP-3521, Septembe - Pages: 204
R. A. Wahls, J. B. Adcock, D. P. Witkowski and F. L. Wright, A Longitudinal Aerodynamic Data Repeatability Study for a Commercial Transport Model Test in the National Transonic Facility, NASA TP-3522, August 1995, pp. 91, (2.7MB) - Pages: 94
David L. Raney, Michael R. Phillips and Lee H. Person, Jr., Investigation of Piloting Aids for Manual Control of Hypersonic Maneuvers, NASA TP-3525, October 1995, pp. 64, (1.2MB) - Pages: 66
J. E. Jonsson and W. R. Ricks, Cognitive Models of Pilot Categorization and Prioritization of Flight-Deck Information, NASA TP-3528, August 1995, pp. 32, (336KB) - Pages: 34
Scott C. Asbury and Francis J. Capone, Multiaxis Thrust-Vectoring Characteristics of a Model Representative of the F-18 High-Alpha Research Vehicle at Angles of Attack From 0 to 70, NASA TP-3531, December 1995, pp. 174, The paper is m - Pages: 176
J. W. Wilson, R. K. Tripathi, F. A. Cucinotta, J. L. Shinn, F. F. Badavi, S. Y. Chun, J. W. Norbury, C. J. Zeitlin, L. Heilbronn and J. Miller, NUCFRG2: An Evaluation of the Semiempirical Nuclear Fragmentation Database, NASA TP-3533, - Pages: 50
Scott C. Asbury, Mary L. Mason and Milton Lamb, Internal Performance of Highly Integrated Deployable Exhaust Nozzles Applicable to Advanced Short-Takeoff and Vertical-Landing Aircraft, NASA TP-3542, October 1995, pp. 278, (3MB) - Pages: 280
C. J. Reddy, Manohar D. Deshpande, C. R. Cockrell and F. B. Beck, Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis of a Three-Dimensional-Cavity-Backed Aperture in an Infinite Ground Plane Using a Combined Finite Element Method/Method of Moments A - Pages: 24
C. J. Reddy, M. D. Deshpande, C. R. Cockrell and F. B. Beck, Analysis of Three-Dimensional-Cavity-Backed Aperture Antennas Using a Combined Finite Element Method/Method of Moments/Geometrical Theory of Diffraction Technique, NASA TP-3 - Pages: 28
Michael P. Nemeth, Buckling Behavior of Long Anisotropic Plates Subjected to Combined Loads, NASA TP-3568, November 1995, pp. 38, (2.4MB) - Pages: 40
David Popelka, David Lindsay, Tom Parham, Jr., Victor Berry and Donald J. Baker, Results of an Aeroelastic Tailoring Study for a Composite Tiltrotor Wing, American Helicopter Society's 51st Annual Forum and Technology Display, Fort Wo - Pages: 15
Travis L. Turner, Mahendra P. Singh and Chuh Mei, A Spectral Analysis Approach for Acoustic Radiation >From Composite Panels, AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 36th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, New Orleans, Louis - Pages: 10
Theodore F. Johnson and Michael F. Card, Effects of Stiffening and Mechanical Load on Thermal Buckling of Stiffened Cylindrical Shells, AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 36th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, New Orlea - Pages: 9
Robert E. Smith, Malcolm I. G. Bloor, Michael J. Wilson and Almuttil T. Thomas, Rapid Airplane Parametric Input Design (RAPID), 12th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA 95-1687, June 1995, pp. 11, Proc - Pages: 11
Christopher L. Rumsey, Mark D. Sanetrik, Robert T. Biedron, N. Duane Melson and Edward B. Parlette, Efficiency and Accuracy of Time-Accurate Turbulent Navier-Stokes Computations, 13th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego - Pages: 15
K. James Weilmuenster, P. A. Gnoffo, F. A. Greene, C. J. Riley, H. H. Hamilton II and S. J. Alter, Hypersonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Proposed Single-Stage-to-Orbit Vehicle, 13th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, - Pages: 14
Kenneth M. Jones, Robert T. Biedron and Mark Whitlock, Application of a Navier-Stokes Solver to the Analysis of Multielement Airfoils and Wings Using Multizonal Grid Techniques, AIAA 13th Applied Aerodynamics Conference, San Diego, - Pages: 24
William A. Roettker, In-Flight Thermal Performance of the Lidar In-Space Technology Experiment, 30th AIAA Thermophysics Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper 95-2016, June 19-22, 1995, pp. 9, (176KB) - Pages: 9
L. J. Bement and M. L. Schimmel, Augmented Shock Wave Severance of Materials, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, AIAA-95-2047, July 10-12, 1995, (8MB) - Pages: 12
Brian R. Hollis and John N. Perkins, Hypervelocity Aeroheating Measurements in Wake of Mars Mission Entry Vehicle, 26th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA 95-2314, June 19-22, 1995, pp. 12, (1MB) - Pages: 12
Karen E. Fischer and Kenneth E. Rock, Calculated Effects of Nitric Oxide Flow Contamination on Scramjet Performance, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, AIAA 95-2524, July 10-12, 1995, (387KB - Pages: 13
J. F. Federspiel, L. S. Bangert, D. J. Wing and T. Hawkes, Fluidic Control of Nozzle Flow---Some Performance Measurements, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper No. 95-2605, July 10- - Pages: 8
D. L. Cler, A Parametric Investigation of Nozzle Planform and Internal/External Geometry at Transonic Speeds, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, California, AIAA Paper No. 95-2608, July 10-12, 1995, (2. - Pages: 23
John R. Carlson, S. Paul Pao, Khaled S. Abdol-Hamid and William T. Jones, Aerodynamic Performance Predictions of Single and Twin Jet Afterbodies, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA Paper No. 95 - Pages: 11
O.L. Santa Maria, P.T. Soderman, M.G. Jones and W.C. Horne, L.A. Bock, Internal Acoustics Measurements of an Advanced Ducted Propulsor Demonstrator, 31st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, San Diego, CA, AIAA-95-3034, - Pages: 7
Gerald L. Pellett, Lloyd G. Wilson, William M. Humphreys, Jr., Scott M. Bartram, Luther R. Gartrell and K. M. Isaac, Velocity Fields of Axisymmetric Hydrogen-Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames From LDV, PIV, and Numerical Computation - Pages: 24
E. Bruce Jackson, Results of a Flight Simulation Software Methods Survey, AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference, Baltimore, MD, AIAA 95-3414, August 1995, pp. 7, AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference (88KB) - Pages: 8
W. D. Morris, N. H. White, W. T. Davis and Dr. C. E. Ebeling, Defining Support Requirements During Conceptual Design of Reusable Launch Vehicles, 1995 AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, AIAA 95-36 - Pages: 12
Vivek Mukhopadhyay, Interactive Flutter Analysis and Parametric Study for Conceptual Wing Design, 1st AIAA Aircraft Engineering, Technology and Operations Congress, Los Angeles, California, AIAA 95-3943, September 19-21, 1995, (77K - Pages: 11
Carl H. Gerhold, Active Control of Fan-Generated Tone Noise, First Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Munich, Germany, CEAS/AIAA Paper No. 95-029, June 12-15, 1995, (1MB) - Pages: 9
F. Farassat and M. K. Myers, The Kirchhoff Formula for a Supersonically Moving Surface, First Joint CEAS/AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference, Munich, Germany, CEAS/AIAA Paper No. 95-062, June 12-15, 1995, (567KB) - Pages: 6
Ricky W. Butler, James L. Caldwell, Victor A. Carreno, C. Michael Holloway, Paul S. Miner and Ben L. Di Vito, NASA Langley's Research and Technology-Transfer Program in Formal Methods, 10th Annual IEEE Conference on COMPuter - Pages: 15
J. L. Shinn, F. A. Cucinotta, J. W. Wilson, G. D. Badhwar, P. M. O'Neill and F. F. Badavi, Effects of Target Fragmentation on Evaluation of LET Spectra From Space Radiation on Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Environment: Impact on SEU Predict - Pages: 9
Michael L. Nelson and David J. Bianco, Accessing NASA Technology With the World Wide Web, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 10, no. 5, May 1995, pp. 7-13, (65KB) - Pages: 10
Marianne Rudisill, Line Pilots' Attitudes About and Experience With Flight Deck Automation: Results of an International Survey and Proposed Guidelines, (1995) Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, - Pages: 6
Michael T. Palmer, William H. Rogers, Hayes N. Press, Kara A. Latorella and Terence S. Abbott, Summary of a Crew-Centered Flight Deck Design Philosophy for High-Speed Civil Transport (HSCT) Aircraft, Eighth International Symposium o - Pages: 6
Terence S. Abbott, The Evaluation of Two CDU Concepts and Their Effects on FMS Training, Proceeding of the Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, April 1995, (47KB) - Pages: 6
Xian-He Sun and Ronald D. Joslin, A Parallel Prefix Algorithm for Almost Toeplitz Tridiagonal Systems, International Journal of High Speed Computing, vol. 7, no. 4, December 1995, pp. 547-576, (185KB) - Pages: 29
D. G. Stephens and F. W. Cazier, Jr., NASA Noise Reduction Program for Advanced Subsonic Transports, INTER-NOISE 95---The 1995 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Newport Beach, California, July 10-12, 1995, p - Pages: 6
K. P. Shepherd, S. A. Brown, J. D. Leatherwood, D. A. McCurdy and B. M. Sullivan, Human Response to Sonic Booms--Recent NASA Research, INTER-NOISE 95--The 1995 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Newport Beach - Pages: 4
Travis L. Turner and Stephen A. Rizzi, Prediction and Measurement of the Vibration and Acoustic Radiation of Panels Subjected to Acoustic Loading, INTER-NOISE 95 -- The 1995 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, - Pages: 4
Fabio P. Bertolotti and Ronald D. Joslin, Effect of Far-Field Boundary Conditions on Boundary-Layer Transition, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 118, May 1995, pp. 392-395, (112KB) - Pages: 17
Ronald D. Joslin, Ulf R. Hanebutte and Mohammed Zubair, Scalability of Parallel Spatial Direct Numerical Simulations on Intel Hypercube and IBM SP1 and SP2, Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 10, no. 2, June 1995, pp. 233-269 - Pages: 54
Ronald D. Joslin and Chester E. Grosch, Growth Characteristics Downstream of a Shallow Bump: Computation and Experiment, Physics of Fluids, vol. 7, no. 12, December 1995, pp. 3042-3047, (286KB) - Pages: 23
Edwin B. Dean, Parametric Cost Deployment, Proc. 7th Symposium on Quality Function Deployment, Novi, MI, June 1995, pp. 27-34, (25KB) - Pages: 8
W. H. Prosser, Waveform Based Acoustic Emission Detection and Location of Matrix Cracking in Composites, 32nd Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, New Orleans, LA, October 29-November 1, 1995, (69KB) - Pages: 2
Michael G. Gilbert, Sharon S. Welch and Christopher L. Moore, The Photogrammetric Appendage Structural Dynamics Experiment, Small Payloads Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, September 25-28, 1995, (2MB) - Pages: 10
Mark A. Motter and Jose C. Principe, Classification and Prediction of Wind Tunnel Mach Number Responses Using Both Competitive and Gamma Neural Networks, Proceedings of the World Congress of Neural Networks, Volume 2, Washington, D. - Pages: 4